Your missing the point, Im not saying she will get new installments under her belt, but it would pointless for them to exclude her because they might have to change or boot her in the future, i wouldnt mind if they did that at all.
Except you're missing MY point. I never said that she should be excluded solely because they might have to do it in the future.
I'm talking about a hypothetical to where she WAS in Smash 4 for the purpose of replacing Sheik because Sheik is irrelevant, but then becomes irrelevant herself (or at the very least, is old or fat again without any combat skills). By the logic, young Impa could not be used because she is irrelevant. So either Fat or Old Impa gets in for the sake of relevance or Impa gets cut altogether.
Since, you know, Sakurai shouldn't just drag everything from the previous installment because it would be limiting.
Yea she could be held to the same thing we are holding sheik to now, but really as it stands impa already has much more going for her from all the past games as well, but no she is not above being cut later i never said that. Im not saying zelda will magically be better either, but with that change she might have a chance to get some new moves and something to at least make her different which could be for the better.
Impa really doesn't have much going for her other than Skyward Sword, and even then, Impa is far behind Ghirahim in requests for Smash, which is what really matters most for a Newcomer candidate; Relevance means jack.
You see, Sakurai doesn't really give a flying one about making sure every Zelda character is completely relevant. If that were the case, Sheik would not have been in Brawl, and Zelda would be using a rapier and borrowing moves from her time as Ganondorf's puppet instead of using magic
Link used in OoT.
And no, whether she keeps Sheik, has Sheik replaced by Impa, or doesn't transform/switch at all, she has the same exact chance to have a revamped moveset either way. The only difference is that no Sheik or Impa switch means she would have a new Down Special at the very least, but even then, there is no guarantee it'd make her any better. Look what happened to Ganondorf. He got new moves and he's the worst character of Brawl. (Not endorsing Captain Ganon, just making a point that new moves can just as easily break a character as they can make them.)
Tingle has a legitimate hatebase, and since minish cap he has been relegated to easter eggs (essentially kicked out of zelda games), and he has the largest market closed off to him since his games never made it stateside. He has more going against him than for him, and if he did get in it would be more on his merits in his own games then zelda since hes never been nothing more than a recurring nobody anyway. Just because he has spin offs doesnt mean he deserves to be in as a zelda rep, hell even groose in his one appearence has gained what it took tingle years to build up as far as a fanbase goes.
The "hatebase" that you speak of is gross overexaggeration. There is no legitimate way to determine his hatebase unless multiple scientific polls are made.
The one poll on Nintendo's website about Rupeeland being released in the US is not a good example.
While it cannot be denied that Tingle does have notable unpopularity within the US, to claim that his hatebase is "legitimate" while completely ignoring the other end of the spectrum, the fanbase, is also heavily flawed.
Aside from that, his overall fanbase is much larger than his supposed "hatebase" when you also factor in Japan and Europe, since his "hate" pretty much is attributed to America exclusively, and is simply more loud than the fanbase.
As for a "recurring nobody", he has done more than what can be said of Impa, who's "major roles" within the games she's can just be pointed to Skyward Sword. Afterall, you literally can't complete Wind Waker without him.