Hello everyone! I am starting a project where I basically take the best moments of smash WiiU (mainly top level play and yes WiiU only) and compile them into a video every two weeks!
These videos will not feature commentary or over-editing.
It will basically just feature the video itself, the source,(such as twitch.tv/vgbootcamp), the players name, and the name of the person who submitted it.
This is not going to be a top 5 or top 10 list, I just want to feature the outstanding play that has happened within a two-three week period.
Now that we got that out of the way here is the
best way to submit something.
1. Submit from the source
This means if the awesome moment originally happened on a twitch stream(this will usually be the case) please submit the twitch vod, not the twitch vod uploaded to youtube
no matter what getting the video from the original source is best.
2. Submission format.
Name of moment
the link of the vod or video
time that it happened
Player name.
Please help me make this a success! everyone who helps out will be fully credited.
Any clips from the last 4 weeks will be accepted and after the first episode goes up any clips from 3 weeks prior to the newest episodes release will be accepted.
Thank you!