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I'm not afraid of the darkness, I'm afraid of myself.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Link to original post: [drupal=4569]I'm not afraid of the darkness, I'm afraid of myself.[/drupal]

First, I would like to explain that I am serious about everything I say in this post, and I do wish to see mature responses. If I see a response even close to insignificant--I will ignore it. I am writing this OP to reach out to those who can understand what it's like when something in our mind won't let us escape something as much as we would want to. I want to have a broader idea on what I am dealing with, aswell as some others ideas I'm currently pondering over, and what you personally think regarding it.

Secondly, I will bring up a small series of problems that bother me, and I'm curious if you know anyone, or experience these problems yourselves. You also must know that nightmares and night terrors are completely two different things: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_terror

Concept 1: Why this OP was written. Problems that aren't easy to understand, and leading up to Concept 2.

The seriousness in what I'm currently writing started last night. I'm beginning to realise how much my mind is really imprisoning me from being able to do certain things in this reality. My lightbulb blew out yesterday, and I decided to try to brave the darkness that very night to no avail after sleeping for months with the light on after my terrible ring of night terrors messing up my sanity. I was lying on my couch mustering up all of my strength to fight my mind's illusions at 10P.M--even when I know nothing is there; when I don't believe in ghosts/demons/et cetera--the room still closed in on me, I heard a disembodied voice calling my name with muddled depth, I kept seeing these twisted images, I felt like I was going to get grabbed, I kept seeing this black figure in my mind with an alien/raptor like face with very sharp teeth. I then muttered something while feeling my monotory heart beat: ''I'm not afraid of the darkness, I'm afraid of myself''. At that moment I've realised that I am scared of what is lurking inside of me that was given life by my years of bottling things up, years of ignorance, years of frustration, chaos, being severed from hope; while inducing blind disdain, fake personalities, denial of confusion, and trying to hide my real emotions underneath it all.

I've become ignorant to my ignorance beyond any line of false perception. My night terrors had become a constant reminder of how much I really burden--in my life--that I try to ignore. It doesn't matter how much I try to ignore it, it has this strange power over me that isn't fear, or horror. It's a feeling of a thousand burdens. You would ask yourself: ''How can an illusion become a realistic problem?'' I would then ask you: ''How can something like our squishy organ allow us to interact with this world with endless flexibility?''.

Concept 2: Simplicity is mere complexity.

All of the negativity in our lives builds up like dust bunnies in our computer. If we don't clean out the ducts, the computer starts corrupting. Tiny particles can become a monstrocity if left neglected. This is what it feels like, and this is what I think it is in the end. I cannot figure out what else can create such creative destruction the way our minds can.

I have a series of problems that only I can ever fully comprehend through feeling, rather then it's origin. People will either relate to it, or not. Alot of us are forced to deal with things that we are prone to be ignorant of because of how mysterious, and how much this world has for us to discover, and still yet to be undiscovered when our time is up. I like to think of us as trees. We grow in many different forms, we branch out in many different ways, we change according to the seasons, we are underground as a child, and as we age--we start to break through the surface to see the light. Some of us block out the light, some of us are barely noticable, but in the end--we all have come from a seed, and our own seperate journeys. We are all stuck in an non-advancing, perpetual reality to our roots since the very beginning.

I just want to reach out to everyone on the sincerity of this OP, and how serious this really is when it comes to sincerity of these words. There are people out there who are lost, and are plagued with problems that are either not taken seriously, or just can't be understood without time, and dedication with a bit of luck. Our rationality, and morality will never compare to the fear and silent flames people are forced to be imprisoned by. Can you imagine what it's like to not have answers? To not know a complete answer to what causes us our pain? Knowing there is possibly no way to escape it in the end, and be forced to live with it for eternity? Knowing that we are the only ones who can ever possibly fully fathom it because we possess it personally. People can only try to understand and that's it. People can't crawl in our heads. We are all forced to be our own warriors when we're stuck, and don't know what to do. Everything around us is a catalyst that gives us hope, and strength to keep going forward regardless of these mental chains that try to keep us in place. What if we become numb to all of this? Ask yourselves when you see people try to open up about themselves in a ''emo'' way, and we aren't able to take them as seriously as we should--what goes through their heads when people aren't able to relate to their torture they are consumed by; may it be little. Things can flare up if we are ignorant of the problem. If we deem something simple, you quickly realise that sometimes they can end up rising to a situation that can become the worst moment in your life. E.g a kid doesn't cry until he sees the blood oozing out of his cut.

So I ask you to please be mature about this, and respond accordingly. You don't know my life. You can only assume things about me. I am writing this for everyone that can relate to not understanding their problems, and the world they live in. I know my mind is still inconsistent, and I jump to many different things. I do try really hard to keep it together. You can't fix what you don't understand. Fear of not knowing how to resolve a problem has become a major problem that (I personally think) people take too lightly. I think our minds are very complicated, and not knowing how to solve a problem that brings us discomfort will eat away at us like mental vultures. Or like in my night terrors: The death buzzard is all of the negative things that you are oblivious to, and it eats away at your brain. You can ignore the last bit.

Anyways. I hope you like what you've read. If you don't understand something, do not hesitate to ask. If you see anything that is excess, makes no sense, or I didn't give enough detail. Don't hesitate to tell me.

I want to improve.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
I feel the same way sometimes. At night, I close my eyes, but I still see things. I know nothing is in the closet, but it feels that way. My mind is constantly thinks of what could be there. You're right in saying that what we have to fear is ourselves, what we do and don't do, and the way we consequently think. Sometimes it literally feels like what I think is really there.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Indeed. Thankyou for sharing your perspective regarding my OP, I really appreciate it.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
It seems that your night terrors and other problems, as you have said, are caused by pain and situations from your past. I suggest seeing a psychiatrist about the events that have occurred. I'm not saying that you are crazy, or anything like that. (I'm sure you understand what I'm trying to say...)

I often have urges and problems that I don't understand... Often I will have urges to jump off of a high place. Throw my cell phone out the window. These urges, though I don't understand much of them, usually only have to do with myself or my possessions. Various, random urges occur daily, but I never act on them. And I don't know why they are occurring...

But enough about me. Everyone has their own problems, their own "demons" that they have to face. Without confronting them, we can't conquer them. And without conquering them, we can't move past them and live our lives.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
As much as I wouldn't mind professional help (Minus the medicine they would prescribe to me) We don't have the money to go see one. They are really expensive. Couple hundred dollars I think it was. I don't think I am crazy. I even made a lame quote: ''I'm not crazy. You only think I'm crazy.'' It works, but hey, I could make a better quote to fully elaborate how easily it is to call me terms that borderline insanity when I talk about some of my experiences I've had. It's ok, people will always call us weird things when they don't fully comprehend the features that are presented. People who weren't gifted with beauty are called ''ugly''. People who are very emotional are called ''emos''. People who are against homesexuality to a high level called them ''****''. Then there is the people who can't relate to my weird ideas, and mental problems to call me ''crazy''. It's very easy to give something a name when you don't understand it really. IMO

I've always questioned these urges we have, and why we have them. As morbid as it may sound, I've actually envisioned myself killing people a couple times. Never would I harm a human being in reality. But hey, this is why I respect any fetish, no matter how crazy it is. If it's in your head, I won't worry about it.

I personally like to believe that we humans have a dark side that feeds off our negativity over time. It is never satisfied, and will continue to get stronger unless you put a stop to it. Sometimes though, (I personally think this) this beast inside of us goes out of control, and no amount of strength, or courage will ever stop it in it's tracks. Which is why we have murderers. Rapists. Other crazy people. Mental problems being an exception of course.

Thankyou for your response CA5H.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
As much as I wouldn't mind professional help (Minus the medicine they would prescribe to me) We don't have the money to go see one. They are really expensive. Couple hundred dollars I think it was. I don't think I am crazy. I even made a lame quote: ''I'm not crazy. You only think I'm crazy.'' It works, but hey, I could make a better quote to fully elaborate how easily it is to call me terms that borderline insanity when I talk about some of my experiences I've had. It's ok, people will always call us weird things when they don't fully comprehend the features that are presented. People who weren't gifted with beauty are called ''ugly''. People who are very emotional are called ''emos''. People who are against homesexuality to a high level called them ''****''. Then there is the people who can't relate to my weird ideas, and mental problems to call me ''crazy''. It's very easy to give something a name when you don't understand it really. IMO

I've always questioned these urges we have, and why we have them. As morbid as it may sound, I've actually envisioned myself killing people a couple times. Never would I harm a human being in reality. But hey, this is why I respect any fetish, no matter how crazy it is. If it's in your head, I won't worry about it.

I personally like to believe that we humans have a dark side that feeds off our negativity over time. It is never satisfied, and will continue to get stronger unless you put a stop to it. Sometimes though, (I personally think this) this beast inside of us goes out of control, and no amount of strength, or courage will ever stop it in it's tracks. Which is why we have murderers. Rapists. Other crazy people. Mental problems being an exception of course.

Thankyou for your response CA5H.
Please, call me Cash (supposed to be spelled CA$H.) I understand what you're saying completely. Sometimes I find myself just looking at people and hating them. I don't know why I act like this, or how I can stop (if I can).
Jul 13, 2009
I partially know what you're talking about when you mention that your mind imprisons you.
Obviously enough, this isn't unique to me, but what my mind does when I have a bad experience somewhere is very harrowing.

For example, I just moved into a new school. The sheer shock and stress that hit me sent me into a state of physical nausea, and induced this fear of the new school into me. The things I did, or people I associated with in those first few days of stress, are now hardwired in my brain to recreate the stress I had on the first day, which was this mind-bending stress that I had never experienced before.

Basically, I look upon my friends that I hung out with on that first day, I now associate them with severe stress and I begin to feel stress whenever I'm around them. It's an absolutely horrible affliction that I wish I could shake, and all I have to do now is hope that I can shake such a thing.
People tell me that this "new environment/school" stress will fade, and I am eagerly awaiting the day when that stress does fade, because it's corrupting my image of certain people or things I do.

I assume now that this is my teenage mind at work, and again, dearly hope that it will fade. If it doesn't, it will wreck part of me, and obviously I don't want that. Granted, I could transfer back to my previous school, and that is always a comforting factor for me.

But nonetheless, it is my mind imprisoning me, telling me that my friends cause severe stress that doesn't even relate fully to social stress. I hate it, absolutely hate it. I don't want to associate a friend with nauseating stress, do I now?

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
You are a very interesting person on these boards, Baklava. Do you know that? The personality you have is very inconspicuous, thus you are quite the mysterious figure. I personally think this of course.

In response to what you wrote: I liked the stress context, and your personal experiences you've used to relate to my OP. I personally think we are somehow getting mixed up with our predetermined mechanisms--that our brain produced to allow us to interact, and learn the way we do--with our reality we have now.

Just an idea though. What do you think the reason is for our mind to imprison us in these weird psychological chains?
Jul 13, 2009
You are a very interesting person on these boards, Baklava.
Don't refer to me as Baklava, that is only for my servants.
Actually if that's true, everyone should call me Baklava.

Just an idea though. What do you think the reason is for our mind to imprison us in these weird psychological chains?
Although I frequently separate my mind from myself, it's logically incorrect. Everything that occurs in my mind is under my control, yet it does seem that I can't control it.
I have no simple answer for your question, as I won't get my point across without rambling on and on about theoretical garbage.

We're imprisoning ourselves, technically. It's really emo and terrible of us, but it happens.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Ideas that are significant/insignificant fallacious/or completely logical are ideas that serve as a collective database for understanding; which can either:

Spark other completely random ideas.


Lead to a broader idea.

Which means..

Regardless of how insignificant a theory may be, in the end--it can serve a purpose. I don't believe in personal insignificance, really.

So.. It would be very nice to see what you think personally about why these urges occur. ^^


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
A little while ago, i went out to the central Australian desert with my mother, who was doing anthropological studies. We were out there for a year and a half, and in that time, i became severely depressed. It all started when i saw a movie, telling me that in some such a time, the universe would expand so much molecules would split apart and we would cease to be. Now that was enough to set me crying for a few days. But what really happened was it got me thinking on the subject of infinity. The main thought that invaded my mind was about the concept of forever. Never stopping. Never ending. In some religious faiths they tell you that heaven/hell lies beyond. Would you truly want to be stuck there forever? Even if, as some say, you were to just be nothing, then there would be nothing, forever. Forever, forever, forever... These thoughts constantly nagged at me.

These thoughts would make me sick to my stomach. Of course for a 9 year old child, it was something i wasn't ready to comprehend. I'm not sure if anyone can comprehend it. My mother would try to help me, and although i don't know how i got out of it, one of the things she said always helps me: "You may not think it now, but i had these problems too, and i suppose i just came to accept it".

So i suppose that's what happened to me. Sometimes i still think about forever, but even in depth, it doesn't scare me nearly as much as it did. I wonder whether the acceptance of it stops it from getting to me, the facing of it. I don't know, but i'm glad i went through that process, it's made me a much stronger person emotionally.

Sorry if it sounds like i'm rambling, i just thought i'd put in my two cents. ^^

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
I think I understand where you are coming from. That is not rambling, and I'm glad you shared something. ^^


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
We aren't forever. No one knows what's beyond the coffin, and the entire angels, lights, and singing thing is just a bull**** publicity stunt. Luco, your mom was right. We are going to die, but no one is sure where we'll go after.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
I saw Frotaz say something in one of my blogs, and I do really enjoy Frotaz' opinions on things, but it turns out Frotaz never really said anything about my blog.



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
The mind is an amazing thing. I wonder whether the conept of the world we live in is in part created by ourselves... For instance, if one were to believe that the world was flat, then they would go about their lives as if that were the case. So maybe in creating our own world, we create our own problems... Another example is how, if you put your mind to it, you can do amazing things, like walking over coals, or surviving being lost in a mountainous terrain... Hmm, i dunno, just been thinking about it and thought i'd share it to see what you thought.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
I personally thought what you've said was interesting. It indirectly reflects on how much a person's mind can really do for such an inconspicuous character that it plays.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
It was a really good idea to make this thread. I always knew there were other people out there with similar problems to me, but it always helps to hear their stories.

But at the same time I find this thread to be intoxicating in a bad way. This is the only kind of place where I could ever feel a true sense of "belonging" or "fitting in", but then I feel like we're unintentionally glorifying different people such as ourselves. It's a stupid feeling, but I feel like whenever something gives attention to people like me, I feel like I'm going to fall in love with the idea of being different and extreme, and become self-absorbed.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
After reading this thread, this seems interesting. While I don't do the kicking and the screaming that apparently Wikipedia has as some of it's syptoms, I DO sometimes get afraid of something being in my room except I'm an atheist so I remind myself that the possibility of some entity being in MY room is ******** and all those people who have seen such have probably either imagined it or some natural phenomenon happened (no offense). Like literally why a dead person would ever want to still stay after life to stalk me while I sleep is weird as hell, but for some reason the thought is always there. I still manage to go to sleep though and I only have to remind myself nothing is there to be able to get over it.

Ive also experienced waking up at night with a REALLY fast heartbeat, but I think that that wa due to the fact that I was so excited for the next day that I sorta just felt really excited at night or something.

While I don't fully understand what you go through, I do understand you to some extent


Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
@ Dre.

I'm glad you found something to relate to regarding this thread, but it's upon your choice to reflect off of it in both a positive, and a negative way. Nobody is stopping you for feeling what you feel. In my personal opinion, I believe that this could be a significant eye-opener to what our mind is really capable of when it comes to it's illusions becoming very realistic to the point we can't escape from it.

@ Fuel

I don't believe in anything but what I believe in. Which is so far nothing but the deeper possibilities of our mind, subconscious, and unconscious. Psychology, and philosophy. Not god, aliens, ghosts, otherwordly monsters, vampires, werewolves, bigfoot, definately not conspiracy theories (shivers), etc. I try to believe in these things but there is just no evidence at all. It's all rhetorical hogwash, and hoaxes that try to keep it alive. What I believe in is just as unseen as what I don't believe in, but whatever I believe in, I know it's the real key to human salvation. Call it blind ambition if you will, I call it making something out of darkness.

Anyways.. Sorry about that. You really don't have to read all that ^

Waking up with a fast heartbeat probably signifies you just had a nightmare and just dont' remember what it was about :p. I respect any kind of fear, I don't care how stupid it may sound to some people. A fear is a fear. I am glad you are still able to get some sleep regardless of your own experiences. Lucky you. I am guessing I let something inside me roam for too long and it became too big for me to handle.

I'm not entirely sure though.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Waking up with a fast heartbeat probably signifies you just had a nightmare and just dont' remember what it was about :p.
Wait a minute, this is actually possible? I can understand barely remembering the nice dreams, but I didn't think that a nightmare would be impossible to forget seeing as it's a nightmare :/

And eh, I don't know but usually when I do end up waking up due to a fast heartbeat it's often because something good has happened during the last day or something so it could be happiness lol

And I'm not saying that I won't disrespect a person for his fears (even if it's for something I think is stupid like being afraid of a duck >_>), but thinking how stupid the thing actually is actually helps me cope with whatever I happen to be thinking about at the time

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Yea. :p

I'm pretty sure it's a coincidence. ^^

Oh no, I was just saying that on a completely different note. Because a dead man walking isn't as scary as a black shadow thing with a raptor/alien like face wanting to grab you, and super distubring images of blood, and disgusting stuff popping in your mind IMO. It's still your fear, and everyone's fear should be respected.

Unless you think they are using the fear for an excuse to do something, then scold them all you want. XD


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
The most interesting experience for me was one night when I felt this sense of impending doom, and I woke up praying the Our Father. I never pray the Our Father, or any religous prayers for that matter, but the what was even weirder was that I didn't choose to pray, when I woke up I was already in the middle of praying, as if I was doing it in my sleep. Of course I had the fast heartbeat and all that jazz.



Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
Whenever I feel something like that, I turn on all the lights and watch TV. Of course, I always end up doing something dumb like accidentally flipping to SyFy or a channel like that and scaring the **** out of myself once again.


Smash Champion
Jul 22, 2009
West St. Paul, MN
I sometimes feel like something is watching me while my back is turned... I often don't turn around in sheer fear. I don't know why it happens. It's probably just our imagination.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
I think the fear of being watched is our subconscious way of saying we deeply regret, or have remorse for one of our past actions.

Just a thought.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
I agree. I do have past actions I regret, and they haunt me. But none of the things I see are related to what I did.

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
Have you ever experienced an ''Aha!'' moment?

Our subconscious does alot of processing underneath our conscious mind, and that is why we remember things days after the day we were trying to remember something.

Could be possibly why it has nothing to do with anything you've done or haven't done recently.

Just like a cold, it can hit us weeks after the day we initially contracted it.

You've seen how old people are still haunted by their childhood years. Right?

So it could even be something that happened years before..


I have no friends, Im dead inside
Aug 8, 2011
one time i got to bed then i heard a hit on the hall nobody was outside i check then heard the sound again and i got so sacred man

Alien Vision

Smash Ace
Apr 25, 2011
I've came to the conclusion that alot of people probably could've had a better chance in making out alive when they've faced things like people with guns, and knives who broke into their homes.

:In Heaven: ''What stopped you from suviving?''

''Oh, just my fear of course. You know.. The normal heart beating 3x as fast, legs locking up, can't move, making it alot easier for the people who broke in my house to murder me kind of fear.''

If we could control our fear, we would be alot more stronger.

Sometimes, our fear takes a form we cannot recognise, and this is why I am unable to stop my mental problems from eating away at me unless I fully comprehend what I am dealing with.


I have no friends, Im dead inside
Aug 8, 2011
I've came to the conclusion that alot of people probably could've had a better chance in making out alive when they've faced things like people with guns, and knives who broke into their homes.

:In Heaven: ''What stopped you from suviving?''

''Oh, just my fear of course. You know.. The normal heart beating 3x as fast, legs locking up, can't move, making it alot easier for the people who broke in my house to murder me kind of fear.''

If we could control our fear, we would be alot more stronger.

Sometimes, our fear takes a form we cannot recognise, and this is why I am unable to stop my mental problems from eating away at me unless I fully comprehend what I am dealing with.
u know i fell like man that so scary man 3 people break in house got guns and murder u thanks for telling me that

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
Sounds like our original poster has a tendency to be melodramatic over the internet.
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