I also have had similar problems, with an sense of imminent demise that you just can't escape. Its not death itself that I fear, its the feeling that it comes without warning, that nothing you do could counteract the events that are about to occur.
On another note, I've always had these visions of seeing dying, starting at the age of 6 I had always seen images of my mother, just lying there dead in a pool of blood. As I've grown these all have continued for almost everyone I see I could be having a normal conversation with someone I hardly know, and another vision could pop into my head of them just being murdered, or dying in some way. I don't understand why this happens, why do I see this happening to my best friends, teachers and loved ones? I've never felt the impulse to act upon any of these events, and I don't feel as if I'm mentally unstable by any means. I've always been strongly in control of my actions, but the same feeling of control isn't there in my mind itself