Link to original post: I'm not a girl
It's true, you guys. I'm sorry for lying to you all after more than a year. I've had to do something thinking about who I am.
After I became an adult, my life changed for the worse. I just was confused about a lot of things. It's amazing what human beings will think about when they feel alone or ARE alone.
1 Corinthians 13:11 states "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
I'm not a girl, I am a woman, and I need to start thinking and acting like one. Becoming an adult doesn't mean freedom, but even more responsibility. I need to consider a family and bills and other grown-uppy thingies.
There will be a time when you must to put aside your childish desires to grow. It WILL be difficult, but sacrifices will always have to be made to make it through, or you will just suffer in vain. Never look for the easy way out nor do enough to get by. It takes going above and beyond to accomplish anything in this arduous road we call "life"
Children, enjoy your fire of youth while it is still aflame, for adulthood will hit you right in the gut like a full-fledged Ike F-smash.
It's true, you guys. I'm sorry for lying to you all after more than a year. I've had to do something thinking about who I am.
After I became an adult, my life changed for the worse. I just was confused about a lot of things. It's amazing what human beings will think about when they feel alone or ARE alone.
1 Corinthians 13:11 states "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
I'm not a girl, I am a woman, and I need to start thinking and acting like one. Becoming an adult doesn't mean freedom, but even more responsibility. I need to consider a family and bills and other grown-uppy thingies.
There will be a time when you must to put aside your childish desires to grow. It WILL be difficult, but sacrifices will always have to be made to make it through, or you will just suffer in vain. Never look for the easy way out nor do enough to get by. It takes going above and beyond to accomplish anything in this arduous road we call "life"
Children, enjoy your fire of youth while it is still aflame, for adulthood will hit you right in the gut like a full-fledged Ike F-smash.