I hope that by "item users", you mean noobs that use items, and not people who use diddy or snake. If you mean the later, you are a big noob.You know, I'm getting a little disappointed with wi-fi now-a-days. One of the things that really bugs me: Spammers on there.Seriously, about 9/10 matches I play on wi-fi with everyone has noobs who spam.PK fire spamming Lucas?Yep.B attack spamming MKs?Check.Angel Ring spamming Pits?But of course.I cannot stand their lack of strategies and use of spam, it makes me tired of going against people.Then there's item users.Oh god, they use items just to get cheap little K.O.s they cannot achieve by themselves.It pains me to participate in those matches.And finally, lag.About 9.5/10 matches I participate in has uber lag, and cause me to mess up utterly, adding MORE deaths to my list. Brawling with friends is fine for me, minus the lag, but I can at least stay with that.
I apologize for my rant people ._. but seriously...
I flip flop when it comes to Brawl's wifi. Some months I love it; others I despise it. You need to play wifi carefully and think ahead. You can't just mindlessly attack. The same holds true for regular Brawl, so in that sense it teaches you the proper elements to incorporate into your game : foresight and caution. It also teaches you match-ups. Unfortunately, besides match-up experience, there isn't much else that carries over from wifi to regular Brawl in my opinion (at least my opinion this month). Button input lag is a double-edged sword. On one side it teaches you to play smarter, and on the other it ingrains bad habits and approaches into your head that don't work outside the realm of wifi. Also, any REAL wifi competition is tarnished by disproportionate player lag. I've heard many cases of people proving that input lag is different for different players. If the game lagged equally for everyone I would have much less problems with it. It worries me that the initial MLG rankings for 2010 are going to be decided by Wifi matches 0.o Regardless of how I feel about wifi, I play it only on occasion. A little wifi doesn't hurt. Too much wifi = fail.
Most of you're post sounds like big johns to me. No offense

Seriously though, why does Nintendo have to be so F**king cheap? Mario Cart Wii has great wifi. It baffles my mind why Brawl does not.