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Ike Alternative Edge Game


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Baltimore, MD
In many cases, players that like to hang on the edge like to stall the match cause they believe that Ike does not have a good edge game. But in actuality, Ike has a few key moves that are good for players that hang on the edge and characters that have a flaky recovery.

One move that I dont see too many Ike characters use to edge kill is Utilt. Thats right, I said it, Utilt. The hit box on Utilt stretches from a little bit under Ike's feet to above his head. Its kinda hard to time, but once it is mastered, it is a surprising and devastating move on the edge. At low percentages, it often sets up a Dair of the edge. Its a great tactic.

Another move that has a similar effect of Utilt is Usmash. Usmash has a crazy hit box. For characters that over shoot the edge, if timed correctly, a reverse Usmash will hit them right in the head as they come up for the recovery. For characters that recover under the stage more often, the hit box on Usmash allows you to sometimes hit the character below the stage. To do this, start charging an Usmash as soon as they start to recover. As the character comes up to the edge, just release the attack. This will take a lot of practice, but once it is mastered, it is a great edge guard.

The Eruption is a good edge hog attack because it has a well rounded hit box. But the problem is, in most cases, you will not hit a recovering opponent with it if their recovery keeps them from coming above the edge. So, how do you make the Eruption a better edge guard attack? Its simple. Because the hit box is further out in front of Ike rather than the back, RAR+Jump+Neutral B is an amazing edge guard attack. This is very hard to do because of the post lag on the attack, but it is an outstanding tactic because of the SAF (super armor frames) on the attack and the hit box range in front of the attack.

Lastly, my most favorite unrecognized edge attacks is RAR+Fair. This is great for characters that float and/or recover below the stage. Because Fair has about a 108 degree hit box on it, you can use this to knock characters into the side and/or under the stage. What you do is do a RAR maneuver, FF for about .2 seconds, use your second jump while doing a Fair. This is the most risky out of the four edge guard tactics I have said but it is the most shocking of them all. If this lands, it does not matter what percentage they are at, they will hit the side of the stage and fall to their death. The best stages to do this maneuver is Battlefield, Coneria, and Yoshi's Island.

Try these tactics out. See how you like them.

Boon :o

Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2008
Hmm, pretty good ideas, esp with the u-tilt, never heard of that before. Except most of the time I usually do hit people with eruption if they're a little below the stage, so I tend to use it to edgegaurd most people. Although for the usmash and RAR fair, I rather just edgehog and do a ledgehoppped dair to spike them down, or set up for a d-tilt spike, since you're saying that the people are under the stage. If people tend to recover above the stage, I would just do a regular FAir them.

But I would like to try out and see how people react to the RAR+Fair technique at some time.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
Uh, RAR fair is just running, pivoting, jumping backwards and hitting your C stick in the direction you pivoted, it's a retreating fair with a running startup. It's a good tactic but you have to be careful since the angle you want to do it in is kind of at a low height in relation to the ledge, but fastfalling an fair at that height is good as an SD. Practice it though, it's helpful and stage spikes are always pro looking.

Utilt in range of the ledge, I'd rather just fair them while im still on the stage or something, it's too easy to get ledge attacked or ledgehopped before their invincibility wears off at that close of a range, if you're going to be that close to the ledge you're better off short hopping a Dair directly.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Uh, RAR fair is just running, pivoting, jumping backwards and hitting your C stick in the direction you pivoted, it's a retreating fair with a running startup. It's a good tactic but you have to be careful since the angle you want to do it in is kind of at a low height in relation to the ledge, but fastfalling an fair at that height is good as an SD. Practice it though, it's helpful and stage spikes are always pro looking.

Utilt in range of the ledge, I'd rather just fair them while im still on the stage or something, it's too easy to get ledge attacked or ledgehopped before their invincibility wears off at that close of a range, if you're going to be that close to the ledge you're better off short hopping a Dair directly.
That makes a lot of since. To be honest, most of these tactics are pro tactics that look cool. They are still very useful though. But yeah SH Dair sounds more safe. Its just that when u hit the Utilt, it leaves them in a upward juggle position, which is perfect for Uair KO's. Sometimes, if you wait a lil longer to do Dair off of a SH by a ledge, you end up SD'n cause it turns into a FF meteor smash Dair and we all know how it feels when u SD with Ike...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Baltimore, MD
Rykoshet, is that grab and jump release to Uair a guarantee? I saw u do it on Wario in your Directional Input video.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
In my opinion, Dash Attack should be up there as well. It is perfect against people who like to edgehop attacks, especially against Falcos; its range is so long that they'll pop up to shoot some lasers only to be hit by Ike's lunge.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Baltimore, MD
True. Also, because I dont have any video recording equipment yet, I was wondering could anybody try these tactics yourself and put a video up? Or give me some feedback on if it works on more people? I only have two test dummies (my friends). One is a toon link and Marth main, the other is a DK and Samus main. The only championship caliber characters I face on an everyday basis is Marth and Toon Link. I need you guys to test these tactics on Metaknight, Falco, Snake, etc. Mainly the characters that Ike has problems against. If we as a community can overcome Ike's shortcomings, we can cause Ike to be viewed as at least "somewhat" of a championship caliber character or at least High-Mid Tier.

Check my other threads out to. They may help a little.

Mega Bait Tactic: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=178314

Ike: Championship Calibur Character or Noob Buster?: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=177150


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Ridgewood,Queens NYC
Uh, RAR fair is just running, pivoting, jumping backwards and hitting your C stick in the direction you pivoted, it's a retreating fair with a running startup. It's a good tactic but you have to be careful since the angle you want to do it in is kind of at a low height in relation to the ledge, but fastfalling an fair at that height is good as an SD. Practice it though, it's helpful and stage spikes are always pro looking.
Interesting info. Looks like something worth putting into my game.

Grab release into up tilt or up smash is a guaranteed KO on wario, yes.
So is this effective on most other characters as well? Is there a way for the opponent to get around this?

Up tilt seems a little hard to believe... but I will try those tactics. :D
What's so hard to believe. In fact, the night Brawl cameout in the US, I used to catch the CPU with it most times, but now it's not worth as much considering all the other options available


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
The only problem I see now with the UTilt tactic is that a lot of players like to use it, so it will be weakened and not kill as early. Unused though, the % that it will kill opponents at without DI is only a little more than USmash; since opponents will probably be DI'ing up, they'll be likely to be caught with this if UTilt is fresh.


Smash Ace
Mar 29, 2008
illinois peoria area
ive heard that ppl use a b-air off the stage to get stage spike instead of f-air altho it has a smaller hit box its easier to set up u just run off the stage and b-air then instantly do the second jump but its easy to kill urself if u screw up
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