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If this thread gets over 100,000 replies...

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Jude Law

Smash Rookie
Oct 29, 2006
Limey scum.
I'm going to post my DH application. Warning! This contains explicit censored language.

The world we live in today is a troubled one. There is starvation killing children in Africa. There is AIDS killing children in Africa, or as Microsoft Word Grammar and Spell Checker would say, there is an AIDS killing children in Africa. There are Africans killing children in Africa. It is a poor thing that these children will never experience the joys of life as we know them, but rather they will experience the joys of hitting rocks together and masturbating with their abnormally small *****es. But who gives a **** about a bunch of ******s? Not I! The real problem here, first and foremost, is the Jews.

But what’s wrong with the Jews, you may ask. Why must we banish them to the fires of Hell? Well, it’s simple, really. Jews take everyone’s money. Have you ever met a poor Jew? No, you haven’t. If you think you have, it was probably just some person without the courage to kill themselves hoping they could get a sensible person to stone them to death. No, no. The real Jews are richer than you would ever believe, with their money hidden away in hidden jewvaults. Never heard of a jewvault? It’s because I’m one of the very left alive to tell of them. This leads me to my second point.

Jews are vicious creatures. Cunning creatures, albeit, but vicious none the less. Have you ever seen a Jew with a shaved head? No, you haven’t. This is because the Jews use hair to hide the horns protruding from their skulls. They wear false teeth to hide the slimy, lichen covered points that inhabit their fowl mouths. This may be hard to believe, but not only are Jews masters of swindling, but they are masters of deception, too. Those witch hunters in the fifteenth century were after the wrong guys. ‘Witchcraft’ is the core of a Jew’s arsenal. You aren’t the only one who got fooled by the Jews, friend.

Now, there are some dissenters to this stance, the right and proper stance. These Jew sympathizers are either the unfortunate, who have fallen victim to the mind bending, mind controlling powers of the Jews, or the greedy, who are being paid with Jewbies, a special gem of chaos harvested by the filthy Jew rats. The latter of the two described will suffer the same fate as all Jews, not burning for eternity, as Jews are made of hell’s fire, but working as a leather clad dwarf in Matt’s secret sex dwarf palace.

If you are not convinced of the evil of the Jews, the evil I have showed you so clearly, then you are already lost. Hopefully, you have been awakened, awakened to the dire truth of the world we live in. When you kill a Jew, and you will kill a Jew, if you are any sort respectable, god-fearing man, remember that as his piercing cries ring out his body will melt away in to ash and there will be no proof for the Jew loving authorities to convict you with.

Yes, it's a joke. I did apply to the DH with it, though. Can I be evil now?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2006
Lund, Sweden
Highackoramophobia [hee-gack-oh-ray-moh-foe-bee-ya] A person that find highackoramoes scary

Next word: Highackoramo (lol...)


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
Well, you also seem to have a drive-through.
We disproved the Drive Through theory a long, long time ago.

And wtf, are there 2 votes on me? When did that happen?
Because you gave no evidence for continuing to hold your vote on him even though everyone else stopped.

I'm keeping my vote on you. The Drive through thing was proven illogical a while ago. Have you not been reading the thread?


Smash Cadet
Feb 7, 2006
Burnaby, BC
>_> Seeing as there's only 1 more person left, wouldn't it be alright to test lynch a random suspicious person? (Sorry if this sounds scummish, but I'm bored out of my skull.)

The Burrito of Time

Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
San Diego
I once killed a Jew:) . But then I realized that I made the world a better place:( .

And blowing something up is just to easy for my taste. I would prefer a slaughter.


Space Jump
May 7, 2006
I'm just going to do this in colors.
I keep the blue prints for taking over the world under my rotting corpse pile. Nobody would look there.
I would since I hide mine inside living bodies killing the person when I need them back.
What's the use of having dead bodies if you can't have sex with the intestines?
That is unrealistic because the person would just turn themselves in to the good guys. But I guess I would expect that from a weak person such as yourself. I can't even stand to be around living things let alone being around them long enough to surgically put blue prints just so I can kill them later to get it.

EDIT: You CAN have sex with intenstines.
I'm weak? You can't even comprehend the genious of that. The person doesn't even know its in them. Choose a random person that has no connection to you or the "good guys" and the plans will never be discovered.
Multiple victims.

And if the person got a certain distance away the plans would dissolve in the person and act as poison to kill them for their blasphemy.
I'm going to post my DH application. Warning! This contains explicit censored language.

The world we live in today is a troubled one. There is starvation killing children in Africa. There is AIDS killing children in Africa, or as Microsoft Word Grammar and Spell Checker would say, there is an AIDS killing children in Africa. There are Africans killing children in Africa. It is a poor thing that these children will never experience the joys of life as we know them, but rather they will experience the joys of hitting rocks together and masturbating with their abnormally small *****es. But who gives a **** about a bunch of ******s? Not I! The real problem here, first and foremost, is the Jews.

But what’s wrong with the Jews, you may ask. Why must we banish them to the fires of Hell? Well, it’s simple, really. Jews take everyone’s money. Have you ever met a poor Jew? No, you haven’t. If you think you have, it was probably just some person without the courage to kill themselves hoping they could get a sensible person to stone them to death. No, no. The real Jews are richer than you would ever believe, with their money hidden away in hidden jewvaults. Never heard of a jewvault? It’s because I’m one of the very left alive to tell of them. This leads me to my second point.

Jews are vicious creatures. Cunning creatures, albeit, but vicious none the less. Have you ever seen a Jew with a shaved head? No, you haven’t. This is because the Jews use hair to hide the horns protruding from their skulls. They wear false teeth to hide the slimy, lichen covered points that inhabit their fowl mouths. This may be hard to believe, but not only are Jews masters of swindling, but they are masters of deception, too. Those witch hunters in the fifteenth century were after the wrong guys. ‘Witchcraft’ is the core of a Jew’s arsenal. You aren’t the only one who got fooled by the Jews, friend.

Now, there are some dissenters to this stance, the right and proper stance. These Jew sympathizers are either the unfortunate, who have fallen victim to the mind bending, mind controlling powers of the Jews, or the greedy, who are being paid with Jewbies, a special gem of chaos harvested by the filthy Jew rats. The latter of the two described will suffer the same fate as all Jews, not burning for eternity, as Jews are made of hell’s fire, but working as a leather clad dwarf in Matt’s secret sex dwarf palace.

If you are not convinced of the evil of the Jews, the evil I have showed you so clearly, then you are already lost. Hopefully, you have been awakened, awakened to the dire truth of the world we live in. When you kill a Jew, and you will kill a Jew, if you are any sort respectable, god-fearing man, remember that as his piercing cries ring out his body will melt away in to ash and there will be no proof for the Jew loving authorities to convict you with.

Yes, it's a joke. I did apply to the DH with it, though. Can I be evil now?
....Forever haunting me slit the witch and her bleed
like with many inquisition....
....Lying from the start, these creatures plot their craft
scoffing morning glories...
....Pacing soon to be back to back fatality
when my killing moon is risen...
Just make something explode! Everyone likes to make things explode!

This would be awesome to watch... until it reached me. Then I'd hate it.
I once killed a Jew:) . But then I realized that I made the world a better place:( .

And blowing something up is just to easy for my taste. I would prefer a slaughter.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
I just helped an old lady with crossing a busy street. Then I gave her some healthy fruit because those chocolate chip cookies are bad for her cholesterol level.

Gosh, I've got this feeling that I need to protect some helpless kids on the street *gets his light-saber*


it's just duke. nothing to get worried about.
Oct 8, 2005
Being a good little confo
Types of people I hate-
Old People
Fire Fighter

I have a different killing scheme for each catagory. I use the tools that are used in each organization to kill the person. Example: I use an axe to kill a fire fighter, a latex glove to kill a doctor, a wheel chair to kill an old person, a spear to kill Africans ect.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2004
This is not only a riddle, but if it is solved, then you have a pretty good card trick

A magician tells Jack to pick a card from the deck and multiply its value(jacks are 11, Q's 12 K's 13 and aces are 1) by 2, add 5 to it and then multiply the entire thing by 5. Then he askes you to add another cards value to the number. Jack tells the magician that the final value is 100. The magician then tells Jack the two cards that he picked. How did he do this and what were Jack's cards?

The Burrito of Time

Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2006
San Diego
This is how i killed the jew.

I tore his flesh with a baseball bat covered in barbed wire.

I then threw him into a tub of boiling lemon juice mixed with habanero sauce and salt.

Then afterwards I threw in a toaster after her had suffered greatly.


I think I just red myself
Nov 23, 2005
But, is Thames really a 'river'? Does it have a strong current?


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2006
Ping Island
Well it is called the river Thames, so...

Whether or not it has a strong current is irrevelant, if the Thames can be called a river then so can the body of water in the riddle, it certaintly doesn't state it's talking about a rapid or anything. All the riddle says is that the river is deep and wide. Nothing about it's current, just like nothing about people's height in those elevator riddles and so on ;)

Xx GuNz xX

Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2006
Highackoramo [hee-gack-oh-ray-moh-foe-bee-ya]: A beaver in the action of chewing off and burying his foot.

Mellaclomofomagivahimmel [mel-uh-cloh-moh-foh-muh-give-uh-him-ole]


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Mellaclomofomagivahimmel: I person who, when confronted with a medical emergency, runs away and locks themself in a room until it is resolved.



Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2005
This is not only a riddle, but if it is solved, then you have a pretty good card trick

A magician tells Jack to pick a card from the deck and multiply its value(jacks are 11, Q's 12 K's 13 and aces are 1) by 2, add 5 to it and then multiply the entire thing by 5. Then he askes you to add another cards value to the number. Jack tells the magician that the final value is 100. The magician then tells Jack the two cards that he picked. How did he do this and what were Jack's cards?

The cards were 7 and 5.
Interesting side note: If Jack's second card had been A, 2, 3, J, Q, or K, you only would've had a 50-50 guess at the cards (i.e. -- a final number of 96 could've been either 7 and A, or 6 and J). However, if you did all the same things but told Jack to multiply his first card's value by 3 instead of two, you could figure out any two-card possibility in the deck.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
I did read it and that's why I now canceled my vote right?
We realized it was wrong around a week ago. A few days ago you were still using it to vote for Diamond, even though we knew before your posts that the drive-through theory was false.


Banned via Warnings
Jan 2, 2003
And he meant 1 more mafia. Three mafias, and two are dead.

And yes Camo, random lynching is terrible. I don't know if you realized, but we have two days. If the mafia player is still alive, then he will hold 50% of the vote.

Uncle Meat

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2005
Wow, I just figured out that Jude Law is Uncle Meat. But I can't figure out why; wow this confuses me.
I'm not Jude, he just doesn't have a photobucket account and made it at my house so we just uploaded it to mine (or Zootematix/Gideon/Jesus hybrid's, if you will). I think Zero Beat does a similar thing and uses his friend's account. If I were making a new account, I wouldn't upload all of my pictures to my own account.

Seems like every thing's suspicious now, kind of like the Jew plot to take over Manhattan with their fiendish alien counterparts.

You guys have been doing Jews for a while, though. I suggest a new ethnic minority or something.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
Lol, I'm about to get lynched in my first game because I didn't read 2 posts. If I had known that you thought I was suspicious because I didn't take my vote of Diamond, I would have unvoted right away. I mean, you also had that pressure vote on Marshigo that almost killed him. Everyone makes mistakes. Jees...
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