This isn't me but I wanted to bring up another point.What if, today, just now, your main that you use most of the time in tournaments was suddenly banned in all Unity Ruleset tournaments? Would you continue to play Brawl competitively? Would you pick up a new character? Or would you stick up your middle finger to the URC and only go to tournaments that don't use Unity?
Personally I'd still play competitively, but I'd have to switch mains because there's only one tournament series in my area that doesn't use Unity. My new main would be R.O.B.
People say that players would stay, but one statistic noted that about 20% of players played Meta-Knight. This is 20% of the community that in a few days got the character they've been working on for 3 years removed and now they have to start over. This is compared to the Snakes, Diddys and Falcos that have been working on their game for 3 years. Now these former MK players are at year 1. With Brawl having very few opportunities, these players may hop ship to another fighting game with more potential.
These people are in it for the money. If they have to start fresh, why not start with another game, especially if there is more money in it.
EDIT:Oh geez, so many typos.
Why do you say that. I ask because I know you have a good reason and it would be interesting to hear.I hate this thread and all it stands for. Discuss!