Warning: This post contains lots of rambling.
It's not possible for me to start a tournament in my area right now, but maybe in a few years I should probably have some time to do so. Hopefully some more video game stores/arcades will pop up in the meantime. There isn't even an arcade in my town anymore, and there's only 2 stores that sell video games (Walmart and a small Gamestop).
Hopefully I can start it, and someone else can take over. I like being able to get together with people and play games from time to time, but...... well, I am rather introverted, and I also have some pretty bad anxiety sometimes (and can overestimate how much I can handle social stuff from time to time because I can be quite naive at times). I'll have to start it though, because I have a feeling no one else will (especially because of the lack of video game related stuff in my town). You'd be surprised how many people will want to do one thing, but just never do it because they feel like they are the only one or some other reason; but actually do said thing once someone else nudges them to do it.
Whenever a scene gets made in my town, hopefully I can snag a few people to do some sort of Smash Bros series, similar to the effect of Smashing Sundays (and maybe do some random other games, cause even though smash is one of my favorites, I do play other games. I like some variety).
However, I have a feeling I'll have to start a little training side-thing to help newer players get eased into playing the game before we get any real serious tournaments running in my area.
No one ever punishes me when I do stupid attacks (unless I'm using a character that takes forever to recover from an up+B and I'm feeling greedy/playful because I'm getting bored with the match)
The best player in my area aside from me won't even use shields, grabs, or any dodge/roll. At least he picked up using projectiles with Samus from the last time (where I killed him without getting hurt at all by almost just standing still the whole time spamming super missiles and using the charge shot when he got close, I try to rack up damage, not outright kill.).
Level 9 computers are harder than he is, and those are nothing compared to fighting amiibos in sm4sh, which I can kill on a regular basis easily unless I'm playing a character I do not play much (some amiibos do not wait for you to test out your attacks before charging in after you, and I haven't even had much time to play with the new characters anyways).
With that said, good luck to everyone making a smash scene in your area.