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Icey's bad match-ups?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Union City, CA
What are some of the Ice Climbers bad match-ups? I'm sure that Toon Link, Snake, Meta Knight, G&W, and Olimar are bad. Unfortunately, those are the characters my little group uses. I'm like the minority.

Any tips on those guys, and who else is a bad matchup?


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
Didn't I go over this before?


Jab, Ftilt, and Dtilt out range and out prioritize anything you can do on the ground. Utilt will beat out any aerial you try to jump in with. And if he constantly has a nade on hand it'll prevent any CG attempt.


Hard to grab because of his speed, mobility, and generally safe moves. Pressure game is really good at separating the IC's which include repeated Ftilts and Dtilts, lagless aerials, tornando, and drill. His edge guarding also gimps the IC's recovery.


Lasers and shine completely wrecks your approach. Lasers can out spam ice block, stop squall hammers, go through blizzards, and disrupt desynchs. Although you can do desynched ice blocks to contend with his lasers, he can just counter with his shine.


Dtilt beats out all of your attacks, and his long lasting hit boxes will punish any roll or spot dodge. Bair is the only move in the game that will consistently shield poke both IC's, and Uair will really screw up your landing.


Out ranges and out prioritizes you in both the ground and air. That along with his good aerial mobility makes him very hard to grab.


Spot dodge into Dsmash easily separates the IC's. Lasers will go through all of your attacks, and his edge guarding easily gimps your recovery.


He will definitely out camp you with arrows, boomerangs, bombs, and Zair. If he makes sure to always have a bomb on hand then it'll prevent any CG's. He completely out classes you in the air but you can contend with him on the ground.


Just like R.O.B. spot dodge into Dsmash will work wonders at separating the IC's. Randomly calling out thunder is actually a good strategy since it'll prevent CG's.


Similar to Falco his arrows will go over ice blocks, stop squall hammers, go through blizzards, and disrupt desynchs. So he can really wreck your approach, and he has two reflectors in case that doesn't work.


This is only hard cause of banana's, so if the Diddy player knows how to use them well then it'll be difficult, but if you can take control of them then it'll be a lot easier.

ZSS, Zelda, and Lucario:

I don't know why, but a lot of players view these as hard match-ups, so far I've never really had trouble with them to much.

Obviously these aren't all counter match-ups but you are at a bit of a disadvantage in each one. And I'm not sure why you're having trouble vs. Olimar.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 26, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
Olimar has range as well, though you shoulde be able to outcamp him depending on the stage.

Lucario is range as well, he can spam fsmash if he wants to and it'll stop ice blocks, until it's close enough to hit... don't fall for that. You should be able to intercept him fairly well with blizzard, and upair will go through his dair if you're careful (though I think it's range increases with damage as well? So watch out for that) and time it well; you might try uptilt as well. One ice block will stop a fully charged shadowball though. Overall he still has range on his side, and his roll is just too fast. Make sure you use to squall for it's extra boost of speed. That's about all I can think of.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2008
Orange County, CA
What are some of the Ice Climbers bad match-ups? I'm sure that Toon Link, Snake, Meta Knight, G&W, and Olimar are bad. Unfortunately, those are the characters my little group uses. I'm like the minority.

Any tips on those guys, and who else is a bad matchup?
Olimar is actually a good matchup, and why are people complaining about lucario? He is soooooo easy to chaingrab.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Union City, CA
I'm having trouble with olimar because of his really long-range smashes, and meatshi-pikmin/disjointed hit-boxes. I can gimp him real easy, and I can 4-stock him with G and W(my other main), but when I use IC's, I fail.


Smash Sweetheart
Aug 19, 2007
Even though I'm an ICs player,it's good to see that we have so many bad match-ups, gives us an excuse to 0-death chaingrab if we need/want to and provides us with a constant challenge. Awesome =). Psy.


Smash Champion
Apr 16, 2006
Raleigh, NC
Zelda is a hard match-up because she has a STRONG anti-ground game, huge priority, and a good projectile. Fsmash, Usmash, Dsmash, Jab, Nayru's Love, Ftilt all seem to wreck our ground approach, forcing us to take to our weak sauce air game. Din's Fire is impossible to deal with as IC. You dodge early, you get hit. You dodge late, nana gets hit. The blast radius is fricking HUGE.

Oh yeah and her feet beast the hell outta Nana at like.... 50%.


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2008
I'm having trouble with olimar because of his really long-range smashes, and meatshi-pikmin/disjointed hit-boxes. I can gimp him real easy, and I can 4-stock him with G and W(my other main), but when I use IC's, I fail.
yea id agree...i think olimar is a bad match up


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
blizzard may be good against pikmin, but one move doesn't make a character a good or bad matchup :/ otherwise sheik would be a meta counter due to her needles stoping all of his attacks.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2008
But all of the ICs specials destroy all of Olimar's moves.

You can desynch blizzards which stops all pikmin spam and has more range than his grab or Fsmash.

Synched or desynched ice blocks stop pikmin spam and force Olimar into the air where he loses most of his campiness.

Squall hammer cuts through all pikmin and has enough range that you can launch it as a surprise attack.

Olimar is very susceptible to chain grab combos and is easily grabbed once you use your other moves to force him into the air.

Pretty much any desynched approach puts out a wall of hitboxes which cancels out most if not all of Olimar's pikmin spam.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
But all of the ICs specials destroy all of Olimar's moves.

You can desynch blizzards which stops all pikmin spam and has more range than his grab or Fsmash.

Synched or desynched ice blocks stop pikmin spam and force Olimar into the air where he loses most of his campiness.

Squall hammer cuts through all pikmin and has enough range that you can launch it as a surprise attack.

Olimar is very susceptible to chain grab combos and is easily grabbed once you use your other moves to force him into the air.

Pretty much any desynched approach puts out a wall of hitboxes which cancels out most if not all of Olimar's pikmin spam.
I guess that's true, I always have trouble with olimars for some reason though xD.
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