By the time I got melee for myself I knew every character and how to unlock them and it was fine and I still enjoyed it a ton.
But for some reason, this time around I want to be spoiler-free.
I managed to avoid any spoilers/info about Super Mario Galaxy for about 6 months before it was released to be spoiler-free, but that is (relatively) a much smaller game than Brawl and I ended up having the 120-stars bonus spoiled to me right before I got that far.
My plan is to avoid all non-DOJO spoilers. I definitley can keep away from this site for a month, and most of my other regularly-visited sites are pretty safe. Still, I might just avoid the internet in general.
Actually, I'd love it if someone PM'd me and told me if Sukapon was in, but eh...
The spoiler thing is why I'm upset about the delay. If both were delayed a month I'd understand and be mostly okay with it.