They are in backwards order, small avatars separated from large avatars for cleanliness.
I keep em all in Photobucket.
Ah, I see.
I usually just upload them straight from my computer (because I'm lazy that way), so I don't have them on Photobucket.
Well, I
didn't. Now I do, because I uploaded them all to do this.
I actually forgot some of those avatars were you Firust.
Heh. Yeah, I've actually had a wide variety of avatars...the only discernible theme is Metroid, maybe, and even that isn't constant at all.
And there are a few people may not remember at all, even if they stalk my avatar, because I had them for about five seconds and decided I didn't like them.
Most notably, my homemade Gavinner logo one (crappy quality is crappy), the Kristoph one I don't currently have (it's nigh impossible to tell what that's supposed to be faded over Kristoph, which is 90% of the point of the avatar), the Godot one (that was kind of on a whim), and the Lanky one (I just don't really like it).
I'll have to be switching back to the Christmas Blargg fairly soon, though. (Come to think of it, I think I changed my avatar on Thanksgiving last year, so yeah, basically a little more than a week from today I'll be looking to change it.)