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I seriously need help countering Diddy's weaknesses


Smash Cadet
Oct 27, 2008
I realize that whenever I play, I seem to only cover the ground. My opponent soon figures out that I can't cover short hops, and so he starts to abuse SHFFAerials. My banana's go under him, and he airdodges whenever I monkey flip him. SHFAirs work sometimes, but then he starts to predict those, as well. I know that some people will post "Try not to be predictable." etc.
It just seems like Diddy's aerial game is a pretty noticeable weakness, and he can't cover those who jump over his banana's too well. Short hopping a monkey flip seems to go too high, and I'm talking about almost always having a banana in my hand. With this in mind, it limits my air game. Dribbling forward or backwards may help, but the opponent will just start to predict those, too. SHBair - Bair has some pretty low priority, in my eyes, to most characters. All I'm asking is -Can anyone help me figure out how to counter this?-

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
What? Diddys air game is not good? Wtf.

Imo it's pretty good.

If you have a banana in your hand and your enemy approaches...:
*you could jump and throw it at him
*you could dribble back and look what he does (you could throw it at him when he's landing, or you could do an aerial)
*you run/walk a bit away to not get hit
*you run under him and throw the banana up?
*you sideB
*you jump over him and throw/Z drop the banana down
*shoot peanuts (they're really good)

There are really really many options.

I know it's annoying if your enemy keeps jumping around to avoid your bananas but you can peanut him which means he has to airdodge so you can punish that or something.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I realize that whenever I play, I seem to only cover the ground. My opponent soon figures out that I can't cover short hops, and so he starts to abuse SHFFAerials. My banana's go under him, and he airdodges whenever I monkey flip him. SHFAirs work sometimes, but then he starts to predict those, as well. I know that some people will post "Try not to be predictable." etc.
It just seems like Diddy's aerial game is a pretty noticeable weakness, and he can't cover those who jump over his banana's too well. Short hopping a monkey flip seems to go too high, and I'm talking about almost always having a banana in my hand. With this in mind, it limits my air game. Dribbling forward or backwards may help, but the opponent will just start to predict those, too. SHBair - Bair has some pretty low priority, in my eyes, to most characters. All I'm asking is -Can anyone help me figure out how to counter this?-
Mix it up, space away from him, if he's SH'ing alot just play it campy and shoot peanuts and bait a mistake and SH fair him. Sh throw nanerz too. Also running usmash he can't airdodge that. He has to land eventually, so just have a naner in hand and glide toss it when he does... it's not really that big of a deal. I wouldn't use monkey kick flips in this case.


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
I know a aerial specialized smasher, he beats me hardly but it taught me some counters. usmash OoS (tap jump on) is both fast and long enough to punish ADs, big enough to pass through stuff like luigi's nair but some swords > it. Side B is a good but predictable approach vs airborne opponents, and you've got 2 projectiles + shield grabbing if this isn't enough.
Up B counter mind games will make them less confident in their aerial approach at high percents, which is a mistake because if they attack on the floor you just nana-dsmash 'em (with prediction, but who except me throw nanaz like a nerd ? xD). plus when upb countering some aerial, except a few you'll be less damaged and knocked back than your opponent. that's pretty weird but it does work.
Also, i can't do it online solidly but i bet targeting landing areas as paool said is a good way to pressure. And combo. Muhahaha.

Vyse I love your new pic, i use it in my sig lol
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