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I need help vs falco


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
i lose to just about every falco i play, personally i just suck against falcos, i do better against luigis =/. Any advice, i REALLY suck on this matchup


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
sometimes its just better to let him hit u with lazers in the beginning so he cant chaingrab u . or u can just out camp him and outsmart him plus bait reflector etc etc generic mindgame stuff. its not easy but matchup can be hugely in your favor, just seriously avoid his airgame its pretty beast


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
Play on FD whenever possible! Don't throw nanners like you would with any other character. Face hump him instead of using that nanner, it is better to bait his reflector than it is too take the chance of getting it taken from you. I typically keep only one nanner with me in this matchup because it is a lot safer and it's really all you can do.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
I wouldn't take lazers to the face. Just keep nanners on the floor near you. GT down isn't good 'cause reflector will knock you down and make the nanner his. Jump ==> Nanner throw is good. After you pass 40-50 and can't be grabbed, go more aggressively. This is one of the match-ups where nannerz aren't as necessary.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
San Diego, CA
If you get chaingrabbed, try u-airing out of it it gets me out of the chain most of the time. Also never just strait up throw the banana at falco unless you are punishing his lag. Rather dribble backwards or jump in the air and z drop the banna. Approaching with over B is useful also. When falco is recovering, first set up your bananas and then start shooting peanuts at him. When he is about to do his illusion charge a peanut and it's pretty easy to gimp him.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2009
DON'T leave nanners on the ground! Based off of my matchup experience, Falco can pick up left nanners very easily with his dash attack. You never want him to get ahold of it. Throw it to punish an attack and not to start a combo.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2009
The Jungle
Play on FD whenever possible! Don't throw nanners like you would with any other character. Face hump him instead of using that nanner, it is better to bait his reflector than it is too take the chance of getting it taken from you. I typically keep only one nanner with me in this matchup because it is a lot safer and it's really all you can do.

This entire statement is gold and very important against FALCO
Hump > Nanner
1 Naner > 2 Nanner

I wouldn't take lazers to the face. Just keep nanners on the floor near you. GT down isn't good 'cause reflector will knock you down and make the nanner his. Jump ==> Nanner throw is good. After you pass 40-50 and can't be grabbed, go more aggressively. This is one of the match-ups where nannerz aren't as necessary.
Just justifying the beginning

During the begining of a stock till about 40-50% you should have 2 banans out, However keep 1 nanner on the ground BEHIND YOU and CLOSE till about the 40-50 Range, you cant afford to be chaingrabbed, even thoe its going to happen at some point you need to minimize as much as you can. After 40-50% be more aggresive as stated above.


During early %s I personally like U-tilt and D-tilt due to Falcos fast falling animations, good way to rack up damage

Stages For and Against Falco
COUNTERS: Castle Seige, Luigi Mansion, Rainbow Cruise, Smashville/FD, Lylat Cruise [potential CP]

Bans: Norfair, Jungle Japes

[More Info on the stage http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=225477]

Thanks and good Luck!


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I felt that every falco i've faced could have only won with the chaingrab. Such a dumb, skill-less way to get 50+ damage. You've got to grab alot, the reflector isn't really even a factor unless they spam it, just punish it in that case. Otherwise time your throws VERY carefully. Alot of falcos I've faced try so hard for that grab its so stupid. (Not really many falcos here but i've played d1, anti, and keitaro :confused:)


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
Why are all these individual match-up topics popping up all at once? It's kind of getting out of hand. As long as good discussion can come from it, I'll leave it open, but I think we should all consolidate our efforts in a match-up thread, or redo our match-up thread with discussion in their own individual threads so that we can avoid this.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 11, 2009
The Jungle
Why are all these individual match-up topics popping up all at once? It's kind of getting out of hand. As long as good discussion can come from it, I'll leave it open, but I think we should all consolidate our efforts in a match-up thread, or redo our match-up thread with discussion in their own individual threads so that we can avoid this.
Honestly I like these individual match up topics coming up considering how poorly detailed, arranged and out of date our match up discussion. Yes, these Topics are coming up more frequent lately but atleast they are matchups are atleast tough against Diddy Kong, One thing with making a new Matchup Discussion is that it takes a long time to fully complete and once its complete it out of date :D.

I can't complain really, keeping up with the match up is a pretty big responsibility and time consuming.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
Why are all these individual match-up topics popping up all at once? It's kind of getting out of hand. As long as good discussion can come from it, I'll leave it open, but I think we should all consolidate our efforts in a match-up thread, or redo our match-up thread with discussion in their own individual threads so that we can avoid this.
lol sorry ._.

thx for all the advice guys, im gonna try this as soon as i can =)


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
Nah, you're good, I just didn't want to close this one because then I would have to close all the others, but it just seemed so random and coincidental. =)

Maybe I should just start a series of threads on individual match-ups, since our other character discussion is moving at a glacial pace. Perhaps then they will be more focused and productive.

Incidentally, I have a ton to say about this match-up since I live with a Falco that doesn't laser (and he still ***** me on occasion), and there's also another Falco who actually laser-pressures in our crew as well. So yeah, this match-up can be approached from a number of different angles.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Basically, grab falco alot and gimp him offstage. Your fair beats his phantasm with proper timing, as well does a fully charged peanut gun (which he can phantasm again if he button mashes, but still takes a heap load of damage from a fully charged peanut gun) and bananas gimp him period. Onstage if he is forcing you to approach then just crawl, sometimes falcos like to phantasm away when you crawl in close but you can easily punish it if you catch them. As for at low percents, semi-camp them. I know it sounds ridiculous but falco will want that grab so fing badly he'll just wait for an opening. Get mid-ranged and bait his grab and punish it. You can glide toss it backwards down onto the ground, watch out for him rolling behind you too. Good falcos rarely roll but it's something to watch out for. Reflector isn't a factor.

Monkey Business

Smash Cadet
May 23, 2009
just gotta play like a super ***** for this one.
dont naner like you do with other char, downthrow naners if you can and also face hump him like its a friday night at sweaty bettys.
aerials more, fair and bairs.
most falcos are meat heads and just want to get that chaingrab off so avoid that as much as you can. :]
like ADHD said crawling works, I've never tried this against a falco but if he says it works, it does.


Smash Cadet
Oct 23, 2008
I play against my friend's falco ALOT and figured out a few things against falco.

You have to get used to play without nana's, although i am not saying at all not to use them throughout the match. More down and up nana throws.

Grab ALOT. At low percentages if you grab and pummel until you grab release he should slide a little bit infront of you. Dtilt the hell out of him. You could atleast combo 2 of them most of the time.

Peanut Gun kills. Falco's usually go for the phantasm recovery, so if you SH peanut and peanut on the ground, or even just spam peanuts when he's off stage you have a chance of hitting him. This will gimp his recovery, and most of the time when he's hit with the peanut Falco will fall a little, and he won't be leveled with the stage anymore. Thus, he'll have to go for the firebird, which is easily edgeguarded.

Good Falco's will usually never miss the chaingrab once he actually grabs you. But if you do get grabbed at a low percentage try and escape by jumping. Diddy is pretty floaty and hopefully you'll be able to get out of it.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I've realized you just have to have a banana in your hand and then once you crawl in close he only has a few options in that case:

1) Reflector
2) SH phantasm away
3) Roll behind you
4) Do something risky but offensive
5) Hop over you

You can punish them all, just don't get grabbed! The key to winning this matchup is extreme patience, but every diddy has trouble with falcos in the end. SDI falco's jab combo and uair him in the face!


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
SDI Falco's D-air spike after he chain-throws you back into the stage; depending on your precision, you will either SDI back into the ground, where you can tech and roll or tech in place, or SDI into the side of the stage, where you will have an opportunity to tech off of that and wall-jump. Teching in place on-stage is usually my preference of outcome, since I have ample time to dropkick Falco with F-air while he is still airborne; I have even squeezed off my own D-air spike if Falco is still over the edge.

Be careful with teching off the side of the stage - if it is read properly and expected, you can occasionally be spiked again.

Also, be wary of trying to crawl under Falco's reflector. You only have a small window of opportunity to successful breach his defenses after the hit-box on the reflector has disappeared, and before the reflector has fully retracted (this is assuming you want to actually punish his reflector with a banana peel once you're inside of its range). Otherwise, perfect-shielding the reflector and Monkey Humping or going for a grab ought to suffice.
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