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I just can't kill

Witty Board Name

Smash Cadet
May 18, 2008
New Jersey
Although my main is Olimar/DDD, I do minor in Sonic, Wario, and ZSS.

While playing with my friend today, in hopes of getting better with Sonic, I come to find out that I just *can't* smash people with Sonic. My friend was at 145% and even coupled with my spam moves and F-Smash attacks, I just couldn't get those finishing blows to him (he was playing as Pit though, so it was hard to keep him off the edge).

I've read the guides but I just can't seem to get down some of Sonic's finishers. Does anyone have any general hints for knocking people out of the park?


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Use other moves then. And I don't mean just finishing moves. Just keep going with your weaker moves until you see a not-so-obvious opening, since it could also be bait for you to smash and get punished. I had this bad pattern of switching to just finishing moves as soon as I saw the % go past a certain range (110-120)

But it becomes really predictable since you have to be on the ground/adjacent to hit them with a good dsmash or fsmash, while B-air is pretty much given depending on which way you're facing. It's easier to hit a B-air out of some movestring than a B-air alone.

That's not to say you shouldn't give it a try though. I mean if you can go for a u-throw>spring>b-air setup when they're at 110-115% and kill them right then and there, go ahead. Give the early-kill at least a few attempts before you decide to just keep pushing.

The rest of his (non stale) moves start to KO again at around 170%, and heck, if u-tilt, u-smash, and b-throw from the edge is too hard to set up, go for a 200%+ U-throw kill. U-air could also kill by then, but it's usually staled out by Sonic players, so it's not exactly reliable, but hey, you can go for it xD

Witty Board Name

Smash Cadet
May 18, 2008
New Jersey
Ah, I see.

That was sorta my general startegy, but my friends would PMS at me for spamming XD.

I tried explaining to them that it was all I could do with Sonic, but they would beat me in disbelief ><

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
if youre fighting pit, try as hard as you can to make him use his upb prematurely so that way you can hit him with even your weak moves and he ll have nothing to dao but flair to his death

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Sonic doesn't KO foes as well on large stages compared to stages like Battlefield and Final Destination. F-smash, d-smash, f-air, and b-air are effective killers if I remember right.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2008
Harrisburg, PA
Ah, I see.

That was sorta my general startegy, but my friends would PMS at me for spamming XD.

I tried explaining to them that it was all I could do with Sonic, but they would beat me in disbelief ><
No one really said to spam, as a matter of fact the opposite would work better. Mixing up your game usually is the best strategy.

Witty Board Name

Smash Cadet
May 18, 2008
New Jersey
No one really said to spam, as a matter of fact the opposite would work better. Mixing up your game usually is the best strategy.
Yea, I've been trying to just use every move in Sonics arsenal at the 'appropriate time', but with the lag that comes from online play, I usually find it difficult to 'suprise' my opponent with a quick spin dash or aerial attack.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2008
Columbia University, NY
Hey witty, I played you today! I was Sonic and you were Olimar, ggs man :p.

As for killing with Sonic, like has been said just mix it up! Fox trotted + stutter-stepped fsmashes can b a good finisher if timed and space right, but usually your aerials are more reliable. Short hop Fasfalling a bair is also viable for me(gives you a larger hitbox), especially if you do it after a Reverse Aerial Rush.

Gimp everyone you can. Often all it takes is one Fair or homing attack to move you opponent farenuff so he/she cant recover.

If your enemy is high in the stage, use Sonics speed ad springto catch them and Uair or Bair them to their doom.

Finally Dsmash against excessive dodging, whichis common oline.

Super Sonic Man

Smash Rookie
May 21, 2008
Although my main is Olimar/DDD, I do minor in Sonic, Wario, and ZSS.

While playing with my friend today, in hopes of getting better with Sonic, I come to find out that I just *can't* smash people with Sonic. My friend was at 145% and even coupled with my spam moves and F-Smash attacks, I just couldn't get those finishing blows to him (he was playing as Pit though, so it was hard to keep him off the edge).

I've read the guides but I just can't seem to get down some of Sonic's finishers. Does anyone have any general hints for knocking people out of the park?
literaly to nock them out of the park u need the home run bat, but try using shield doge, and combos as they are great for killing things fast but be carful when using sonic as he is light and will get killed ez.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
Think you mean like a chump.

Anyways, go for grabs more often. Shouldn't be too difficult even with lag and it's a really important part of Sonic's game as it moves your opponent towards the edges. And in general Sonic has superior edge play than other characters and wants the game to take place there. You should find that if you do this you have more opportunities to gimp and f-smash/u-smash people that need to use up-b or land back on the stage coming back from the edge.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
one of the main differences between sonic and other characters.. is that for the most part, he just has to get the damage higher before he can kill. (but he is really good at damaging)

but honestly i think he has a good variety of killers.

i suck at killing with falco. because i always forget that i only have like 3 or 4 kills moves.

but with sonic i just punish the hell out of them until i ge tto about 180% and then swing in with bair, uair, utilt, fsmash, or dsmash..

also gimp kills and chase kills are sonic's strong areas

if you havent played as sonic much, you arent used to being able to go pretty much anywhere off the edge u want, and still be able ot recover.

as for some good combo's into kills try:
-spindash into bair or Uair
Throws into Bair or Uair
Catch them after rolls or delayed attacks with dsmash, Fsmash, or bair
Running dash attack into them, (execute late enuff to endup behind them after the attack) and then press back on the cstick to execute a FSMash

also.. in my own experience it seems that Fsmash has better killing potential when aimed downward, and it also penetrates sheild more often when aimed so.

(though in all honestly i don't know which execution of Fsmash has the most knockback)


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
R4ZE, crotch punch f-smash ftw?
J/k, I'm fairly sure it doesn't have greater knock back or anything.

I'm also interested to know how you face Lucario players. Do you still go for the high % kills?
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