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I -HATE- Ike


Smash Apprentice
Mar 20, 2008
That is right: I absolutely HATE and despise Ike. I hate Ike so much that it hurts!

Here's why I hate Ike:

One day I went online and played with random people, and there happened to be an Ike player (Is it even possible to NOT encounter Ike in basic Brawls?). So there I was, chasing the highest percentages to win, but.... this Ike player in gold kept chasing me around and disturbed ALL of my KO's. At first I ignored him, but then I just had to notice that the guy was just after me. In the end, we had four brawls together, and he won all of them-- I placed last always, and that is because he was just after me and taking advantage of my high percentage.

So, as of now, every time I'm on a random match, I MAKE SURE that EVERY Ike I encounter gets OWNED. I don't care if I lose the match, I just make sure that Ike loses (Amen.) I know Ike's every move and strategy, and now I am so bored of beating him all the time that it just seems that Ike sucks.

In any case, I hate Ike and I want a match with an Ike PRO NOW! (My friend code is below my avatar :bee:.)



Smash Cadet
Feb 8, 2008
Okay, because one jerk plays Ike, it disturbs your whole smashing experience and you feel the absolute need to degrade every Ike you see online. Well, seems like you never learned the lessons of Ghandi. Seriously, getting back at a certain person is already a bad thing to do, but getting back at all people associated with him (even in the smallest of ways, like playing the same character) is sorta stupid. I reccomend you just calm down, and let us all enjoy our online smashing experiences.


Smash Cadet
Feb 29, 2008
SE Canada Land
See, this is why there are Friend Code brawls. No matter how much Sakurai tried, With Anyone all boils down to the powerhouses KSing everything for the win.


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I'll crush you. BTW. Peach is a **** who sucks Mario's Drain pipe, Amen.
I realize Xerampelinae is negatively speaking about the character you probably like most in this game, but that was completely uncalled for. Xera didn't insult Ike in anyway. He (she?) just said that he (again, she?) hated Ike.

You have to admit, people flock to Ike online as if he was literally made of win. People know it's easier to win with him in FFAs, so you see at least one Ike in nearly every match online. Some people play Ike because they love him, but many play him because he wrecks people in large groups. And you can tell when you've got a person like that because they do exactly what Xera described. And it is annoying.

Basically, what I mean is this: Ike himself may not be worth hating, but I can understand the animosity due to the kinds of people that often play as him.

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
you must suck because the majority of ike players either dont main him and just wanna have fun or the more common situation dont know what their doing


Smash Apprentice
Mar 20, 2008
Oh God...

Seriously, I never thought I would cause this kind of rage:ohwell:
Sorry if I offended anyone, but it was my attempt to mere humor. Certainly, I thought the first poster would post something like:

"Bring it! My friend code is ...."

Ok, maybe not that kind of response but somewhere along those lines... Anyways, this thread was not meant to be serious and obviesly contains no good argument.

IN ANY CASE, I challenge the guy who said "I'll crush you..." and then "...Peach is a..."

RoK the Reaper, do you accept this challenge?



Smash Apprentice
Feb 13, 2008
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
I'll play, but I already know what peach v. ike is like (horrible).

And in online ffa's I always target the nearest Ike. Except recently all I've done is play g&w and taunt the whole match lol.


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2008
Oh God...

Seriously, I never thought I would cause this kind of rage:ohwell:
Sorry if I offended anyone, but it was my attempt to mere humor. Certainly, I thought the first poster would post something like:

"Bring it! My friend code is ...."

Ok, maybe not that kind of response but somewhere along those lines... Anyways, this thread was not meant to be serious and obviesly contains no good argument.

IN ANY CASE, I challenge the guy who said "I'll crush you..." and then "...Peach is a..."

RoK the Reaper, do you accept this challenge?
WTF, you make an treat about you hating ike in the IKE SECTION and you didn't expect the people here to treat you badly? please tell me the common sense isn't death


Smash Apprentice
Mar 20, 2008
I'll play, but I already know what peach v. ike is like (horrible).

And in online ffa's I always target the nearest Ike. Except recently all I've done is play g&w and taunt the whole match lol.
See, I was expecting that kind of response. I'll play you if the other guy rejects my challenge;)



Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Lol, yeah, Ike owns FFA pretty hard. Most of the people that play Ike though, as others have pointed out, do not know how to use him properly. I'm willing to bet that if you played that Ike user 1 vs. 1 he would've lost, not only because Ike vs. Peach is a horribly difficult match-up for Ike, but most noob Ike players just spam Quick Draw, FSmash, or USmash.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 3, 2007
Apopka, Fl
It was a bit ball-Z to go on this board and post this but I like said guts. I 'll verse you sometime if you want. My Ike's not too shabby. Though seriously, A LOT of Ike's out there do suck and they suck with a passion. Toodles. LOL.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
im having a deja vu, big time.
where you playing on wednesday 26th, around 1:00-2:00 o clock?what character were you using?
i remember i was playing with people that used mario,lucario,sheik,wario, metaknight,and some others
i use a gold/yellow ike. i won every match.
maybe, it was me? :confused:

if so you can fight me if you want
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