Here's a vid.
It starts at 4 minutes and 40 seconds.
Watch me play against a falco and give me advice if you feel like it
Not the best here, and twitch made it almost unwatchable but my patience got me through game 1. To me it looks like there are 3 big issues that you should focus on: not getting stuck in shield, not being above falco so much / in the air, and edgeguarding.
You're so afraid of lasers that you are quick to shield in neutral. Even when you roll away safely, you assume that he will still be pressuring you and come out of your roll already in shield, basically removing the 'neutral' position that you were able to reset to. If you can't directly punish him from your shield (using SSDI + grab is AMAZING, also SH uair if he is on side plat or coming down from full hop or top plat with dair [trade with that all day imo]), then your best bet is to reset. But really SSDI is amazing, and you'll make a good falco second guess how good his pressure is with it. The way I deal with lasers is a combination of powershielding, CCing (if I think they are about to approach after it, or if I don't have time to shield it / don't want to get stuck in shield), and walling over it with bair (if they aren't shooting high lasers, also occasionally fair instead). If you watch Linguini, he doesn't really give a **** about lasers, and a lot of times he is able to capitalize on the opponents next mistake partially because they are too confident that he's already 'shut down' by them, but really they're just a bit of damage. I would say that you're giving them too much respect. Try to never be in shield unless an attack or laser is about to hit you. They get really annoying if the falco is actually laser camping you, but if they aren't you should really be focusing more on their next approach. A lot of times to escape the lasers and pressure, you would go to platform. That's fine, but you should usually regain ground / center stage before trying to reengage. Also shield dropping is amazing. Edgeguarding... I don't really know what to say. It's hard. Watch good ganons vs falco, a lot. Falco is still a lot easier to edgeguard than fox. And if he ever goes low and upBs, he should actually die, every time.
FL guys probably have more useful / quality advice in that MU.
PSA!!! By the way everyone, you can timestamp your twitch links. Not to be annoying but you guys should really do it, it would save your viewers some trouble. just add "?t=00h00m00s" at the end of your links (replace 00 with the numbers, and you can leave h / m / s out).
So this:
It starts at 4 minutes and 40 seconds."
Should be this:
You can even embed the link into text by highlighting the text and clicking on the little hyperlink icon above the text area in your posts, to do stuff like this:
Pseudoturtle (ganon) vs LanceInThePants (falco)
That is all