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How to play as an agressive luigi?

d snyde

Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2008
I know melee is kinda over but I need help to know how to play as an agressive luigi? help and opinions please (include stages)

GI Josh

Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2008
Mt. Ara
Melee isn't over...
anyway, To be an agressive Luigi, u really need to master luigi's waveland and wavedash. Fairs are your best friend. that's all I know
And I didn't know you were going to pick up luigi agin D snyde...


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2008
Ogallala Aquifer
The wd-->d-smash is a nice way to approach. I'm not that good so i am not really aware of other options besides that and short hopping to an n-air.

d snyde

Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2008
Please dont use technical terms. I dont understand what you mean Keblerelf?

Blea Gelo

Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
Miami, FL
dude, melee is not over, dont even say it.. It has a long *** way to go on..m

Anyways, if u main luigi, or u gonna play luigi, u have Wavedash and Waveland to use em and mingame with em.. Try to make some aerials, fastfall and waveland backwards, or forward to jab and grab or just grab.. Use waveshield with characters with good proyectiles.. But, luigi is not to be offensive, just if your opponent is scared or u have a perferc read of the future of what are they gonna do, to make that happen you have to be on fire or the other guy got to be bad at the game...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
yes, luigi's wavedash is very important. get automatic with it. the wavedash should become a very casual movement to you (you should be able to wavedash back and forth very quickly in conjunction with using smashes and grabs), and remember to keep the timing consistent; this can be hard at times when you are wavedashing in multiple directions quickly. get good at ledge-hop wavelanding (get used to doing this immediately so you can keep some frames of invincibility when approaching, and try to work on your distance/speed). this is a very useful tool. if you expect an attack, side-step dodge on the way and respond with a grab or smash. learn to wavegrab and change directions mid wavedash. develop strategies to fake out your opponent with your wavedashing/dash-dancing, and return with wavesmashes/wavegrabs. luigi's combos are centered around the idea of knocking your opponent up and using luigi's high jumps and great aerial game to combo/kill. i love short-hopped dair to nair, double bair, and double fair; the possibilities are endless with luigi's aerials. check out combos by ka-master and yagi (there are other great luigi's to check out as well). being aggressive with luigi is so much fun, his aerials out-prioritize almost anything you'll come across.

d snyde

Smash Apprentice
Jul 31, 2008
I am not very good at wave dashing as any one. an easy place to practice wave dashing I found out is on top of the UFO on fourside it easy!


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I'd like to consider my Luigi aggressive. Being aggressive involves making every hit count. So you will have to be able to combo well.

Despite the fact that his aerials are awesome, Luigi is mostly ground based until a combo is started. One of luigi's best approaches against many characters is wavedash crounch cancel and then hit a smash. I catch marths and foxes with crounch wavedashed canceled down smashes and upsmashes.

Make friends with the forward tilt. It is imo Luigi's best move. Comes out fast, has really good range and edge guards many characters well. I actually go for the forward tilt that is aimed slightly upwards. A lot of times you can catch characters jumping out of sheild.

Make sure you know a characters fall speed. Down throw floaty characters and up throw fast fallers. Forward throw and back throw should only be used to get a character off stage.

Learn some tech chasing mind games. Follow their techs and grab or down smash. Avoid/sheild get up attacks and punish them for it.

Against many characters you can get gimps by wavedashing off the level and instead of grabbing the edge, back air getting those early kills and momentum is really important.


Smash Master
Apr 15, 2008
Dallas, TX
Personally, I prefer WD to Up-smash, but thats just because it's easy. But WD to smash is the best way to be aggressive.

Señor L

Smash Rookie
Aug 23, 2008
Also, if your near the edge try to Grab and throw them forward off the stage. It usually throws your opponent downwards when they're percentage is low.

Blea Gelo

Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
Miami, FL
just if they DI bad, to make that happen, u gotta throw foward, the bthrow animation is t long, and give tem time to react and DI up. Is better and aerial..


Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
San Francisco
To make your Luigi more agressive, get a level 1 training dummy and set yourself up the tournament rules, which are as follows

4 stock

8 minute time limit

Stages: Dreamland 64, Pokemon stadium, Yoshi's story, Battlefield, Final destination, Fountain of Dreams.

items off

Okay, now setting the 8-minute time limit is important- and here's why. What you want to do is Play against a level 1 CP (preferably a high-tier, since that's what you'll be facing most often) And see how quickly you can eliminate all four of their stocks. At the end of the match look at the timer. The timer will progressively read higher and higher at the end of each match, meaning it's taking you less time to 4-stock a level 1. Concentrate on eliminating their stocks quickly. This will help you get a more aggresive Luigi.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
to Make Your Luigi More Agressive, Get A Level 1 Training Dummy And Set Yourself Up The Tournament Rules, Which Are As Follows

4 Stock

8 Minute Time Limit

Stages: Dreamland 64, Pokemon Stadium, Yoshi's Story, Battlefield, Final Destination, Fountain Of Dreams.

Items Off

Okay, Now Setting The 8-minute Time Limit Is Important- And Here's Why. What You Want To Do Is Play Against A Level 1 Cp (preferably A High-tier, Since That's What You'll Be Facing Most Often) And See How Quickly You Can Eliminate All Four Of Their Stocks. At The End Of The Match Look At The Timer. The Timer Will Progressively Read Higher And Higher At The End Of Each Match, Meaning It's Taking You Less Time To 4-stock A Level 1. Concentrate On Eliminating Their Stocks Quickly. This Will Help You Get A More Aggresive Luigi.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Basically just rambo in with waveshielding, d-smash, grab, f-tilt, and other stuff a lot. And keep your spacing so you can follow-through without being punished if they block something. Being aggressive these days is mostly just based around attacking a lot without being punished (and of course making your hits do stuff) so for Luigi it's probably about spacing.
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