Please tell me how to simplify Street Fighter without losing any of my options then. Every time they go for simple controls in their vs. games, it's always a limited version of the moveset.
I haven't played SF competitively (or at all except just messing around with some friends) since SF2 so I might be a bit ignorant. I will list some things I remember from back then and things I assume could change although I might be wrong as I do not hold the knowledge to actually discuss this correctly.
I think the main things that would help is having most inputs be the same.
Basically number the specials each character has and give all moves with the same number the same input. Chun Li's first special would be het multi-kicking and would be done the same way Hadouken is done for Ryu.
You do not have to have all characters have the same number of moves, you could have a character with 6 moves and another with 4, only the first 4 moves of both of the characters (the only 4 for the 2nd one) would be performed in the exact same way.
I am unsure about this, but does SF use every button, direction and extra button combinations? I mean, is X, Y, A, B, R1, R2, L1, L2, X
+Y, X
+A, X
+B, ...., etc, etc
I think you could map every move in SF that is not part of a combo into simple button commands like this paired with direction. Why wouldn't this be feasable?
The reason it shouldn't be done in my opinion is that SF has a game identity. The complex controls are a part of SF since its beginnings and changing them would change the feeling of SF which would not sit well with its fans. But the act of changing to simpler controls is completely possible, at least from my ignorant point of view.
I'm talking about macros, not simplified controls. Simplified controls are a design thing. Virtua Fighter uses three buttons, punch, kick, and guard along with the four additional types of inputs which really could be boiled down to three for ergonomic reasons, possibly just two macros.
Ok, I understand.