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How 2 effectively poke with diddy


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Baltimore, MD
Ok so in order to effectively gather info on ur opponent ur gonna need to poke them to see their reactions. correct?? well how do i do this well with diddy

ive tried nanners and stuff but im not quite sure if im doing this all correctly...

How would u go about doing this
This is a question for high level smash players people who place well in tournies
no offense i just want the best answers


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Try autopiloting for the first 30 seconds -1:00 and see what kind of reactions you get.
No that's dumb. Always think before what you do. Don't ever autopilot thats so stupid and you will get ***** by good players if you just glide toss repeatedly without thinking. Just play smart, you learn how ppl react after the second stock of the first game in most cases.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
No that's dumb. Always think before what you do. Don't ever autopilot thats so stupid and you will get ***** by good players if you just glide toss repeatedly without thinking. Just play smart, you learn how ppl react after the second stock of the first game in most cases.

There are ways to autopilot safely and correctly... and that's why I said 30 seconds...


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Baltimore, MD
lol soo u mean to tell me that there is no real rush that by game 2 is when i should have collected this data ?

thanx for fast responses

Xiahou Dun

Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
If you want to gauge people's reactions try getting to a safe distance by moving back a little at the start of a game and watching their approach. Do they approach at all? Do they rush you at the beginning of the game? Defend yourself if necessary and avoid any projectiles coming your way if they camp you. Try getting a Naner out and just hold it. Do they react differently to you? Some players really hate naners and don't like to get near them. What happens if you hold a naner and have another in between you and them? Do they refuse to approach past the naner? Maybe you can use that to make space in the game. Do they go straight past the naner? Maybe try and push them back into it. The naner behind them limits the space they can move in. Do they try to pick it up and use it against you? Maybe you can try using naners as bait or distractions. Gauging peoples reactions in common simple scenarios isn't too difficult.

Obviously you can't just sit there reading people. Pretty **** soon you're just gonna have to bite the bullet and fight and take a few risks. But taking a little time to assess people can be a good idea.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
NEVER autopilot. Period.
It's okay too autopilot...I don't know what makes you think it's absolutely terrible, you can autopilot for a short amount of time, see how your opponent reacts and then stop before they have a lot of time to completely figure you out.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
a poke is considered a move that you can pull a definite quick reaction out of your opponent and usually is followed by an extreme combo as a punish in most other fighting games such as street fighter or mvc

In brawl it would be as you said figuring out how your opponent react to certain situations. This is simply mindgames.

Im usually kinda slow at adapting to my opponents play so in exchange i force my opponent to adapt constantly by creating random situations where it would seem most logical.

lets say the match just starts. IMMEDIATELY look at how your opponent reacts to the starting time to see their style of play. Defensive passive players usually wait for u to make their move while aggressive people attend to just mash on the controller towards u.

This is different for a smart player tho. I for instance first pull off what seem to be scrub moves like dash attacking into their sheild and or running towards them and quickly dash or roll away. From the reaction i get from a player he will usually do the same thing twice to 3 times in a row all depending on the mindgames/predictability of ur opponent. This is the info u should be collecting in the 1st stock of the match.

the rest of the match should be straight forward KNOWING what your opponent will do and expecting your opponent to create less predictible mistakes than you do.

situational example:
you dash at your opponent , opponent shields and u perform a dash attack. he punishes with a grab.

the mind game:
you dash at your opponent, opponent expects that dash attack, you dash him and grab instead.

you can be an autopilot diddy to accomplish pokes just o-o be careful doing it and do this ONLY to gather data.

its just all mindgames. this is easy to do with diddy since he is versitile in the air and especially on the ground. and items add two available attack options in your possible arsenal.

good luck o.o?

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
situational example:
you dash at your opponent , opponent shields and u perform a dash attack. he punishes with a grab.

the mind game:
you dash at your opponent, opponent expects that dash attack, you dash him and grab instead.

This is so similar to something I recently posted that I can't help myself from showing it lol

When you do something what are they most likely to do. Simple as that.

Example: When you dash attack they often shield grab you. You should notice that and stop dash attacking them.

Now the next step would be to say "what can I do to make him think I am going to dash attack?" So he will grab air and you can punish. And that is basically what is called mindgamez.
Great minds think alike?:laugh:


As for this whole auto-pilot nonsense:

I am not sure what we are defining as auto-piloting, but I will say this.

It is never a good idea to just do 'zombie' moves to see what your opponent does. Why not try well spaced, thought out moves to see what they do? You still get information AND you don't take damage.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
As for this whole auto-pilot nonsense:

I am not sure what we are defining as auto-piloting, but I will say this.

It is never a good idea to just do 'zombie' moves to see what your opponent does. Why not try well spaced, thought out moves to see what they do? You still get information AND you don't take damage.
First off, it's a mindgame in general. Auto piloting defensively for the first 20 secs and then switching to actually playing smartly sounds like a pretty good mindgame to me. The 2nd reason is that you don't have to take damage while auto piloting if you play defensively, stay on your toes, and only do it for that short amount of time. So you get information, not take damage, and catch them off guard + mind games

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
you don't have to take damage while auto piloting if you play defensively, stay on your toes, and only do it for that short amount of time. So you get information, not take damage, and catch them off guard + mind games

Well I guess we are working off of different definitions of auto-piloting because you just described playing smart.
-play defensively
-stay on your toes
-take no damage

I define auto-piloting as throwing out attacks without thinking, which WILL cause you to take damage.

As for the mindgame portion of it, how much damage taken can you justify in the sake of mindgames? 20%? 30%? It seems pretty risky to get information that may not even be valuable because they are reacting to auto-piloting, the very strategy you will be moving away from in 20 seconds.

I say just start by playing smart and adjust while the match progresses.

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
i agree with P-1
you can auto pilot and play smart at the same time
its not really auto piloting if you know what youre doing or know youre doing it, its just a strategy for finding your opponents weaknesses
auto-piloting and playing smart are NOT the same thing. By definition they are almost complete opposites.

Its not really auto-piloting if you know what you are doing? Auto-piloting implies losing consciousness over what you are doing. This is a huge contradiction.

What IS auto-piloting to you all?

Kaptain Kong

Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
To the SE of Port Town.. ..send - Seattle, WA
i know they are completely different, but if you use it as a mind game you have to consciously think about doing it, imo thats how you play smart with it

i mean that you "auto pilot" by just throwing bananas randomly and whenever you can, or just play randomly/different from youre normal play style, you can still think while doing it imo


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Well I guess we are working off of different definitions of auto-piloting because you just described playing smart.
-play defensively
-stay on your toes
-take no damage

I define auto-piloting as throwing out attacks without thinking, which WILL cause you to take damage.

As for the mindgame portion of it, how much damage taken can you justify in the sake of mindgames? 20%? 30%? It seems pretty risky to get information that may not even be valuable because they are reacting to auto-piloting, the very strategy you will be moving away from in 20 seconds.

I say just start by playing smart and adjust while the match progresses.
By playing defensively, I mean camping banana throws or staying a descent distance from your opponent so that you can punish projectile use if they use it, but out of range of melee attacks, and in turn take 0-little damage, you just have to stay on your toes to jump out of autopilot at the right time.

When I'm saying auto piloting, I think it has 2 definitions.

1. Would be the actual 'state' of auto piloting where you throw attacks out randomly or just because your opponent is 'there.'

2. This would be the verb of auto piloting where you're just throwing your bananas at them because they're just there or just staying in place and spamming dtilt/ftilt, but you're not actually in the 'state' of auto piloting. I guess you could kinda say it's somewhat like sandbagging, but not exactly that far.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
Some people really need to go and find/read G-regulate's old thread on mindgames...That might easily be the most misunderstood/abused term in smash.
seriously xD that thread made me evolve my own smash metagame :p.

@sauce boss :3 all ur posts are exactly what im thinking o-o. perhaps we are cousins o-o?

@master mind:
im glad u find my posts useful :3
knowledge is power lol
but u do know spam> seriousness :p

i get what your saying but o-o by literal means auto- anything means without thought. such as an automatic car compared to a car with a gearshift o-o. but i do agree with what you are saying. its hard to explain i can figure. i would say um do what your opponent thinks ur gonna do, do it then next time u do it, change it up/ mix up ur combinations and figure out ur opponents style of play. and yes i think that is what sandbagging is xD


Smash Lord
May 9, 2008
Socal -> FL
Test out diffrent banana setups. IF they fall for it, try out an another but if it fails...try an another set up and see what they do.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
We have a word for that.

It's called dribbling.
LOL ^_^
About the whole auto-pilot thing, I don't think you should do it
Why cant you observe your opponent while playing smart?
Using good spacing, thinking before you act, and having a good banana game are all part of playing smart and they all help in gauging how your opponent reacts in certain situations.

EX. You run at opponent, instead of doing a dash attack (That would be someone in auto-pilot who doesnt think before acting), you play smart and dribble backwards ('' spacing'' and ''bananas used smartly'' ). You saw what your opponent does in that situation and can react accordingly without going into auto-pilot or taking any unnecessary risks.
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