You can say tourny results are flawed to a certain extent but if they wernt made this way with seeding then all the best players would be playing each other early on which would be stupid.
Why ? Because the top level players DON'T like getting last places in tourney ? I'll tell you what. Get Ken, PC, Azen, and 1,000 people who have never played.
1. Play Ken in first round, lose.
2. PC takes Azen.
3. You play Azen in losers, you lose.
And you're telling me that you should have gotten dead last ?
Tourney brackets should be random, even IF high-level players don't like it. Just because they're better doesn't mean they should take precedent for seeding in tourneys.
If they don't LIKE it, then it's just like Mr.C said. Better people should win in tourney. No johns.
edit : I realize some high-level players (such as PC) travel to tourneys, and they wouldn't like to get dead last in a tournament because of seeding. But it still comes to the same principle : if you're better, you will win. If you're not, you should lose.