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/HOPE 6 Results Thread!


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA

I wanted to thank everyone who came out to make this last hope a fun one. I sincerely hope (no pun intended) that everyone enjoyed this tournament and the whole hope series since its inception. Its been a great ride!

NOTE: Tio pro didn't add the round robins scores in the right column correctly for every spot. When viewing the results, if something doesn't match up with the listed results and round robin, its because we did the round robin tallying by hand to be accurate.

Melee Teams (round robin)
1: Lake + Naka ($98.00)
2: Silent Swag + abate ($28.00)
3: Morning Thunder +stro ($14.00)
4: Mav + Carroll
5: Get Low + Grey Wolf
6: Jbro + WEMP
7: Roh2 + Leo


Brawl Doubles (round robin)
1: blue rogue+ kazi ($70.00)
2: Jiffy + links ($30.00)
3: Space thing + jimmy
4: Mav + Carroll
5: HADES + hairi


Melee Singles 21 entrants
1: SilentSWAG ($126.00):sheikmelee:
2: Abate ($63.00):luigimelee:
3: Taki ($21.00):foxmelee:
4: Carroll:foxmelee:
5: Lake
5: Vudujin:luigimelee:
7: jbro
7: Stro:linkmelee:
9: Get Low
9: MorningThunder
9: WEMP:peachmelee:
9: 06
13: Links24
13: Da Shuffla
13: Mav:sheikmelee:
13: Jeff
17: Leo
17: Brian
17: Incom
17: Jake


Brawl Singles 12 Entrants

1: Kazi ($72.00):metaknight::toonlink:
2: Blue Rogue ($36.00):wario:
3: Mav ($12.00):falco::metaknight:
4: Space Thing:lucario:
5: Jiffy:wario:
5: Dual Sucks(Jimmy):pit:
7: HADES:metaknight:
7: Lake:pt:
9: Vudujin:wario:
9: jbro:marth:
9: Hairi:pit:
9: Links24:toonlink::diddy:


Fill in characters you know!


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Fixd jimmy/Stro. I was too lazy to change the tio settings from top 3 to top 2 and as for melee tio pro was being dumb as people pointed out.

P.S if you only got $13 a think a dollar got lost somewhere. See me at apex I can give one to you if its an issue :)


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA

1. SilentSWAG ($126.00)- Dude do you even math
2: Abate ($63.00)- Weegii
3: Taki ($21.00)- HE'S JUST A BOY
4: Carroll- 4 kills in one match in brawl, makes me proud.
5: Lake- <3
5: Vudujin- Gaaaahhhh hold still I just wanna grab you as sheik T_T. GGs
7: jbro- ggs in dubz
7: Stro- Really wanted to play you in bracket. Unfortunately I came just short of getting past wemp
9: Get Low - Hi
9: MorningThunder- Hi
9: WEMP- Gah. So close. Should of locked it up game 2, but I let you come back, then lots of ***-smashing happened game 3. GGs
9: 06- Hi
13: Da Shuffla- Hi
13: Mav - Oh snap, I didn't have a losing record in my first melee tourney! Also, shoutouts to not touching brawl since carrollfest 3 and still making money lololol.
13: Jeff- Ggs
17: HADES-Hi
17: Leo- Hi
17: Brian-ggs
17: Incom -Hi
17: Jake- Hi

Naka- ggs in dubz and good talkin to you.

1: Kazi ($72.00) -Good ****. See you at APEX. Make sure to talk to me before doing your pools and stuff there; I need to give you some pointers and need to know stuff about nationals since its your first one.
2: Blue Rogue ($36.00) -Poopy. Beat me twice in the same tourney. Don't make me have to practice brawl again; I don't want to T_T. ggs
4: Space Thing- You gotta stop choking. You completely fell apart in the 3rd game. Keep your composure and you'll do a lot better.
5: Jiffy- Lol metaknight. A Broke-dee-doke and total bull**** character. ggs
5: Dual Sucks(Jimmy) - ggs in dubz
9: Hairi- ggs in dubz
9: Links24-ggs

Shoutouts to eat'n park.


Smash Cadet
Jan 1, 2013
Fudge it, imma try anyways *SHOUTOUTS*

1.Kazi- yea, im proud of myself i feel confident and ready for apex

2.Blue Rogue- idk why i was so intimidated by you, your wario is hella beast tho keep it up id like to play you again, and we need to team again so we can take dubs :)

3.Mav- yo sorry bout that dubs issue that was a lil rude of me, but yea dude continue traning your falco and stop getting frustrated dude, it seemed like you was very frustrated playing me

4.Space Thing-ggs, keep practicing

5.JimmyFOSHO- yo thanks for getting me tothe venue and taking me home shoutouts to you for that and keep improving man and we need to play each other offline more

5.Jiffy- good stuff, a lil jelly for you tryna help blue rogue against me :p

7.HADES- mr.mkdownb lool

7.Lake- we didnt really talk

9.Vudujin- ggs

9.jbro- didnt play or talk to you xD

9.Hari- ggs in dubs

9.Links24- YOOOO, ggs in dubs. Really chill dude i hope to see you at another tourney so we can chill again.

Shoutouts to everyone else there that i missed and shoutouts to mav,carrol, and vudujin for trying to keep west PA active, i really appreciate it



Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2010
Being sarcastic and pointing out the obvious.
1: Kazi ($72.00):metaknight::toonlink: - Good **** man. Had fun playing a ****load of friendlies and such. Good luck at APEX.
2: Blue Rogue ($36.00):wario: Good games... that comeback second game though lol depressing. I will do better next time.
3: Mav ($12.00):falco::metaknight: Thanks for hosting the HOPE series. Good luck at APEX and your future job.
4: Space Thing:lucario: SO EFFING CLOSE. I will win sooner or later
5: Jiffy:wario: Still glad I didn't have to play you. :bee:
5: Dual Sucks(Jimmy):pit: word
7: HADES:metaknight: welcome to the competitive scene. Listen to the advice some of us were giving you to improve.
9: Hairi:pit: GGs **** Pit dittos... lol
9: Links24:toonlink::diddy: was nice talking to you. GGs in doubles.

incom/life- shame on you for not entering brawl
Carroll- still godlike


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Shoutouts to the usual Brawl folks for being chill

Shoutouts to jbro for being chill

Shoutouts to shoutouts for being chill

Carroll: freakin' Fox man :/ lol ggz

M@V: Thanks, on behalf of everyone


Oh and...



Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2011
Pittsburgh, PA
1: SilentSWAG ($126.00) - swag you're too good. keep doin your thing, homie
2: Abate ($63.00) - abataaayyy was awesome watching you run the table on all these fools below you
3: Taki ($21.00) - ezpz 2nd place if abate's not completely on his game. good ****
4: Carroll - downside: no money. upside: placed higher than aaron and jacob, ballin
5: Lake - i am disappointed yet humbled about losing our magic hat rematch
5: Vudujin - the fact that i took a game off any of your characters means i don't suck that much. woooo
7: jbro - free as **** tho
7: Stro - the complete mirror of me at this tourney. stro you are the man
9: Get Low - didn't get to play you, matt, but take my win over wemp as my callout to peaches everywhere
9: MorningThunder - nice hangin yesterday morning. ggs
9: WEMP - weeeeemp wish we had teamed before, we starting pulling it together by the end. would definitely team again.
13: Da Shuffla - fun friendlies as always, gerald. so close to taking out MT, too
13: Mav - the MC of hope hanging up the mic? hell no. hope 7, make it happen

shoutouts to the people i left out, nothing personal, just didn't get to talk to you or get your name.
shoutouts to brawl players for keeping this **** alive and taking my money
shoutouts to me again for tying my highest finish in a tourney. **** yes.

Get Low

Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2011
Niles, Ohio
$126 for first place? Wowzers! That's half of my paycheck at my part-time, minimum wage job. >.<

Also, I have a major complaint. Pittsburgh's highways are ridiculously confusing and scary, and Tonya and Hari were fearing for their lives as I was trying to navigate them.

And I've figured out that I have a curse. I've gotten ninth place at every local tourney for the past year. What should I do to break this curse? Probably play more. :b


GrayWolf - My man, we did so much better in doubles than I thought we'd do. We got six wins and you don't even know how to L-cancel or wavedash, haha. I'm glad you enjoyed your last tourney before going into the Air Force. Go play Armada when you get shipped overseas. ;)
Hari - Don't be discouraged. It took me a long time before I was able to beat people in bracket. You'll get there as long as you keep your head up and keep trying (plank more, cough cough).
Mav - Thanks for hosting, man. Good luck wherever your job opportunities take you.
SilentSwag - You ****. I do enjoy playing against you though, and I'm confident that I can beat you again in the future. :)
Carroll - Good **** getting fourth, mang. You'll beat your brother eventually, and it will feel so good. And double shoutout for hitting on Tonya. xD
Lake - I felt like we had the weirdest set. I did good games 1 and 2, and then I think you caught on to my playstyle and ***** me the third game. I do love that Zelda, though. GGs.
Jbro - Good job against Wemp. I watched that set and thought man, you might give me a run for my money next time we play.
Stro - Why the hell didn't we play? Next time. I want that Link.
Get Low - Highest ranking Ohio player at this tourney. Good ****.
Wemp - Sad that we didn't get to play friendlies, but we played in doubles and I watched a few of your matches. Your Peach is pretty solid, methinks.
Links24 - I have to admit, I underestimated you a little bit. Your Link is really good, and I had to try as hard as I could to beat it.
Da Shuffla - DA SHUFFLA! GGs in bracket. Your Falcon is good, but he's also my best matchup. ;)
Hades - Don't be discouraged. The more tourneys you go to, the better you'll get.

And shoutouts to everyone else I played against whom I either forgot to mention, or I didn't catch your name.

Anti-shoutouts to my fellow Ohio Melee players. You guys are lame, and you all should have been here.

And last but not least, my girlfriend Tonya wants to make a shoutout to all of you guys, and she said it was nice meeting everyone. :)


Certified Ponch
May 2, 2010
Mantua, OH
I would've come, but I figured my tire going flat Friday night and not having any secure housing was probably good enough. With Apex next week, I had to sit out. Sorry guys.


Mote Of Dust
Oct 9, 2008
1: SilentSWAG : It was nice meeting you and congrats on first :U :U
2: Abate : We didn't talk much but your luigi is intense @.@
3: Taki : Need more fox practice with you.
4: Carroll : It was really nice of you to introduce yourself, and I had fun in our friendlies! Can't wait to play you more ;D
5: Lake: Oh how I love thee
5: Vudujin: jacooooob. Our friendlies were a blast, it is a lot of fun playing you
7: jbro: Teams were a ton of fun, especially after we kind of figured things out! Fun set,learned a lot about the shiek m/u, and how bad I am at edgegaurding her/you, haha. Can't wait to play more with you
7: Stro: Your link is so awesome :U We should play millions of link/peach matches
9: Get Low: I feel bad we never got to play, but I had to help my friend/roommate move . next time we shall play. Also props for playing blue peach, we are a rare race
9: WEMP:not bad for your second tournament. Keep playing, you can only get better.
9: 06: you need to come over so we can play
13: Da Shuffla: I want to do a ton more friendlies with you
13: Mav: fun games.
13: Jeff: You need to also come over so we can play :p .
17: Jake: Infinite shoutouts for letting Aaron and I crash at your place the night before. You were super nice to us. Play more melee with us!!! :U


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2009
Canton, Ohio
good games to all. I had a lot of fun.
I realize my mistakes and weaknesses. Now I have to improve.

Also, good luck to all at Apex. :)


Smash Cadet
Jan 1, 2013
Nice stuff to mav for making it out of apex pools, unfortunately i wasnt able to attend, plans got canceled last minute

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