Omfg if one more person says I'm comparing homosexuality to pedophilia I'm going to tear my hair out.
For goodness sake, yes I know that pedophilia harms people, and homsoexuality doesn't, I know there's a disticntion there.
People should know by now that I always accepted the distinction between the two. If people keep throwing out the accusation I didn't, I'm just not going to bother respond to their posts, because I have made it evident far too many times I know there is a distinction.
Dre, the problem isn’t with your intention (not to compare the two), but with your communication skills (you appear to compare the two). Sorry Dre, but if 10/10 people think you’re comparing the two, maybe the problem isn’t everyone else, but the problem is how you communicated your idea. In the future, please try to explain yourself in a different way. If you would like an example of how to do so please feel free to ask.
Blazedaces- Well at least you provided a grounding (act utiliatarianism) for your beliefs. With regards to whether I believe homsoexuality or not, I'm on the fence at the moment, because despite my theory being proven wrong, theories very similar to mine do account for animal homosexuality, so I do feel I am sort of on the right track. The reason why I'm still debating here is to correct misinterpretations of my argument, and to counter flawed arguments. I personally feel my weak NL still counters every argument here, except for the animal homsoexuality one, so I attempt to counter all points except that one.
So let me get this straight… you have no contention with my grounding of act utilitarianism as a means to justify homosexuality… therefore homosexuality is justified under my framework? If not, what is your problem with the argument?
Since you don’t respond to many of what I would call “good counter-arguments” I’m not going to get into every point, but I’ll repeat again that any argument which appeals to nature is a logical fallacy, including yours.
As for a defintiion of natural, it's the ends we are designed to move towards. We are clearly sturctured to desire and benefit food for example. Sex is another obvious one. That doesn't mean all impulses are good, because we know that if everyone murdered babies, apart from that being disturbing, civilisation would end.
Firstly, as I and others have mentioned before replacing the vague non-existant definition of the word natural with “the ends we are designed to move towards”, another vague description that is subject to your opinion mostly, we are still left with nothing substantial to argue with you against. This is why appeal to nature arguments are all fallacious. You don’t define your argument, so you just change it as you go along depending on what we throw at you. You simply adjust your statements so your definition ALWAYS fits. Your explanation above is a perfect example, food and sex are obvious impulses that “we are designed to move towards” … but for whatever reason according to you “murdering babies” is not… why? Civilization ending doesn’t have anything to do with your definition of the word natural. I’m ready to hear you change your definition so that it does right after reading this, so I’m waiting…
Furthermore, as explained in my post above, we are not “designed” for anything. Evolution is not “a plan”. As I said before, we ONLY get hungry because our ancestors got hungry, and passed that trait to us. That’s all. There is no hidden meaning behind it. I really don’t want to, but I will explain the basics of evolution to you if that’s what it takes to convince you of this
So I look at sex. To me, it's clearly designed for procreation, I've shown why before in the PG thread, so I don't need to go into it again. I've shown that biologically, the act is not designed to be used other than for the ejaculation into the woman, you can go back to the PG thread and read it if you want.
No, you can go back and quote yourself or repeat yourself. I’m not searching back through the entire thread for this explanation, though I do recall it partially. It was a horrible argument for why sex is “soley” “designed” for procreation (fact of the matter is Dre, it’s NOT). Sex is not designed. If it were designed, we wouldn’t release waste (urine) from the same tract that we release semen. But you don ‘t need to know that to realize the ONLY reason sex works the way it does is because our ancestors had sex this way and passed it onto us. Period.
In fact, I'm pretty sure I did explain what I meant by natural at the start of the PG thread. Summing it up quickly, what's natural are the ends we are designed to move towards, but you'll have to read the PG trhead if you wnat to refute me on that.
No I won’t. Look Dre, the expectations for the debate hall and in general ANY FORUM IN EXISTANCE have always been such that if you want to provide an argument YOU must provide it… you’re welcome to quote yourself, link to your own post, or link to someone else’s information. But you can’t just say GO READ IT SOMEWHERE IN A THREAD.
I’ve read this definition previously and pointed out how it’s not valid. Change your definition or see the obvious truth that your argument is logically fallacious.
Look, this is getting too much for me. I say you elect someone to debate me, probably Blazed or Sucumbio, because they seem to have been debating me here the longest, and probably the most familiar with my arguments. Just elect someone and I'll 1v1 them, that way, I can respond to every single argument they put forward.
Dre, I’m really sorry. I know you’re being honest. But we’ve all been where you are and no one before you has had this much of an issue. I don’t know why you do. But, if you want I’ll be happy to be the person who 1v1 debates you… or you can pick Sucumbio, up to you of course. No one obviously is forcing you to respond to anyone.
It depends what you mean by intelligent design.
I believe that the world was created by God, but I don't believe that the world is only 6000 years old, or that evolution is necessarily untrue.
Even if I was a Catholic, Catholics aren't required to commit to a scientific theory on the formation of the Earth, because the Church has never claimed one.
People have this misunderstading that Catholic interpretation of Genesis reads as literal, or that Genesis is providing a scientific truth, wheni n fact the onyl truth it is inteded to provide is theoligcal.
I love how you always claim that everyone but “Catholics” are wrong… I don’t know if you realize Dre, but it’s not that “People” misunderstand Catholic interpretations… it’s that many Catholics ACTUALLY INTERPRET genesis literally. There are people out there (and who have come to the debate hall in the past) who still literally argue that the world is only 6000 years earth. Hell, there’s even a flat earth society ( … not exactly related but still funny.
Sorry, but Intelligent Design is a belief, a faith if you will … it is not a scientific theory. In order to be a scientific theory it has to subjugate itself somehow to being falsifiable. Until that point in time it’s just someone’s ponderings…
I realize you are not saying it is… so if you want to ignore this part feel free, I just wanted to add that in…
I understand humans are designed to want pleasure, but the sex act isn't designed to have pleasure as an end, the pelasure is just there to entice ou into the act, and the most instense pleasure, the ejaculation, is the reward for injecting the seed into the woman.
What about the most intense pleasure for a woman? She receives the most intense pleasure usually (not every women in the world, but most women) by stimulation of the clitoris. Most women (this is a fact, if you don’t believe me I can provide a source) cannot be stimulated to orgasm by insertion alone. And why is procreation the end? Who decides these things? You? Do you realize how incredibly flawed your argument is yet? Do you not see that you have no real objective criteria for evaluation the “natural value” of any given act? How natural is something? You have no answer to this. It’s kind of up in the air… and depending on how you want to view something you pick and choose what are the means and ends to any act.
Your apple example below is perfect proof of this. You chose an apple as being naturally food… because [highlight]if eating an apple is wrong your whole theory is horribly flawed[/highlight]… but guess what Dre… an apple is “primarily designed” to make more apple trees. It is another means of procreation. I put quotes around the words “primarily designed” because of course there is no such thing. Apples are another example of this, as we have genetically bred them till we bred the apples we prefer to eat most. Apples found in natural forests (in this case the word natural means not tampered by man, which is not necessarily better or worse, see how I DEFINED the word, no one is confused by what I mean by this word) taste horrible.
Pleasure and pain are there to alert you to what's desirable and undesirable. That's why we feel pain, our body is alerting us to the fact something undesirable has occurred.
So what happens when pain or pleasure are wrongly applied? What happens when pain leads us to a course of action that is undesirable in the long run? Momentary pains/pleasures aren’t always the best means by which to make decisions. Drinking alcohol is pleasurable momentarily, but leads to disastrous health drawbacks, and probably more pain in the future if taken without moderation (even with moderation sometimes).
This is another perfect example of how you aren’t viewing things correctly. Pleasure and pain receptors are reactions that occur in our body to given stimuli. These reactions occur because they occurred in our ancestors. The often don’t make sense, and that’s because they aren’t “intended” to do anything. There is no design. Itching an area that has been infected with poison ivy is detrimental, but it’s what our first impulse to remove pain and seek pleasure tells us to do… I could give a million examples, but I digress…
Yes nowadays, there are plenty of artifical things which are pleasurable, but not good for us, but It hink most natural, non man-made things which give us pelausre are good for us.
Weed, most types of mushrooms, uncooked meats, unclean water, god this list is retardedly long. I mean seriously Dre, do you not realize how much we modify EVERYTHING non man-made to make it so it indeed IS good for us…
I mean even healthy things like fruits and vegetables have to be inspected, cleaned, often parts that are bad have to be removed, parts that we cannot eat. And even those fruits and vegetables we HARVEST which means they are man-made to begin with.
The road also goes both ways. What about natural diseases/viruses/malformations (some do give us pleasure too). Do we ignore these things in your “everything natural is good” viewpoint?
El Nino- I was always open to that possibility, but when I looked at it I realised the sole purpose of the sex act was procreation. My arguments for that should be fairly early on in the PG version.
Provide them.
No they're not immoral. They're artificial objects, so their purpose can be altered to whatever end.
What is the difference between an artificial object and a “natural” object. I know you probably are referring to my definition of natural, but now you’re committing a logical fallacy by mixing up word definitions. Please try to be clear and consistent with your wording.
To save time, let's take a natural object such as an apple, for example. Apples are obviously meant to be food. Now suppose I make apple juice, and use it as fuel for a robot I'm making (just suppose that's actually possible).
What's being corrupted, and only to a small extent, is the apple, not the human. In fact, the apple is being used for a human good.
I’ve already been through this horrible example, but to point out something: according to your theory, drinking apple juice is JUST AS IMMORAL as having homosexual sex… do you realize how stupid this sounds?
Krazy- The reason why I think sex is meant purely for procreation is because of the sturcture of the act. Ha dit been sturctured differently, then yes perhaps pelasure could be an alternate end. This was all explained in the PG version.
Explain it or refer to where you explained it.