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All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
First off, I don't want this to turn into a HATEFUL argument, so if you don't have anything constructive to say, I might request that you keep it to yourself.
And yes, I am GAY.

Why are homophobes so afraid/hateful towards gays?

Usually 1 of 2 things.
1) They're misinformed
2) They want to hate us anyways just to make themselves feel better

1. Misinformed: Misinformed homophobes may be people who just don't understand why anyone would "want" to be gay. And/or are afraid that all gays are horny for every single guy on the world.

First off, I can easily say bisexuality/homosexuality is NOT a choice. Why people thought it was a choice in the first place is beyond me. For more information on homosexuality, please see the video linked below, curtisy of Meno People usually realize they're bi/homosexual when they first enter puberty, when they discover what they truly like.
And, I'll be honest, it'd be hard to imagine who would want to be gay in a society like this, where they're constantly discriminated and bashed for being different. Especially a few decades back when the police didn't even care if gays were being kicked out of places and or being victims of violent acts. I am really sad that this happens in our society, but it is getting better, slowly but surely.
And homosexuality has been seen in nature, from pretty much any animal.
Hope that clears a few things up.
Also, I don't speak for all gays/bis, so if you do indeed have information that I am missing, I would love to hear it.

2. Hateful because they want to be: These people are usually like the bullys, trying to find a weakness of yours and trying to make you feel like crap because of it. Informed or not. If they see a gay couple, they have tons of things to say to them.
They are usually the arrogant bigots that will later fail in life.
I hate people like this, and I really don't have much to say about it.

MenoUnderwater said:
Here's a fun video with even more evidence and stuff.

I think SWF is overall pretty un-homophobic; people are nice. ^^
There is the huge rampant use of "gay" used negatively - but I chalk that up more to ignorance than hatred.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I am going to let this thread stay open, but on an EXTREMELY short leash. If I even think things are getting out of hand, it's getting locked, and infractions will flow freely.


All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
Thank you Jam, I just really want people to be a little more informed. I also want to see peoples opinions on this, because I don't really know the minds of those number 2's (and I know theres some here on swf)


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
First off, I can easily say bisexuality/homosexuality is NOT a choice. Why people thought it was a choice in the first place is beyond me. Just because scientists haven't proved its not genetic doesn't mean it isnt..
So I'm supposed to take your word for it? I could easily say that homosexuality is a choice, based on my own experiences, and my word would hold as much validity as yours because it isn't backed up by solid evidence.


All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
So I'm supposed to take your word for it? I could easily say that homosexuality is a choice, based on my own experiences, and my word would hold as much validity as yours because it isn't backed up by solid evidence.
Like I said. They don't have evidence to prove that it IS genetic. But it's just the same the other way around, they don't have the evidence to prove it isnt genetic.
It's kind of like a favorite color, a favorite genre of music, or even your skin color.

I also gave some claims as to why its most likely not a choice.
I have yet to meet anyone whos bi/gay who has CHOSEN to be.


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
I guess they were just told to believe gays were bad people.
I don't care for em' much, I'm still faithful to women. @__@


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
So I'm supposed to take your word for it? I could easily say that homosexuality is a choice, based on my own experiences, and my word would hold as much validity as yours because it isn't backed up by solid evidence.
Actually, Barge got it wrong in that there's no scientific backup.

American Psychological Association said:
Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.
I expect the "little" part might have to involve deserted islands and end of worlds. :p

Here's a fun video with even more evidence and stuff.

I think SWF is overall pretty un-homophobic; people are nice. ^^
There is the huge rampant use of "gay" used negatively - but I chalk that up more to ignorance than hatred.


All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
Actually, Barge got it wrong in that there's no scientific backup.

I expect the "little" part might have to involve deserted islands and end of worlds. :p

Here's a fun video with even more evidence and stuff.

I think SWF is overall pretty un-homophobic; people are nice. ^^
There is the huge rampant use of "gay" used negatively - but I chalk that up more to ignorance than hatred.
I have to thank you for the link to that video, it was really entertaining and informative.
If you don't mind I want to quote you with that link.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
That video annoyed me more than anything, but the evidence seems solid.
It does have a certain unfavorable bias to it. I mean, the main character is called Christian. xD

I'd chalk it up to evolution of language.
It's an ignorant evolution comparable to the n-word, unfortunately. :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
It's an ignorant evolution comparable to the n-word, unfortunately. :ohwell:
Comparable how? They're quite the opposite, really. "******" started out entirely offensive and has now grown to have positive uses ("mah *****s," etc.), whereas "gay" started out with a positive connotation ("full of joy or mirth" in 1178) and went downhill.


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
Some people hate gays simply because it's different. Something outside of the norm of society. Humans have acted like this for centuries, I don't think I have to think of/search for examples.
As much as we hate to admit it, humans haven't changed much. We we still cast aside other humans simply because they are different and sometimes this leads to the idea of inferiority.

Luckily, lots of the "examples" that I didn't feel like listing got better. People began to accept it and things continued on, for the most part.

There are still sexists out there, there are still racists out there, admit it.
So there will still be homophobes for a long time, but like Barge said, things are getting better and they can only continue to get better

At least this is what I believe :p


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
Pathetic insignificant creatures. Humans are so worthless. The darkness in their own hearts makes them miserable, and forces them to submit to it by torturing other poor souls around them. If they can't assault other human beings, most of you flesh-puppets would cease to exist as you do now in this day and age. Many would desend into chaos and madness almost instantly without spirits that are different from yourselves to punish with your own self-loathing, shifted onto the exploitable difference. Once you simple-minded meat-sacks can get past these preconieved barriers you set up between eachother (aka Race, Wealth, Age, Sexuality, Hobbies, Gender, Religion), and learn to simply accept eachother, you might not have to constantly hide your wretched existance underneath the shadows of the corrupt and putrid society you've spent thousands of years to create to shelter yourselves from God's Almighty Wrath, despite you knowing how futile it is to attempt to do so.

Sorry for the emo, condesendingness of this rant, but that is how I feel towards people that segregate others over issues like this. I'll admit first hand, I dislike certain types of people after meeting them, some times within a matter of minutes. But that's only after I've met someone and gotten to experience how they act. I hate walking into classrooms and seeing people DIVIDED by the differences that they share which should let people come together. But people spend too much time judging based on apperances or back ground or other things they can't control (which might/mightnot include your sexuality; I personally do not know either way if it's a gene or not). Humans are scared of differences. Humans are fearful in general. And to overcome that fear, they belittle what it is they fear, so that it doesn't pose a threat anymore. And it's stupid to do so, since it was never a threat in the first place.

On the subject of Gay-People, I'm fine with that choice. The only gay people I dislike are gay guys that try to touch whatever they want to (although most of the ones that mess with me are usually just trying to get a rise out of me, and might not even be gay in the first place). Granted, I was shocked out of my ever-loving mind to hear that one of my friends was the RECIEVER in his gay relationship, but that's a person's personal choice/experience. Religiously, they are going against God, but our government seperates Church and State (weird since the US was Built on the concept of Freedom of Religion, so it should be a good influence rather than a bad one). And since it's a personal matter that isn't hurting anyone else, no one in existance other than God has the right to decide if it's a good or bad thing or not. If a man finds himself more comfortable with other men, or a woman finds herself happier with other women, no one really has the right to stop it. Personally, I enjoyed my dances with my prom date on Friday, and I don't think it would have been quite as much fun if she was manlier than I am.

Synopsis:Humans are terrible creatures that simply enjoy seperating and hurting eachother, and sexuality is one of the ways they do it. And they are wrong for doing so. I think people that still do should just tunnel into Hell and leave the rest of us alone.



All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
Dan, you're missing the point of my post though. I'm trying to prove that it's not a choice.
Also, not everyone is religious. They don't follow the same views as others.
But I'd rather not this turn into a religious debate. Because I know the issue of homosexuality has a lot to do with the bible.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
I'm sorry if I missed the point. I'm one of those people that hears part of a subject and is capable of ranting on end for about 5 hours for no reason. It's one of my many character flaws.

As far as I could tell, it seemed to be about the types of People that are against Homosexuality, either being a person that is uninformed or being one of those that are just evil in general. Despite how I feel about it, I'm probably one of the few that are uninformed about it as well. I've heard that they're getting closer to isolating the "gay" gene. I've heard others say that it's about the way the person was raised. And of course everyone brings up the Bible. It's going to happen sooner or later (THAT'S WHAT HE SAID!). Religion is something that can have an impact in nearly everything that is done in this realm of existance. I can understand not wanting to get religion involved, since many people doubt the factuality of God's existance period.

The one thing I can say is that everyone is different, and that the things that makes us different from eachother, whether it be by personal choice or by destiny, shouldn't be things that seperate us from eachother.


El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
Religiously, they are going against God, but our government seperates Church and State (weird since the US was Built on the concept of Freedom of Religion, so it should be a good influence rather than a bad one).
The freedom of religion applies to ALL religions. That is one of the reasons why church and state must remain separate, to prevent one particular religion from overtaking the others. The only way to allow all religions to be practiced within the country is to prevent any ONE of them from taking over the government. The first thing that tends to happen when a religion gains control of the state is that it then proceeds to crush all other religious practices.

Granted, I was shocked out of my ever-loving mind to hear that one of my friends was the RECIEVER in his gay relationship, but that's a person's personal choice/experience.
There's one theory for why homophobia exists, though I can only speak of it in respect to Western societies. It's been suggested that homophobia is rooted in misogyny, the hatred of women. Under this idea, society scorns the notion that a man could possibly be the "woman" in a relationship with another man because that relationship underscores the traditional power dynamic between men and women in society. By allowing for the possibility that a man can be "feminized" in this way, it takes away the solid and unwavering notion that men are "impenetrable" and not, in any way, like women, who have traditionally been the underclass of Western society (and of many societies around the world). "Masculinity" is not only a personal concept; it is also a social concept, and in this way, the masculinity of one man can, in fact, affect the public perception of the masculinity of ALL men. If one man can be "un-masculine," then it implies that the Y chromosome does NOT guarantee automatic placement in the superior class of society; it does not guarantee those character traits so highly valued by that class. This means that all men would lose, psychologically, the biologically pre-determined basis for their privileged status.

Under this theory, the hatred of female homosexuals would be related to, again, the disruption of the traditional power dynamic when a woman is seen to be taking over as the "man" in a relationship with another woman, thus replacing a man in that role. Sexual prowess with women is a highly valued trait of masculinity. And if a woman can play that part as well as a man, then a man is not automatically better than a woman.

In short, homophobia stems from group psychology and an underlying perception of being threatened that is most likely subconscious. This theory doesn't seem to cover female hatred of homosexuals, however. I've heard one girl say that she doesn't like the idea of gay men because then, in her words, "What's the point of women?" That seems to suggest that she values herself, in part, according to how well she fulfills the part of a spouse to a male partner. Gay males would be more competition for her in that respect

As a disclaimer, I'm going to add that this is largely a philosophical idea based on some proposed psychological concepts. The main idea was relayed to me by a friend studying psychoogy; the ****y explanations came from the ensuing discussion as we tried to make sense of it. I know of no empirical studies that have tested any of this out, and I'm not sure how such a study would be constructed. At best, it's just another hypothesis. There probably isn't a way to test it, in all honesty.


Smash Lord
Nov 18, 2008
Dallas GA
That's another, admitedly much deeper theory on the subject than anything I've ever heard on the subject recently. I never personally thought about it from the point of social status in relation to sexuality and gender.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Iunno Barge, I think it's wrong but you know perfectly well what I am.
It's a struggle to say the least, when you don't know where to stand.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I don't like to say it because it sounds mean, but this thread is silly. Don't procede to flame me due to that one sentence, though. All I ask is that you hear me out on why.

Though I don't mean to be cynical, humans, by nature, are flawed and prejudice creatures. From the color of someone's skin, to their sexuality, humans will always judge first based on the outside, rather than the inside. While some humans have the ability to overcome their prejudice via meeting and actually speaking with people, many, many people on the planet will remain the same. Bigotry can never truly be removed from the world, because that is what humans are. We are bigots by nature- Why would we have wars if we weren't?

Homosexuality is in no way a bad thing. It may be different, yes, but that doesn't make it bad. From a scientific point of view, I see homosexuality as genetic. However, there are also many cases where it is a choice. Despite this, Homosexuality is more of a limiting factor on the human population, if you look at it. A male and a male cannot reproduce. A female and a female cannot reproduce without the use of artificial incemination- look. That's two less people who can add on to the already strained population of the earth. And even other people don't see it in my way, why the hell does it matter?

Homosexuals are humans as well. They have emotions, they have rational thoughts, they have souls. Yes, this even means that they will judge people before knowing them, as well. Despite the fact that they are sexually aroused by the same gender, rather than the opposite, there is no difference between them (Other than the occasional amazing sense of fashion and design, which is far superior to the close minded view of the heterosexual. Oh god don't hit me that's a good thing!) and a heterosexual. But no matter how many times this argument is brought up, you can't destroy other people's beliefs on a matter- especially those as close minded as an american's- the so-called "Free People." I used to be a raging homophobe, but this was because of the fact that I had a homosexual friend who made a move on me one day. Needless to say- I did not approve. I began a stereotype that all homosexuals were like that, and ended up fooling myself completely. I go to a public school now, where about 20% of the students are gay. If I was still a homophobe, I would have **** myself. I cast away this sterotype because I met so many people that I didn't even know were gay until a month into our friendship.

One of my best friends is gay. I'd take a bullet for him, despite some mannerisms that I don't particularly care for. Sure, I don't agree, but he's got his ways too. And again, I say, there are some people in the world capable of casting away their sterotypes and prejudice from experience or general open mindedness. However, I will state repeatedly that many humans on the planet are incapable of listening to reason. Like the Catholic Church. Oh god, we suck. (I'm catholic- S'okay.) My parents are against homosexuality- when my flamingly homosexuality friend came to my house to play some Brawl, my mother eyed him continuously like he was some kind of monster. I had to scold her when he left on how rude it was, and that he was a person just like she was. While I tried to reason, the ultimate conclusion she came up with was, "Those people are freaks."

I can understand the concerns of your thread- but honestly, you're doing nothing more than asking for flame from homophobes themselves. But don't blame yourself- they're just close-minded individuals, incapable of seeing the big picture of life. Don't be angry at them, feel sorry for them. Their minds will never develop further than they have right now.
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