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Hmmm, this isn't what I wanted :/.

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Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
Link to original post: [drupal=1256]Hmmm, this isn't what I wanted :/.[/drupal]

I thought that this was a USER blog, I shouldn't have my blog closed because I think differently from the majority of the people here. Also, this tells me that you can't prove me wrong at all when I came with facts to my opinion. I don't hate the community, I just tell it like it is and the point is, you have no grounds or proof for why the bans in Brawl took place. Like it or not, this metagame isn't getting any better and there will be more complaining. Another thing is that ITEMS CAN BE COMPETITIVE!!! You have NO proof about it being a burden to Brawl. I also said that what if we combined everything we learned now to All-Brawl? This was in no way to tell everyone that they're wrong to play with no items, but don't complain about the state of things now (Once again Metaknight). I'm saying that both gametypes should be considered. You say that i'm not credible? This coming from people who wants to assume and ban. I like playing on both no-item brawl and All-Brawl and possibly the constant complaining about Brawl caused me to start shunning the current ruleset and post how I feel. My point still stands, we should be more open for the sake of Brawl. Actually try to prove me wrong this time as to why All-Brawl isn't viable and SWF Brawl is the only way to go.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
And here I thought People 07 and back were supposed to not fail. I'll give a responce to your blog in a few minutes BT.

edit: You two are reported.

First, BT tone down the ranting little, it can make you seem simply angry rather than trying to get a discussion/debate going.

There was a thread about EVO in GBD a while back. A few of the mods, I forget who, told us that they did everything they could to reason with EVO to use their rule format, and they were simply (even blatently?) ignored. What they used as evidence I do not recall or wasn't told.

I haven't read all of the threads about competitive items, Mic_128, but the ones I have read and/or participated in ; the only evidence used to support the Anti Item members was the fact that it didn't work in Melee, (Which is semi irrlelevent to a totally different game IMO) And that they were random (which I agree)

Banning stuff I don't see a problem with as long as it is truely looked into and determined that it severly damages the metagame even just for certain characters or breaks it. I haven't participated in any, really, of these discussions and therefore am largely ignorant on what the process for determining what is legal and what is not is.

Eliteism does happen here on SWF, and people can just be jerks too. (2 posters above)
But there are alot of cool people here as well. The question is, are they snuffed out by the overwhelming number of purposly ignorant and harmful scrubs/trolls/flamers?

And although it is wise to use the top players and smartest members as the chief decideing force when it comes to Smash in general, I do not understand why the forums that do that deciding and debating are completly closed off from the rest of the forum. Not even viewable to normal moderaters.

Brawl vs Melee disgusts me. They're both good games. That have their own way of playing. But people can't just say I prefer Brawl/Melee. They have to troll and flame and argue and do what they can to do damage to the other side.
This makes the communtiy broken when it should be working together.

As far as what other fighting communities think, I could care less lol But this community not being very friendly to anyone is fact.

Edit: wot nao haz moar stuffz


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
Thread locked in 3....2....1....
lol, man now I know how BUM feels. I took a more calm approach so if this gets locked, I can't take this place seriously anymore. How about they try to explain why I'm wrong to feel this way. Is it wrong not to be concerned about the on going complaints about how the metagame is shaping up? Is it wrong to write a blog of my opinion, even though I'm not flaming or insulting anyone? So far it's only empty answers and I'm sure they can do better than this. I can back up my claim, let's see them do the same without using any of the same arguments if they have a problem with my post.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
I don't know about your previous blog, but items in brawl have been discussed MANY times, and just don't work out. Believe me, I love using items, but they just don't work. Search for one of the many threads about it and read it thoroughly.

As for complaining about your previous blog being closed, might I suggest PMing the mod who did, or posting in forum disputes?

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Some of the phrasing from your first blog:

I can't take it anymore,what the hell is wrong with you people!!!!
I'm gonna list everything here that pisses me off about SWF and trust, I don't care about what anyone from there thinks about me after this post.
SWF's popular reason is because idiots and immature people on the board who don't know what they are talking about.
This is the ultimate reason why everyone hates you.
We don't mind dissenting opinions, but if you have a point to make, you're going to have to do it in a more mature and respectful way. Your blog did not encourage debate, it encouraged flames.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
This community isn't friendly?

Yeah, and what community is friendly to people that ask the same inane questions over and over again? You know, when there are stickied threads dedicated to things such as forum rules and general game guidelines that could easily help them if they dedicated half a wit to reading the ****? Oh, and let us not forget the people that come in to a tourney-based discussion with off-the-wall crap that usually has nothing to do with the topic at hand (like Ike being the cheapest character in the game and Metaknight being a middle-of-the-road character). We all can't be saints, and I can surely vouch for the people who are sick of that sort of crap because it pops up time and time again.

I think you'd find that sort of jaded attitude anywhere on a site that sponsors competitive whatever.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
To people who don't post on topic, there's a report button. Replying to said spam is ALSO against the rules in said stickied threads. And you can't deny the way the brawl and melee communty are with one another.

No one expects people to be saints, but there are more total *******s here then in any other communtiy I've been in or looked through.

How've you been btw? I haven't seen you since NeW's site was hacked and taken down like months ago


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I don't hate the community, I just tell it like it is and the point is, you have no grounds or proof for why the bans in Brawl took place.
What...? I think EVERY ban in every department can be legitimately backed up. Stages are banned due to having a large slant towards a certain character/type of character, items are banned due to being very luck-based...what is there unjustified there? Someone didn't just wake up one day and say "Gee, I'm bored. I'm going to ban something in Brawl."

Like it or not, this metagame isn't getting any better and there will be more complaining.
No, Brawl's metagame isn't improving...it's not going to have a major competitive breakthrough like some people claimed it would (I don't know if they still do, but I stopped hearing that argument). What's your point?

And yes, there will be lots of complaining. So...if people decide to whine about something we should do anything in our power to stop it?

Another thing is that ITEMS CAN BE COMPETITIVE!!!

You have NO proof about it being a burden to Brawl.
Um...yes we do...? Items are a random factor. Random factors indicate luck. Luck generally involves minimal skill. Competitive play is meant to test skill.

I mean, you can't have a competitive slot machine community...that's just stupid. So why would you have something in competitive play which allows for a person to gain an advantage by happening to get the Homerun Bat which spawns right next to them?

I don't see your argument of them being a problem in Melee, but not necessarily in Brawl...Melee and Brawl are completely different games, but their styles are similar at the basic level and items are still the same concept in both. Wait, in your other topic, did you say that NOW you can turn all items off...? You could do that in Melee too, y'know...and yes, everything...even crates.

You can argue for playing with them normally if you want, because I think it's perfectly fine and anyone who would disagree that while playing by yourself or just with friends it's fine to play items is an ignorant elitist, but competitive play...since the entire community would disagree with you, I don't think we're the ones that have to prove something here.

This was in no way to tell everyone that they're wrong to play with no items, but don't complain about the state of things now (Once again Metaknight).
Items would not fix Meta Knight. The best they would do is add a random factor enough so every player has an equal chance of winning so MK is no longer any better than anyone else, but I don't think it's worth breaking the entire game just for one character. That's just stupid.

I'm saying that both gametypes should be considered.
They can both be considered. When you're making the rules. If you want to start your own line of tournaments with items on, go ahead. Just don't expect it to be wildly popular.

You say that i'm not credible?
I said you are not credible in terms of the item argument if you think that the only problem is them requiring skill to use, or the items being "too good". I said that you're not credible if you didn't even address the real issue, which is that they involve luck due to the random spawning.

This coming from people who wants to assume and ban.
Yeah, because again, bans are necessary when the creator of a game is all for no one actually having an advantage. You can't have a competitive community based on dice rolls or coin-flipping.

I like playing on both no-item brawl and All-Brawl and possibly the constant complaining about Brawl caused me to start shunning the current ruleset and post how I feel. My point still stands, we should be more open for the sake of Brawl. Actually try to prove me wrong this time as to why All-Brawl isn't viable and SWF Brawl is the only way to go.
So wait. You're saying that this whole "epiphany" came about because people hate Brawl so much, and you're thinking that the current rules are the reason people think it sucks? This is no better than the people who think the game will NATURALLY improve. No matter WHAT you do to Brawl, unless it involves hacking (Brawl+), Brawl will NEVER be able to reach full competitive potential. Using items to counter horrible physics, auto-sweetspotting, tripping, and the like is stupid. It's like putting a Band-Aid on your elbow when you have a cut on your leg.

Also, I recall Jam writing a rather in-depth blog about how the mindset of the community in regards to Brawl is "crushing the competitive spirit" (the laziness and the desire for an easy way out). One section was about how Meta Knight is really no worse than Fox or Sheik from Melee and there was no movement to ban them. Since I never played Melee competitively and I don't play Brawl competitively, I cannot add my own opinion there; but I'm willing to take Jam's word on that. If so, maybe we should stop johning about MK and trying to "fix" him and just...you know, try to work with what we've got?

Also, if you're targeting that "Actually try to prove me wrong this time" at me, I'm not a large participant in the Smash community so I figured it best to state short arguments and leave it to other people to give you more in-depth replies (although it obviously got locked before anyone else could say something). Here's your depth if you really want it.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
I'd have to say you're right that items can not change the fact that brawl is a total "noobified" version of Smash bros, but is there some items that could be viable in a tournament setting? That is more or less what Blue Terrorist seems to be arguing for, at least, as far as items go.

(an example) Some characters like Sonic have an exceptional glide toss that may or may not moderatly improve his status in brawl if some items were allowed into competitive play.

What are these reasons? What thought processes went into the decisions of things that were banned? Has anything changed in the metagame that would make it so the problems with said stages/techs/items call for said techs, items and stages too be "re-reviewed"? Were they looked into with enough detail? As this game is now older and we our more knowledgeable of how it operates, should we look back into things we have dissmissed as "broken" before?

Kinda just throwing out ideas here.

If I get the chance, I post about your counter argument in more detail tommorrow.

edit: fixed cause I have no idea where that accusation came from @__@;


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I'd have to say you're right that items can not change the fact that brawl is a total "noobified" version of Smash bros, but is there some items that could be viable in a tournament setting? That is more or less what Blue Terrorist seems to be arguing for, at least, as far as items go.

(an example) Some characters like Sonic have an exceptional glide toss that may or may not moderatly improve his status in brawl if some items were allowed into competitive play.
That would throw off the entire game, though, and even one item would screw things up. It goes back to the same thing I've been saying all along; items are not disallowed because they're too good or broken, so picking and choosing is pointless. No matter what, that item spawns at a random place which could be in either player's advantage. Even if it's just a Mr. Saturn, if it spawns near one player they have a better chance of getting it and can hold onto it until the right moment and then break the other person's shield. Still too much luck.

You can't just say "There must be some reason why so and so is so". This is a debate, not a simple argument or flame war.
What? Give me a direct quote if I'm wrong, but I don't believe I said anything along those lines...if I said anything similar (i.e. everyone else disagrees with you, so you need to prove it to us), I had other evidence to back up my point anyways.

What are these reasons? What thought processes went into the decisions of things that were banned?
I...listed off two of them. I'm not going to go in-depth into every single tiny decision, but I think a lot of it is self-explanatory.

Has anything changed in the metagame that would make it so the problems with said stages/techs/items call for said techs, items and stages too be "re-reviewed"? Were they looked into with enough detail? As this game is now older and we our more knowledgeable of how it operates, should we look back into things we have dissmissed as "broken" before?
The game has hardly changed...I mean, yes, new character-specific techs have been discovered and such, characters have been fleshed out, but I mean...the Smash BRoom doesn't (I don't believe) decide on one set of rules and never test them again. I think they make up a first set of rules and then along the line change them if necessary. They frequently update the tier list, why not the regular rules? And if the regular rules aren't getting updated, that's probably because they don't see fit to change them. I mean, Melee had a massive turnaround in metagame, but even that didn't drastically change rules regarding items or stages. And Melee's turnaround was due to undiscovered things; I think it's highly unlikely something game-changing is going to be discovered in Brawl.


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
The game has hardly changed...I mean, yes, new character-specific techs have been discovered and such, characters have been fleshed out, but I mean...the Smash BRoom doesn't (I don't believe) decide on one set of rules and never test them again. I think they make up a first set of rules and then along the line change them if necessary. They frequently update the tier list, why not the regular rules? And if the regular rules aren't getting updated, that's probably because they don't see fit to change them. I mean, Melee had a massive turnaround in metagame, but even that didn't drastically change rules regarding items or stages. And Melee's turnaround was due to undiscovered things; I think it's highly unlikely something game-changing is going to be discovered in Brawl.
Quick note: If Melee's turnaround was for undiscovered things, how can you tell what an undiscovered thing is going to do in Brawl? Please don't judge with bias. If you were to have played Brawl first, and we had discovered something game-changing, then played Melee, you'd have probably thought there was nothing game changing in Melee, no? :p


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
lolz insomnia

That would throw off the entire game, though, and even one item would screw things up. It goes back to the same thing I've been saying all along; items are not disallowed because they're too good or broken, so picking and choosing is pointless. No matter what, that item spawns at a random place which could be in either player's advantage. Even if it's just a Mr. Saturn, if it spawns near one player they have a better chance of getting it and can hold onto it until the right moment and then break the other person's shield. Still too much luck.
Have we tested to see if they're just 2 gud or broken? Becasue I've been a posting member here since april and I don't remember it being tested. Why would the other player hold their shield until the near braking point unless heavily pressured to do so? Why not jump, spot dodge, attack....run away?

Randomness I agree on. But is the randomness of it break the game so much that every single item must be removed without being reviewed?

As far as your example goes.....um Wait until he actually throws it? What about sidestepping? Jumping?...running away? I'm no great player and I know haven't fought many good players, but unless I'm fighitng a character like G&W and MK on BF My shield isn't getting far below half way, ever. But I don't know how all character's Metagames works, maybe some rely heavily on their shield game(bowser) and this would put them at additional risk, to the point where you could pressure them into breaking their shields?

What? Give me a direct quote if I'm wrong, but I don't believe I said anything along those lines...if I said anything similar (i.e. everyone else disagrees with you, so you need to prove it to us), I had other evidence to back up my point anyways.
Posting at 3 in the morning can mess with da mind. Hell, it wasn't even 3 it was 2 something. I was so certain that you said something to that effect in BT's first blog and now looking back, it's not there.
So I apologize for that.
<mindfail x_x
I...listed off two of them. I'm not going to go in-depth into every single tiny decision, but I think a lot of it is self-explanatory.

The game has hardly changed...I mean, yes, new character-specific techs have been discovered and such, characters have been fleshed out, but I mean...the Smash BRoom doesn't (I don't believe) decide on one set of rules and never test them again. I think they make up a first set of rules and then along the line change them if necessary. They frequently update the tier list, why not the regular rules? And if the regular rules aren't getting updated, that's probably because they don't see fit to change them. I mean, Melee had a massive turnaround in metagame, but even that didn't drastically change rules regarding items or stages. And Melee's turnaround was due to undiscovered things; I think it's highly unlikely something game-changing is going to be discovered in Brawl.
Characters have been fleshed out. If you look back at march-april MK was believed
to be lame and Ike was top tire (intentional miss-spelling) I believe that at least semi-important character specific changes, especially since they are the biggest changing factor
in Brawl, is definatly enough to warrent a look over of other things in the game.

side note: can someone tell me how to fix the typing so that when I press the space bar behind a letter, it doesn't delete it? XD
I must have pressed somethng by accident, have never used that "feature" before and don't have any idea where my manual is lol

EDIT nvm I fixed itXD


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
If items weren't competitive in Melee or S64 no way they can be in Brawl.

Also maybe you should just not post in the Smash sections anymore if you don't like jerks and elitism lol. The other sections of this wonderful website are far more entertaining.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Quick note: If Melee's turnaround was for undiscovered things, how can you tell what an undiscovered thing is going to do in Brawl? Please don't judge with bias. If you were to have played Brawl first, and we had discovered something game-changing, then played Melee, you'd have probably thought there was nothing game changing in Melee, no? :p
Because looking at Melee, it didn't have a massive wall of fire to surpass before being able to be competitive. Even something like wavedashing can't do a turnaround. I'm not judging with bias.

Have we tested to see if they're just 2 gud or broken? Becasue I've been a posting member here since april and I don't remember it being tested. Why would the other player hold their shield until the near braking point unless heavily pressured to do so? Why not jump, spot dodge, attack....run away?
Again. It doesn't matter how good or broken they are, it's a problem because they're random. This isn't even a question worth addressing unless somehow luck is proven to be competitive.

As for the shield breaking thing...maybe you don't know this, but if you throw a Mr. Saturn at someone who's shielding, it GREATLY reduces it. It can go from full to breaking point in one second. That's what I was talking about...

Randomness I agree on. But is the randomness of it break the game so much that every single item must be removed without being reviewed?
Yes. We're testing skill, not luck. I don't care how good/bad the item is, their appearance can give even a slight advantage without the player doing anything.

As far as your example goes.....um Wait until he actually throws it? What about sidestepping? Jumping?...running away? I'm no great player and I know haven't fought many good players, but unless I'm fighitng a character like G&W and MK on BF My shield isn't getting far below half way, ever. But I don't know how all character's Metagames works, maybe some rely heavily on their shield game(bowser) and this would put them at additional risk, to the point where you could pressure them into breaking their shields?
Again...Mr. Saturn breaks shields.

Posting at 3 in the morning can mess with da mind. Hell, it wasn't even 3 it was 2 something. I was so certain that you said something to that effect in BT's first blog and now looking back, it's not there.
So I apologize for that.
<mindfail x_x
It's fine.

Characters have been fleshed out. If you look back at march-april MK was believed to be lame and Ike was top tire (intentional miss-spelling) I believe that at least semi-important character specific changes, especially since they are the biggest changing factor in Brawl, is definatly enough to warrent a look over of other things in the game.
Didn't the first ruleset from the Smash BRoom come out at the same time as the first tier list? And didn't the first tier list have MK as top of top tier?

I rest my case.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Again. It doesn't matter how good or broken they are, it's a problem because they're random. This isn't even a question worth addressing unless somehow luck is proven to be competitive.
What I was trying to get at is if items were worked with and non broken ones were found, would the benefit of the added depth they would bring surpass the bit of luck that having any item on puts in the game? That's more or less my argument.
As for the shield breaking thing...maybe you don't know this, but if you throw a Mr. Saturn at someone who's shielding, it GREATLY reduces it. It can go from full to breaking point in one second. That's what I was talking about...
Ah, I never knew that. And here I thought they were totally useless lol

Yes. We're testing skill, not luck. I don't care how good/bad the item is, their appearance can give even a slight advantage without the player doing anything.
See above.

Again...Mr. Saturn breaks shields.

It's fine.

Didn't the first ruleset from the Smash BRoom come out at the same time as the first tier list? And didn't the first tier list have MK as top of top tier?

I rest my case.
Yeah and that's not likely going to change and it wasn't my point. MK going from bottom to top was just an example that character specific changes can really alter the whole game.


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
What...? I think EVERY ban in every department can be legitimately backed up. Stages are banned due to having a large slant towards a certain character/type of character, items are banned due to being very luck-based...what is there unjustified there? Someone didn't just wake up one day and say "Gee, I'm bored. I'm going to ban something in Brawl."
Um no it isn't. Where are you getting this? Where are your vids to show why they're broken? You think words are enough? It's sounds more like complaining than testing. I want to see tourney results go to unskilled people to prove SWF's argument about items. Also, the random argument is weaksauce because there are other competitive games that have a little luck but does it override skill? No it doesn't.

No, Brawl's metagame isn't improving...it's not going to have a major competitive breakthrough like some people claimed it would (I don't know if they still do, but I stopped hearing that argument). What's your point?

And yes, there will be lots of complaining. So...if people decide to whine about something we should do anything in our power to stop it?
So it's ok to ignore the people in the community who has problems with how Brawl is shaping up? If this is the case, you have no business running things. What if items and more stages brought more depth? Of course you don't have the answer because you just wrote it off and decided to do what you did in Melee (Which is failing badly).


Um...yes we do...? Items are a random factor. Random factors indicate luck. Luck generally involves minimal skill. Competitive play is meant to test skill.

I mean, you can't have a competitive slot machine community...that's just stupid. So why would you have something in competitive play which allows for a person to gain an advantage by happening to get the Homerun Bat which spawns right next to them?
Once again, you don't have a reason, stop saying that. How do you even know about any of the things said here? Where's your data, where are you getting this from (Please don't say Melee)? Also comparing slots to a video game is just epic fail.

I don't see your argument of them being a problem in Melee, but not necessarily in Brawl...Melee and Brawl are completely different games, but their styles are similar at the basic level and items are still the same concept in both. Wait, in your other topic, did you say that NOW you can turn all items off...? You could do that in Melee too, y'know...and yes, everything...even crates.
In Melee, you can't turn off crates which hurt the argument for items and in turn got them banned from Melee. In Brawl, that problem is fixed.

You can argue for playing with them normally if you want, because I think it's perfectly fine and anyone who would disagree that while playing by yourself or just with friends it's fine to play items is an ignorant elitist, but competitive play...since the entire community would disagree with you, I don't think we're the ones that have to prove something here.
The burden of proof is on the accuser. You said that items in BRAWL are broken, random, etc. You guys have to show why items are the bane to Brawl (you know like tourneys, interacting just like other communities and Melee?)

Items would not fix Meta Knight. The best they would do is add a random factor enough so every player has an equal chance of winning so MK is no longer any better than anyone else, but I don't think it's worth breaking the entire game just for one character. That's just stupid.
Last time I checked you guys were gonna ban MK when it wasn't his fault in the first place. Why ban a character when the problem is the way you play. Since everyone recognizes that items and stages would balance out characters (more viable), and since everyone is complaining about balance in Brawl and want said balance. Wouldn't it be a better idea to get out your comfort zones and actually try out other things in Brawl? This isn't Melee for gods sake.

They can both be considered. When you're making the rules. If you want to start your own line of tournaments with items on, go ahead. Just don't expect it to be wildly popular.
The way you play Brawl isn't very popular itself and people are headed to SF4 or Melee or wherever else. Why not try something else for Brawl, as I said, they can both co-exist. If you're gonna have that attitude then guess what? Many smashers in the world outside SWF or any SWF influenced place plays with items. Since these people outnumber you guys, It's a pretty high chance that they will be interested in All-Brawl, therefore from the outside and to other communities, All-Brawl would be a huge success and would get more attention. How's that for popular.

I said you are not credible in terms of the item argument if you think that the only problem is them requiring skill to use, or the items being "too good". I said that you're not credible if you didn't even address the real issue, which is that they involve luck due to the random spawning.
I did and I said that the random argument holds no water since other games have some random in it but it doesn't dictate the match. You say that Brawl's different but I'm saying How do you know that? How do you know that the better player won't win? Yeah, your right in terms of Melee, but don't expect that argument to fly with people who can think for themselves in Brawl.

Yeah, because again, bans are necessary when the creator of a game is all for no one actually having an advantage. You can't have a competitive community based on dice rolls or coin-flipping.
WTF are you talking about?! Bowser goes even with Sonic on New Pork? Are you serious? That's a advantage right there, get out with that.

So wait. You're saying that this whole "epiphany" came about because people hate Brawl so much, and you're thinking that the current rules are the reason people think it sucks? This is no better than the people who think the game will NATURALLY improve. No matter WHAT you do to Brawl, unless it involves hacking (Brawl+), Brawl will NEVER be able to reach full competitive potential. Using items to counter horrible physics, auto-sweetspotting, tripping, and the like is stupid. It's like putting a Band-Aid on your elbow when you have a cut on your leg.
If you have to hack a game, then you shouldn't be playing it competitively in the first place. Just go back to Melee, nobody would take you serious with Brawl+ for very obvious reasons. No they hate the way the metagame is shaping under YOUR ruleset. If you don't like the physics, stop playing, other people could disagree with that (Well, except for tripping).

Also, I recall Jam writing a rather in-depth blog about how the mindset of the community in regards to Brawl is "crushing the competitive spirit" (the laziness and the desire for an easy way out). One section was about how Meta Knight is really no worse than Fox or Sheik from Melee and there was no movement to ban them. Since I never played Melee competitively and I don't play Brawl competitively, I cannot add my own opinion there; but I'm willing to take Jam's word on that. If so, maybe we should stop johning about MK and trying to "fix" him and just...you know, try to work with what we've got?
Why are you here then? Why are you in this thread and posting? This doesn't concern you. Also, what you have right now isn't very good. Why not use stuff in the game to fix the problem instead of hacking the game?

If items weren't competitive in Melee or S64 no way they can be in Brawl.

Also maybe you should just not post in the Smash sections anymore if you don't like jerks and elitism lol. The other sections of this wonderful website are far more entertaining.

This isn't Melee or 64, try another argument please. I was talking about the SBR more so than the WHOLE site on the last blog, please read a bit carefully.

READ THIS!: http://allisbrawl.com/news/newspost.aspx?id=183

You guys still gonna tell me items are the devil in Brawl? Items are another viable way to play whether you wanna believe it or not.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
This isn't Melee or 64, try another argument please. I was talking about the SBR more so than the WHOLE site on the last blog, please read a bit carefully.

READ THIS!: http://allisbrawl.com/news/newspost.aspx?id=183

You guys still gonna tell me items are the devil in Brawl? Items are another viable way to play whether you wanna believe it or not.
I never said items were the devil. I like playing with items on (against other good players lol). I'm just saying that they are not competitive. Randomness is not competitive. There is an item rule set. If you want to play with that, go ahead. Nobody can stop you. I'm just saying that including items cannot be the standard ruleset. You can host item tournies and stuff, but when it comes to real smash, you won't be able to play with them in the big tournaments because once again it is not standard. That's just the way it is, sorry. Nothing to argue about really.

Also, tell me exactly how including items (not the items themselves) differ from Melee and Brawl? (In 64 you couldn't air dodge lol, but still.)


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
Did you read the link? That answers why it is viable and competitive. Also, I said it can be another gametype, not replace no item Brawl :urg:. What is real smash really? How do you know what you're doing is REAL smash? Better not say stuff like that.

Also, tell me exactly how including items (not the items themselves) differ from Melee and Brawl? (In 64 you couldn't air dodge lol, but still.)
Obviously in Melee there was a problem with the exploding capsules. That was the final nail in the coffin for items in Melee. In Brawl, all that can be turned off now. There are also defenses against even the most powerful of items in Brawl as well so it isn't a auto kill. Check out some items threads in SRK and search for some vids on youtube for defending against them.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
I don't think Viability = Highest Competitive Level

Of course it is viable. It was obviously competitive too. But not at its highest level. No way having items on is more or equally competitive than the ruleset SBR came up with.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Um no it isn't. Where are you getting this? Where are your vids to show why they're broken? You think words are enough? It's sounds more like complaining than testing. I want to see tourney results go to unskilled people to prove SWF's argument about items. Also, the random argument is weaksauce because there are other competitive games that have a little luck but does it override skill? No it doesn't.
You keep demanding that we present facts. Where are yours? You think your words are enough, especially when you're a minority? You act like you're intellectually superior or something.

The random argument is not weak. You say Brawl isn't Melee? Well, Smash isn't any other game. Not to mention that in competitive games, whenever luck CAN be gotten rid of, it is. I don't think there are competitive communities which maintain a factor of luck unless it's unavoidable.

So it's ok to ignore the people in the community who has problems with how Brawl is shaping up? If this is the case, you have no business running things. What if items and more stages brought more depth? Of course you don't have the answer because you just wrote it off and decided to do what you did in Melee (Which is failing badly).
I'm not running things and never said I should be. Hell, I don't even play Brawl, not even casually. Never played Melee competitively either. I'm not an authority figure I just am very passionately for no items in competitive play and will argue to death on the subject.

And other than you, what players are dying to allow items because they're unhappy with how Brawl is shaping? I hate how Brawl's shaping up but the solution is Brawl+ (or just go back to Melee), not items.

Items and more stages may bring more enjoyment if you feel like screwing around, but I don't think there's much depth to losing $100 because of pure chance.

Oh, and Melee's only "failing" because Brawl is where all of the money is at and it's new, so everyone's flocking to it. And Melee is not failing. It's just much less popular as a competitive game. It's a better game than Brawl will ever be, so don't even try to bash it just so you can get items allowed in Brawl. You're not helping your cause, you're just making me dislike you.

Once again, you don't have a reason, stop saying that. How do you even know about any of the things said here? Where's your data, where are you getting this from (Please don't say Melee)? Also comparing slots to a video game is just epic fail.
Dude, I just GAVE you the reason. Luck IS the reason. My data? Play an items match. At least ONCE someone will get an advantage or disadvantage due to their random spawning. I don't need data because it's common sense. If you want to be stubborn, go ahead, just don't demand we all accept your side.

Also, it's called an ANALOGY. Is it extreme? Yes, that's the point of the comparison.

In Melee, you can't turn off crates which hurt the argument for items and in turn got them banned from Melee. In Brawl, that problem is fixed.
HURT being the key word. It's like someone being stabbed in the foot (in a place where it wouldn't be life-threatening) and then being shot in the face. The shot killed them, the stab just wounded.

Randomness is the killer. Explosions just hurt. I don't know where you're getting this "Explosions were the reason" in Melee. I used to be very pro-items myself. What coerced me to change sides? Randomness.

The burden of proof is on the accuser. You said that items in BRAWL are broken, random, etc. You guys have to show why items are the bane to Brawl (you know like tourneys, interacting just like other communities and Melee?)
Yes, it is, and you're the accuser, not us. We're not the ones making claims, we're on the side of the rules. You're accusing us of having bad rules, so you've got to back up your claims. You're twisting words to try and lay responsibility on us when it's yours, not ours.

Last time I checked you guys were gonna ban MK when it wasn't his fault in the first place. Why ban a character when the problem is the way you play. Since everyone recognizes that items and stages would balance out characters (more viable), and since everyone is complaining about balance in Brawl and want said balance. Wouldn't it be a better idea to get out your comfort zones and actually try out other things in Brawl? This isn't Melee for gods sake.
Stop referring to me in the group of people going to ban MK. Again, I don't play Brawl and have no part in the rules. For another thing, I'm not for banning MK.

Who recognizes that items and stages would balance characters? Everyone does not acknowledge that at all. You're making that up.

Stop saying that it's not Melee, that's not an effective argument nor is it anything new. Stop being Captain Obvious.

Also, we're not just staying in our comfort zone, we're using common sense. We're not going to try it because that's like diving into a pile of snow to see if it MIGHT Be warm. It's not going to be.

The way you play Brawl isn't very popular itself
Last I checked, 90% of the competitive community (at least) plays this way.

and people are headed to SF4 or Melee or wherever else.

Why not try something else for Brawl, as I said, they can both co-exist. If you're gonna have that attitude then guess what? Many smashers in the world outside SWF or any SWF influenced place plays with items. Since these people outnumber you guys, It's a pretty high chance that they will be interested in All-Brawl, therefore from the outside and to other communities, All-Brawl would be a huge success and would get more attention. How's that for popular.
Competitive players? Don't play with items. There may be a small community which does, but no more. Casual players will play with items, yes. Don't care. This is a competitive community.

And considering we still have 100,000+ members I'm not really worrying about SWF dying.

I did and I said that the random argument holds no water since other games have some random in it but it doesn't dictate the match. You say that Brawl's different but I'm saying How do you know that? How do you know that the better player won't win? Yeah, your right in terms of Melee, but don't expect that argument to fly with people who can think for themselves in Brawl.
As I said, competitive games always try to remove luck. Tripping is luck, too. It's only in Brawl because it can't be removed.

Brawl's different because no other fighting game punishes you for moving. =D

In all seriousness, the better player will usually win, but no one wants to lose $100 because their opponent got lucky. That's why luck is removed.

WTF are you talking about?! Bowser goes even with Sonic on New Pork? Are you serious? That's a advantage right there, get out with that.
I didn't say everything was perfectly even, but items, gimmicky stages, and random events like tripping are an attempt by Sakurai to make it so no one can tell the outcome of a match, even if you're more skilled. The competitive community works to clean that crap up as much as possible.

If you have to hack a game, then you shouldn't be playing it competitively in the first place.
Exactly. That's why I don't play Brawl. =D It sucks so much for me it needs to be hacked to be good.

Just go back to Melee
I have. =D

nobody would take you serious with Brawl+ for very obvious reasons.

No they hate the way the metagame is shaping under YOUR ruleset.
You're definitely right. People like me who hate how the Brawl metagame is at the moment are upset because of the rules, and not because the overall game.

You're just making this up as you go along. The problem is BRAWL, not the rules, otherwise Melee would've had the issue too. Yes it's a different game, I know this and I really don't need you to say it for the millionth time. However, items hardly differ other than the fact that you can turn off crates in Brawl. Which really doesn't make that much difference, even though you make it out to be all of the difference. This whole argument is hypothetical with nothing to back it up except that you THINK that Brawl could be improved by breaking half of the game to fix the other half. If one of your speakers isn't working, do you smash the other with a hammer in hopes that the broken-ness will be evened out and everything will be okay. And no, it's not an irrelevant example because adding items in hopes that characters will balance out is just stupid. Not only does MK have as good of a chance as Captain Falcon of getting that item, thus possibly making MK even more potent, but this is no better than adding tripping. Okay, so say that the randomness evens things out and everyone's equal. Now we no longer have competitive play, since you need to have a significantly lower skill level to be able to compete.

There is a reason that Sakurai, [UR=http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=158790]who is uncompetitive[/URL], put random events and luck-based things in Brawl. If casual players wouldn't have complained too, I'm sure he would've removed the ability to put items off.

(And please don't bump the thread I linked to, it's just the best thing I can think of for examples of Sakurai's...let's just call it casual-ness.)

If you don't like the physics, stop playing, other people could disagree with that (Well, except for tripping).
People disagree with tripping too...oddly enough...

And again, I have stopped playing.

Why are you here then? Why are you in this thread and posting? This doesn't concern you. Also, what you have right now isn't very good. Why not use stuff in the game to fix the problem instead of hacking the game?
Um, because I argue for the principle of the thing? Also, it does concern me because I know that competitively it is not right for items to be on. I have a working knowledge of these things. I belong to SmashBoards, don't I? So don't I have a vested interest in having it be a way if I believe it is uncompetitive for it to be another way?

Why not use stuff in the game? Because Brawl does not physically have the capabilities to be as competitive as it could be without hacking. Items will only break the game more. Even if they were to fix something they certainly aren't going to fix everything.

You guys still gonna tell me items are the devil in Brawl? Items are another viable way to play whether you wanna believe it or not.
No one said they were the devil or not viable. They're just not viable for competitive play. Go ahead and play with them with your friends or family or whomever as long as you want.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
Just go play a different game because you obviously dont understand competetive Smash.


Smash Champion
Jun 15, 2006
Chicago area
The way brawl is played right now is considered the best for what the community wants. People don't want bombs randomly dropping on them, they want to have a 1 on 1 fight against their opponent. Yes that link you have said that it could work, but alphazealot also said that he prefers the current system.

You are trying to make a point that since something CAN be competitive, it should be. This is wrong, people should be playing it the way they feel is best, and almost all of the community feels items being off is the best way.

As for you saying go back to melee, a lot of people have, and it had nothing to do with items being on or off. And hacking the game was to make the game more suitable for competitive play. This community has the right to make their own rules, and change the game the way they feel is best. If you don't approve of it, well then simply don't show up to a tournament.

If you really want to play with items, nobody is stopping you from hosting your own tournaments. But that doesn't mean people will show up.


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
I already did present proof, it's not my problem if you don't wanna look. Also, the items were banned before anything. Now where are your vids and tourney data of the better players losing to the weaker ones? The proof I provided shows that some of the players that went to SBIII acknowledged that the better player will still win (Even if the prefer no items but that's not the point). If it was as random and bad as you say, No one from SWF would have placed in that tourney due to it being "random". Also, other games have random in it too so what's your point? I already said I like both and can play both rulesets, I just want to see why you won't admit that items can be viable under a good set of rules. I can careless if it replaces the current ruleset or not because I can do both, I recognize All-Brawl as a legitimate way to play Smash as well.

Just go play a different game because you obviously dont understand competetive Smash.
Stop posting.

The way brawl is played right now is considered the best for what the community wants. People don't want bombs randomly dropping on them, they want to have a 1 on 1 fight against their opponent. Yes that link you have said that it could work, but alphazealot also said that he prefers the current system.

You are trying to make a point that since something CAN be competitive, it should be. This is wrong, people should be playing it the way they feel is best, and almost all of the community feels items being off is the best way.

As for you saying go back to melee, a lot of people have, and it had nothing to do with items being on or off. And hacking the game was to make the game more suitable for competitive play. This community has the right to make their own rules, and change the game the way they feel is best. If you don't approve of it, well then simply don't show up to a tournament.

If you really want to play with items, nobody is stopping you from hosting your own tournaments. But that doesn't mean people will show up.
But he said it is another viable way to play, that's what I'm trying to say. I was just thinking what would happen if we combine everything we learned to this. Besides I got more gripes bigger than the item stuff anyway. Also, hacking is dumb. Nobody wants to void their warranty on their Wii's. Also, people could have did the update without knowing what would happen regarding Homebrew. That's why nobody takes Brawl+ seriously as a standard.

stuff later.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA

Firus is never wrong.

Just drop it.

Name another competitive fighting game that has randomness in it please. So I can compare it to smash.


Smash Champion
Jun 15, 2006
Chicago area
But he said it is another viable way to play, that's what I'm trying to say. I was just thinking what would happen if we combine everything we learned to this. Besides I got more gripes bigger than the item stuff anyway. Also, hacking is dumb. Nobody wants to void their warranty on their Wii's. Also, people could have did the update without knowing what would happen regarding Homebrew. That's why nobody takes Brawl+ seriously as a standard.
It might be viable, but that doesn't make it the best.

Saying hacking is dumb is stating your opinion. Saying that nobody wants to void their warranty is just ignorant. I can guarentee you that over half of the brawl community has tried brawl+, so clearly nobody cares about their warranty.

Nobody takes brawl+ seriously because even with the modded game melee is still better.

Ohh and as for some proof of a better player losing:

I don't feel like finding exactly where it is but I'm pretty sure that ken got gimped out of a life or two or more from smash orbs.


Ohh and after checking to confirm my suspicions, those items tournaments were online garbage, which means it isn't worth shit.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I already did present proof, it's not my problem if you don't wanna look.
You supplied me with a link that had a ton of stuff on it and I didn't know what I was supposed to be looking for and wasn't about to waste my time. I get the impression it was just people talking and expressing opinions, and that's not proof. If it is, then you have SmashBoards in its entirety for proof.

You asked for videos. You did not supply videos yourself.

Also, the items were banned before anything.
Because most people have common sense and realize that items = luck and luck =/= skill?

Now where are your vids and tourney data of the better players losing to the weaker ones?
Mars- gave some great examples.

The proof I provided shows that some of the players that went to SBIII acknowledged that the better player will still win (Even if the prefer no items but that's not the point).
Oh, so I'm right, it's just people talking. Ahaha. That's not proof. At all. I really don't give a crap what people think just because they think so.

If it was as random and bad as you say, No one from SWF would have placed in that tourney due to it being "random".
Not true. I never said items automatically mean the better player loses, it just decreases the gap so a worse player has a much better chance of winning if items are on. You're using reductio ad absurdum except you're taking it upon yourself to come up with an extrapolation of my argument.

Also, other games have random in it too so what's your point?
I said, Smash is not other games. If you had read my post instead of reducing it to one word because you're too lazy to address all of my arguments, you might've noticed.

As I also said, luck is removed in competitive play when possible. It's not always possible. So it's not always removed.

I already said I like both and can play both rulesets, I just want to see why you won't admit that items can be viable under a good set of rules.
It's not "not admitting", because I'm not just being stubborn and saying "NO!". I'm backing up what I believe is true. Items are not completely unviable, but items will NEVER become tourney standard at all, and they shouldn't.

Again, if you think it's viable hold your own tourneys. Just don't expect a massive turnout and don't expect the Smash community to realize you were right all along, because I guarantee you you won't be. The goal of competitive play is to make it as competitive as possible, and even one item allowed is not as competitive as without items.

I can careless if it replaces the current ruleset or not because I can do both, I recognize All-Brawl as a legitimate way to play Smash as well.
It is a legitimate way to play Smash, just not as good of a way to play competitively.

Stop posting.
Wow, really nailed that one...

Also, hacking is dumb.
No it's not.

Nobody wants to void their warranty on their Wii's.
Yes they do.

Also, people could have did the update without knowing what would happen regarding Homebrew.
Then you're stupid and are not going to affect other people's ability to hack anyways. Common sense says that Nintendo will try and eliminate hacking, so check to hear what an update does before you update if you have Homebrew.

That's why nobody takes Brawl+ seriously as a standard.
Brawl+ is not a standard and will never be a standard, I never said it was either. Simply because hacking will not become tourney standard because of what it is, not because people may update or people don't want to void their warranty. Most people's warranties have expired by this point anyways...

I don't expect Brawl+ to become a standard, I'd rather people go back to Melee, I just believe Brawl+ is more competitive than Brawl -- which it is.


Firus is never wrong.

Just drop it.
Hahaha, true. =P


Smash Lord
May 30, 2008
Bloomington, MN
BT, I'm sorry, but FirustheHedgehog has it all right. I understand your argument, but in a competitive scene, items are far from an option.

I can attest to it as well. I played in Melee once with a friend, and a barrel rolled into me, taking my last stock. The story goes deeper, but the point is that luck ultimately ruins the competitive scene.

This proof you keep asking for only irritates those you're arguing with because it is common sense. Right now, play a match with a group of your friends. Have items on. There's our proof.

And don't get angry. Just walk away an accept this.

Because I've had my share of misunderstandings in the past, can you please sum up to me your argument?


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
BT, I'm sorry, but FirustheHedgehog has it all right. I understand your argument, but in a competitive scene, items are far from an option.

I can attest to it as well. I played in Melee once with a friend, and a barrel rolled into me, taking my last stock. The story goes deeper, but the point is that luck ultimately ruins the competitive scene.

This proof you keep asking for only irritates those you're arguing with because it is common sense. Right now, play a match with a group of your friends. Have items on. There's our proof.

And don't get angry. Just walk away an accept this.

Because I've had my share of misunderstandings in the past, can you please sum up to me your argument?
I want Brawl examples please :/. Firus doesn't have it all right, there are many false stuff about items play. I also played with my friends and won consistently since I know how all the items work. Well, agree to disagree I guess. Both forms of play takes a different form of skill, like two different games. I will never agree to items being the bane of Brawl, but I do respect both rulesets and opinions so yeah. I'll still do All-Brawl at some smashfests for the lolz just to change it up a little XD. Anyway, there are more important and random stuff I can blog about than just items (In the original post it wasn't really all about items, barely had anything to do with why I wrote that). Anymore item post is just gonna be ignored, no side will ever agree.

As for Brawl+, you already know some people could have updated anyway either because they didn't know what Nintendo was gonna do or they aren't interested in Homebrew. But we both can agree Brawl+ isn't gonna be a standard. Me personally, I didn't do the update, I got the warning beforehand. I want Homebrew for some TvC goodness :bee:.


Smash Champion
Jun 15, 2006
Chicago area
BT I'm just wondering, how many smashfest have you been to? Online tournaments don't count.


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
BT I'm just wondering, how many smashfest have you been to? Online tournaments don't count.
Too many. Also, where are you getting online tourneys from? There were tourneys outside of Wi-fi you know. SB3 is not an online tourney soooo...


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
He's asking how many real tournaments you've been to BECAUSE online doesn't count.


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
He's asking how many real tournaments you've been to BECAUSE online doesn't count.
Why are you posting I said this was done? Can't any of you read? He only asked me what smashfest I've been to, where are you getting tourneys from? He was talking about tourneys that people hosted for All-Brawl and I told him some of them has been hosted offline. Whether he found other tourneys other than the one I listed is not my business. Do what Araph said and drop it, nobody is going to have a mutual agreement and I don't talk to brick walls. You're not gonna change my views so stop wasting time.


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
Why do you make so many blogs that you know are flame bait or are gonna get closed?


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
He's only made two Bunny and they were about the same thing ;>_>
We got off on a tangent about items but that wasn't really what this was about.
What he said, they probably didn't read my original blog and thought that it was a rant about items. Whether they like it or not, I respect both of the rulesets as viable but really my original blog was BARELY about items. So please stop posting about items, I DO NOT care that much about them to make a blog just to argue for them only. Every item post should be ignored at this point, If you have any other problems with what I said in my other blog (Which probably may not be the case since everyone is yelling about items), then I'll repeat myself so you'll understand clearly as to why I wrote that.

By the way I was inspired to do it because of this- http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=177816


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Why are you posting I said this was done? Can't any of you read? He only asked me what smashfest I've been to, where are you getting tourneys from? He was talking about tourneys that people hosted for All-Brawl and I told him some of them has been hosted offline. Whether he found other tourneys other than the one I listed is not my business. Do what Araph said and drop it, nobody is going to have a mutual agreement and I don't talk to brick walls. You're not gonna change my views so stop wasting time.
Wow, I was just trying to clarify what he was saying, for Christ's sake.

I didn't say ANYTHING about items. Last time I ever try to be helpful. Not sure why I "wasted time" in the first place if you were just going to assume any post by me is an attack even when there is nothing in regards to that in there.

And you say you're not flame-baiting...
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