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Hiting a meteor...


Smash Cadet
Apr 6, 2008
I was wondering, Ike has sooo many meteors/spikes and I was thinking who are the best/easy enemies that Ike can Meteor (mainly with the Dair).
My personal experience is that snake when using the Up+B under the line of the stage is almost dead, since it is easy to Dair him.
I know Ike doesn't even need to meteor/spike everyone but it is fun to sent them down the stage so fast at low %.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
DK, Bowser, Even Dedede,, big easy targets. Zelda is if you scout FW well, marth is one of the harder ones, so is sheik. I've Daired pretty much every character in the game though so it's more about mindgaming them into putting themselves into position and not air dodging. ike can also easily fastfall his Dair if need be to land it, he will make it back no problem if you have a good sense of recovery. Best part about a dair is if they misjudge the distance to the stage on an air dodge they dont grab the ledge or land on the stage and end up under it, happens to even the best of players at least once.


Smash Cadet
Apr 6, 2008
I thought he only had dair and dtilt?

.........And dtilt was a spike not a meteor. Anybody correct me?
Oh, sorry about that. When I saied meteors I actually was referring to the spikes too.

I found out that if you can time right, Sonic and the Space animals are quite easy to meteor with Dair, assuming they used Up B and not Side B.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2006
New York

dtilt spike is incredibly powerful but doesn't work on majority of the characters because of the incredibly long and gay autosweetspots. dair spike is still good but I'd rather just straight out kill with bair/fair.

And a non-sweetspot dair can send guys upward.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Technically, everything is a spike, but since there's so little hitstun, it might as well be a meteor.

Big targets with predictable recoveries (DK, Bowser, DeDeDe) are prime candidates for being spiked. A funny mindgame I only pulled off once was missing a short-hopped DAir, then letting the opponent grab the edge and then BAir for stage spike.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2006
New York
Big targets with predictable recoveries (DK, Bowser, DeDeDe) are prime candidates for being spiked. A funny mindgame I only pulled off once was missing a short-hopped DAir, then letting the opponent grab the edge and then BAir for stage spike.
You should do that more often. It's actually a really good reliable "edgeguard" now that invincibility frames for grabbing the ledge is much shorter.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
Its even more insanely easy to nail Snake with a dtilt when he does his up-b near the stage. I have no experience landing a dair spike, it always seems too risky on wifi. With the input delay it feels almost suidical.

My main spiking method though is aether. Normally, if they go over the edge or try to avoid me by flying overhead, I try to catch em with the initial swordthrow of aether, but, if timed perfectly, you can hit them only with the downwards strike, its very risky though, a lot of things could go wrong. Aethers pretty much useless against tether recoveries though. (Then again, who needs anything more than edgehogging against those.)


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
Lucario. He has no Invincibility or hitboxes on his Extreemspeed.
...umm yah goodluck with that. I don't know what ******* you've been playing but if you haven't notice Lucario can vary the curve of his recovery so it's definitely not as easy as you say. It doesn't seem smart to depend on Dair as a main killing move, to me it is extremely situational due to it's narrow vertical hitbox and it being only a spike when the initial frames hit...after that for some weird reason it sends your opponent upwards (which I don't mind one bit). I mean if you look at how c-stick makes you fastfall now (only way to do a non ff'd dair after peak jump is to manually do it...which requires some good dexterity and a weird transition from focusing on the heated match to slowing your fingers down enough so that you don't press down too fast) you're stuck with using dair only at the peak of Ike's initial jump or directly after his second jump..anything after that is probably going to lead to an SD. With that said the timeframe you have to use this move in a sensible manner is very short which makes it even more situational. I would highly suggest using dair whenever it feels comfortable for you...I would NOT suggest you preemptively plan to use dair as an edgeguard unless you know for sure your opponent will slip and give you the option by syncing up with the availability of you being able to do the move.


Smash Cadet
Dec 23, 2007
dtilt works alright on people who like to stall on edges, namely characters with multiple jumps. not worth using otherwise.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2006
Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
only way to do a non ff'd dair after peak jump is to manually do it...which requires some good dexterity and a weird transition from focusing on the heated match to slowing your fingers down enough so that you don't press down too fast.
This is so wrong. Have you ever heard of the C-Stick? Or, the D-pad if you use a Wiimote/Nunchuck scheme like I do? It allows you to use aerials without affecting your momentum whatsoever. You can be going down and still Dair without FF. It also allows you to do Fairs while going completely backwards, and vise versa. Uairs with full momentum? C-stick is extremely useful.


Smash Cadet
Apr 11, 2008
Technically, everything is a spike, but since there's so little hitstun, it might as well be a meteor.

Big targets with predictable recoveries (DK, Bowser, DeDeDe) are prime candidates for being spiked. A funny mindgame I only pulled off once was missing a short-hopped DAir, then letting the opponent grab the edge and then BAir for stage spike.

ddd has ownage recovery and can escape ikes cheap spikes. you fail,
in celebration of your failure this thread is now about king dedede.
ike is a little schoolgirl, king dedede is the teacher

(where you should spend the rest of your life)

so who else would like king ddd's robe for christmas or whatever?


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2006
Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
ddd has ownage recovery and can escape ikes cheap spikes. you fail,
in celebration of your failure this thread is now about king dedede.
ike is a little schoolgirl, king dedede is the teacher

(where you should spend the rest of your life)

so who else would like king ddd's robe for christmas or whatever?

DDD has a VERY predictable Up-B that can get spiked like no other. This is when you spike him.

His jumps are short and give rather little horizontal distance. But, they allow him to airdodge without much worry of the distance lost. You don't spike him when he's jumping, the lasting hitboxes of Fair work best then.

And I am rather sad that another arrogant N00B has decided to creep into the boards. *sigh* Does anyone else remember the good ol' Melee days when the ratio of scrub to hardcore player was in the hardcore players favour? So much more respect on the boards then.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
if u get sent up pretty high save ur air jump and just fall towards the edge when they go after u jump and bair. sometimes instead of sending them strait down it send them a in a slant that happened when i pulled it off but another ike did it to me and i got pwnt
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