I suppose I should elaborate on my original answer.
My username is a combination of two of my favourite things: the season of Winter, and the physical concept of entropy. Both are laden with symbolism and refer to an important part of my own personal philosophy: that is, the inevitability of death and the beauty of rebirth.
Winter has always been important to me. I love snow and ice, and blue and white are my favourite colours. I love to go out for walks in the snow and just feel my thoughts wander away on the fluttering breeze and the falling flakes, I feel utterly at peace and at one with the world when I do. Winter is the season of death and rebirth: the flowers born in spring wither away and die, and the world goes to sleep under a thick blanket of pure, unerring tranquility; only to be reborn again when the next season come around, and the cycle repeats infinitely and endlessly. Winter symbolises purity and wisdom, and it reminds me that, even beyond death, life will always be born anew in due time. Everything must die so it can be born again. This is the element of Winter.
Entropy is the Second Law of Thermodynamics: to wit, the amount of energy necessary to create a phenomenon is greater than the amount of energy produced by said phenomenon. Thus the universe is constantly depleting itself of energy and slowly decaying away into nothingness; eventually, the universe will die and be no more, and entropy ensures that this is a necessary and essential process of existence. This ties into the aforementioned notion of death being necessary for rebirth: the universe and everything in it must end so something new can be born from it. The end is never really the end, but only a new beginning. This is the element of entropy.
So really, my username is a combination of these two things, and a testament to the absolute love and appreciation I have for the concept of death and rebirth. It reminds me that, even though I, too, will with away and die, I will be born again somehow, somewhere. The spirit lives on eternally, the soul cannot die. Life is just a brief flicker of light, dancing and singing in the vast expanse of the universe, and to die is to return from whence we came and experience the blessed relief of being reborn to do it all over again.
In the end, we are sentient stardust. This is the beauty of existence and the wonder of death and rebirth.