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Hiroshi's "WTF, hiroshi has 3000 posts?" epic post to the community!!!


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
OK, so seeing how cool XIF's post one, and seeing how at the time i was like 30 posts away from 3k posts i decided to do one of these. I havent been playing for as long as xif, but playing this game advanced/competitively for over 2 and a half years is still a long time to focus on one game. There ere so many good memories that I had within this time wheter it was with peeps from my crew, WATO(i love these guys), or other random smashers.

Some shout-outs:
First and foremost, the closest people to me, team WATO:

uuaa: Bro, i remember when we 1st met like 3-4 years ago because of yugioh. And now look at us. we play smash fvcking all the time. I remember when we used to play smash with Pito, you were the worst one, and you became a complete beast. Good ish, and now we chill a lot with...

vericz: ERIC!!!!!!!!!!! what up gah?!?!? the first time me and danny met you was at thhat yugioh tournament. And then we happen to find out that YOU LIVE RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM DANNY!!!, and he didn't even know. From there we just started playing smash. Man, you found out about smashboards and started playing with stuff like jump canceling your shines and doing SHL, and you didnt even tell us!!! Why didnt you tell us about smashboards sooner. You just came over one day and was doing that stupid SHL. "shooting us in the kneecaps!!!!" lol.

zoro: you were the 4th WATO team member. I remember how you could never beat me. not even once. it took you months just to beat me once. Now look at you, the best link in the world. You have gotten so good, I am proud. Just like 2 days ago, your fox was ****** me, lol. Good ish man.

Bluray: I remember how exarch refered you to danny, and then he told me about you. You ended up living like 3 mins from my house. It's been fun smashing with you all this time and your mad fun to chill with. Too funny. COME BACK FROM NY ALREADY, WE MISS YOU GAH!!!!!

AT&T: I also remember the 1st time we played, i had no clue who you were and i ended up just destroying you. Then i met at the student lounge in Valencia, and you were still a noob lol. But now your beasting and doing nasty. You still have to get off that phone though, and where have you been, you've been missing lately.

HUNGRYBOX!!!!!!!!:i don't give a **** what others say or think about, you are good, and you are the best jiggs in Fl. Your pretty random on the boardsm but in real life, your funny and a cool kid.

Traitor: you know who you are, I can't believe you abandoned us, not cool with us? the people who were behind you all the time. The people who gave you rides, helped you get better, gave you a crew to be in so you'd get more recognized, and your not cool with us? Well that my friend, is NOT COOL!!!

Noob Testament:
You guys are probably the closest crew to WATO and we have really strong bonds. You guys are mad chill.

otru: you've gotten so much better its scary.
skrach: i remember when i used to destroy you. I beat you in tourney sets, friendlies, MM's. And now you are a fvcking beast. I dont know how you did it.
colin: you are just too good man. your funny, and we've chilled a couple of times. your alwasy calm and i like that. your humble and raw, signs of a pro.
Rx: without you i would have never known how good zebra cakes were, thank you.
QDVS: we've been playing a lot lately, wether it be in teams, or singles. your too good and its been fun hanging out with you.
DOP: man dop, i will always have a strong intimate bond with you. remember the trip back from SUPS with pritch, hozart, colbol, me and you. we both had to pee so fvcking bad. I have never had to pee that bad in my life. The others were making jokes and we were trying so hard not to laugh. And pritch kept missing exits or turns. Then we finally got to the gas station and he was looking for a fvcking parking spot. We were just like "STOP THE CAR!!!". man too good.
xyz: bro, your mad cool and chill. and your into cars too, fvck yeah!! bro your getting nasty just keep playing gah!!!
Everybody else: your all cool, but i havent been able to chill with the rest of you as much as the others. keep smashing.

Everybody else:

Dgah: your are soo good with mewtwo. All of our games are so freaking close and intense. Always going to game 3. Your so chill, and gave me really good advice that one day on the IRC. Good ish holding it down with mewtwo dgah.
a-l: you are so freaking humble its scary. your ness is disgusting, and we have had many fights within my smash career. HECK, WE EVEN PLAYED AT OUT 1ST TOURNAMENTS, MLG ORLANDO 2005!!!1
crom: you just popped into my head cuz your made of pure awesome. you ARE a living spartan.
kenny/ken2/captain kenny: man, i remember when we first met at MLG orlando '05 with DF, from there we were always cool and chilled. i remember sharing that pizza with you at the actual GOOD pizza place NEXT to lazy moons, and we were checking out our hot waiter, lol.
DF: dude, you were the 1st good smasher i knew. i remember how we first got introduced. me and uuaa(danny) were playing smash and i got a random message from on my AIM. it was from you. We started talking about smash and i remember asking you, "are you good, can you wavedash and l-cancel and stuff". lol, if i only knew. we then met up at MLG orlando after uuaa spotted you and then we just chilled from there. good ish, lol.
exarch: i remember the 1st time you came to gigabits and i saw you, you were like the 1st real peach i ever played, and you destroyed me.
fenrir: i remember that 1st tournament where we played, Gigabits #1, and i beat you lol. we were so bad back then.
derf: you've always been a beast and you need more recognition. your falcon is just too good.
hozart and the law: you guys are too good and we had some great sets in doubles with vericz. but we own you cuz me and vericz won our last two sets together. hahaha.
Lambc0ck: your mad cool. and your falco is too good. we chilled the 1st time you came to gigs and it was pretty fun. we got to chill again when CFL came down to linguini's and it was equally as fun. good ish, keep owning.
rohins: bro we've had some heated matches in the last couple months, our games are yoo close. your samus is too sick. i hope you win the best samus poll lol, i voted for you!!!!
dashizwiz/keepspeedn/smashmac: wow, you guys are amazing. i remember the 1st time i met you, it was just a 5 person tournament. you 3 plus me and uuaa. i dont know what happend? i dont know why it was so dead, cuz the same tournament before this one was so big. i'm happy we went though, cuz one, me and uuaa got to play you guys, and 2 if we didnt go, i would have felt bad that you guys came and were THE ONLY SMASHERS THERE!!!!!!!!!
renth: it was fun playing you while you were. i respect any Ggah that can give my sheik such a hard time.
doodah: your too cuhrazee, i remember when i was all down at LTEC 2, and you put all those chairs around me, when i woke up, i was like WTF?!?!?.
linguini: man, like every tourney we enetered together, we always had to play..............and you always beat me. your too good.
seibrik: we teamed once so you were definitely worth mentioning. i sorry we did so bad that day. if we ever team again, i promise we wont do so bad.
<3: bro, when you were in Fl, we used to play like 20 games straight every giga, those were fun times. you need to come back.

MLG Orlando ' 05:

I just remember, going to this and having my eyes open. i remeber seeing this ganon player and thinking how i would own him. i asked him to play and he agreed. i ended up getting 4 stocked and couldnt believe how i lost to ganon. i later found out i just played eddie, who went on later that day to take 1st place.

the BIG kissimmee tournament: I remember going into this one hoping i didnt have to play jiggs, cuz i know i would lose, and my 1st two rounds were motar's jiggs and N2K's jiggs. i was so mad this tourney. this was our 2nd tourney and uuaa's 1st top 8. he did really well this tourney with his 7th place finish. this is the tourney, where we did the CFL vs SFL crew battle and CFL won. uuaa was actually supposed to be in the crew instead of nafix, but after realizing that we had to leave early, they put in nafix as a replacement. i wonder what would have happened if uuaa had played.

the 1st gigs: I like to think of myself as the face of gigs, lol. this is because, i attended the very 1st gigs, which was going to be a FFA with items. But i planned ahead and printed out a copy of the rules from MLG. After talking with the people's i got them to turn this into a real tournament with 4 stock and no items. they have a picture of me from the 1dt gigs. good times.

lazy moons/mcdonalds/dennys: man, going to gigs for all this time, we've had plenty of hangouts at food places. to all the lazy moon hangouts, which were all fun. (LAZY MOON PIZZA SUCKS THOUGH, ITS JUST CHEESE ON A CRUST. REAL PIZZA CONSISTS OF SAUCE AS WELL. THERE IS A REAL PIZZA PLACE RIGHT NEXT TO LAZY MOONS THAT SERVES REAL PIZZA.) later on, i started going to mackie dee's more since they have a dollar menu. it has become traditon for us to head out to mackie dees atleast once when we go to gigs. (we being WATO)
dennys is also fun. late night dennys at 4-5 in the am from otrus place is just too good.
I remember the dennys where there were like 20 people there, and phanna was so drunk. he thought he heard dreamland music in dennys lol.

SUPS: this was really cool cuz after the tourney we all chilled at XIFS. it was me, QDVS, rock, UI, dop, hozart, colbol, XIF, and green mario. oh and pritch. it was so fun playing smash till late at night, and then waking up and playing smash in the morning until we finally headed out to mackie dees and we all chilled there. eventually we had to head back up to Orlando, and we had to say our farewells. This lead into the hiroshi/dop situation where we had to pee so bad. in retrospect, it was too funny though.

iGT: i was so happy when i saw this new game center open up. i kept thinking to myself how nice of a venue this would be for smash. i was disappointed cuz at 1st they were COMPLETEY AGAINST the idea of having a smash tourney. the wife, had no plans at all of doing this, but luckily phil, her husband, finally came to terms and decided to do it. but first we had a practice run where i didnt even post it on smashboards. 8 people showed up, all local, all noobs, except for me, vericz, and bluray. vericz got 1st, me 2nd, and bluray 3rd. Phil liked the idea, so he let me post it on smashboards for the next one so i could make it an actual tournament. it was a complete success , with so many positive comments. and it is still successful, with our 4th tourny coming up in december of '07.

virgin mega store tourney:
There was a free tournament in orlando, at the Virgin mega store in Downtown Disney. All of WATO attended, along with all of the osceola valencia campus smashers. 128 smashers entered. but it was wack cuz, they used the tournament option, built into the game. so it was FFA the wholw time. They had two tv's set up, each with a 64 man bracket. vericz, uuaa, bluray, were all on one tv, and i was on the other, uuaa, and vericz were the top two on ther tvs, and i was the champion of my tv. us three, plus the runner up from my tv all played in a final FFA to determine the champion. We knocked out the other kid pretty quick so it was just us three playing. there was a pretty big croud around us. i was doing really well until uuaa and vericz started kinda double teaming me until they knockec me out netting me 3rd. then uuaa and vericz battled it out until finally uuaa took 1st. Fun times.

otacon tourney: i think thats what it was called. it was a big videogame convention thing. they had a free tournament here as well. Me vericz, and uuaa actually showed up late and couldnt enter. But after doing some talking and after a whole bunch of people left we got to enter. But we ended up all being put on the same tv. and only one person from the tv could advance. Vericz ended up beating uuaa to get out and to play on the big dome projector which must have been the biggest screen ever played on. DF attended this tourney along with halo5god. DF ended up getting disqualified, cuz he left and didnt come back in time for his match. vericz got screwed though cuz they didnt have anything unlocked so he had to use peach since falco wasnt available. halo5god ended up winning it.

its been so much fun playing smash for almost 3 years. so many laughs, fun times, good memories, scary moments, being p1ssed, depressed, and disappointed, to being happy, estatic and just completely enjoying myself. Seeing how good this community can be, really makes me wonder how fun Brawl is going to be. with the flurry of new players from Brawl we are bound to have even more cuhrazee players and events. Thank you, community, for making this one of the funnest times of my life. i have no plans of slowing down with melee/brawl right now, so you can expect me to stay in the scene for a while. but i'll never forget these years. Smash is just too good, too good. I love Super Smash Bros. Melee. Get Pwned!!!!...peace



Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA


*leaves for work*

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Wait a minute, Zoro can't be the best Link in the world. I was there at the "Who is the best Link in the world?" commitee and Zoro was not mentioned. >_> lol

Don't copy people's other 3,000th post ideas. *shakes fists* I guess I will try to go to that tourney on Feb 9th or something to see what you all are talking about. XD


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Good stuff Hiroshi. You were the first guy I ever money matched with. It has been cool smashing with you so often at the various tourneys. You say some hilarious sh*t sometimes, it 's always cool.





Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
you havent impacted me on anyway...peace

Ouch. I thought we'd had some fun convos, but don't worry about it, I was just messin' around. We'll leave it at that, I don't want to mess up this thread.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 7, 2005
On Silent Hill...
well its good to see that everyones getting an honorable mention. hopefully the tampa area gets some mentions aswell.....for now we'll stay in our area
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