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High School

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Link to original post: [drupal=1191]High School[/drupal]

This June, it will have been six years since I graduated from high school. It's considered cool to look back on those years with bitterness and cynicism, and lament how you never "fit in" or whatever. Hell, it was cool back then, and made my best effort to be miserable for all four years.

But that doesn't get you anywhere in the long run, and as I look back with 20/20 vision now, I realize just how amazing my years in high school were. Sure, I had problems; everyone does. The bad times were heavily otweighed by the good times though, and that's a fact.

I know alot of you are in high school now, and you're looking forward to getting out. You're ready to go to college, move away from home, get a job, or do any of the millions of things that aren't possible as long as your life is dominated by the end-of-class bell. I'm not telling you to stop looking forward to those things. It's good to have goals and dreams.

What I am saying is to slow down, and take a look around. There are many things that you can do in high school that you can't do anywhere else. Once it's over, it's really over, and there's no going back. There are people you see every day now that you'll never see again after graduation. You'll find that you miss alot of the things that you took for granted, and even some of the things that you hated. Enjoy them for as long as you can. Don't be in a rush to grow up. Responsibility wil come your way sooner or later, so appreciate not having any.

Once you get out of high school, time starts to fly. I was told this and I didn't believe it at the time, and I'm sure you won't believe it now. It's true though, and before you know it you'll be a twenty-something reminiscing about the good old days. I suppose this message can apply to anything, even myself and my desire to just get done with college. But high school is special, because it's the last time that you're allowed to be a kid until you have your own.

So to borrow the old cliche: stop and smell the roses, eh?


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
I feel the exact same way about Primary/Elementary school.
This enables me to milk my current youth for all it's worth, although it's ending very soon... :(

Good post, more people need to realise this. People really need to start appreciating the opportunities they have.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
I felt the same way when I gratduated Jam, and I graduated in 08' lol.

I thought I wouldn't miss it, and I thought I couldn't wait to get the heck out of there, but once the school year actually started to end I wasn't ready for it to. I'm not saying high school is freakin amazing, but don't take it for granted lol.

I need to stop posting how I personally feel in other people's blog lol.

Deleted member

Naaah, I really don't feel that way. I graduated 10 years ago and was very eager to leave. I got to college and I was so happy there were intelligent people to talk to. I enjoy my life now rather than then. Maybe it was because my high school was 7-12 grade.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
I wonder how I'll feel at the end of my high school career.

I don't know why, but at the moment I think Iwould enjoy it.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
Naaah, I really don't feel that way. I graduated 10 years ago and was very eager to leave. I got to college and I was so happy there were intelligent people to talk to. I enjoy my life now rather than then. Maybe it was because my high school was 7-12 grade.
This is sort of how I feel, I mean I've only been out of school for.... 4 years. But other than like elementary school, I really don't look back at it and think wow those were great years, I was so lucky. Yea they were fun, but I'm much happier where I am at now, and glad that that chapter of my life is finished. I'm already going to be a parent soon myself, and I am quite content and ready for that chapter of my life.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I was just sad I never had a girlfriend in highschool...



Smash Ace
May 17, 2008
I'm a senior right now. I'm pretty sure I won't miss it. There isn't anyone here I will regret not seeing everyday, and no one ever likes to talk about anything interesting or intelligent. I don't hate it, but I don't like it. It's kind of... bland. Pretty sure I won't miss it. I do like not having much responsibility, but that's about it.

El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
I graduated a while ago. I'm as old as godsmith2. I don't miss it.

But I should preface that by saying that I was one of those loser kids. And I had/have a real big problem with authority. And my school was designed to look like a prison.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2008
Very true...all you really had to worry about was when you were going to hang out with friends and studying for an easy test here and there. It really is the greatest time of your life. As soon as the summer after my senior year came, I began working at a job, opened a bank account, saving for college...and it hit me. For those of you still in it, ENJOY IT.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Holy fudge dude! I had like 5 each year! Maybe it was all the sports I played or that I went to a Detroit inner city school.
That's not necessarily a good thing either lol.

More women = more worries = less money


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
I graduated a while ago. I'm as old as godsmith2. I don't miss it.

But I should preface that by saying that I was one of those loser kids. And I had/have a real big problem with authority. And my school was designed to look like a prison.
Dang, yea if my school looked like a prison I'd feel like going insane, that type of stuff tends to affect me a lot sometimes. If my surroundings are glum it kind of puts me into a depression. Luckily most of my schooling was in sunny Florida the school was mostly outdoors, didn't really have hallways and stuff, just over head stuff to keep rain off us when we went to our lockers and changed classes. A lot of the classes were just in little trailer type things. I really liked that it was all outdoors.

One of my problems with school was I was really tired of having to study religious stuff. And the teachers would always send me to the office to "be talked to" because I never got into the religious side of school, I always stayed detached. And they'd make a big deal when I didn't want to lead prayer, like it was some crazy thing. I was respectful, never said anything against them or their religious beliefs and rituals, I just didn't want to have to be too involved in it.

El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
If my surroundings are glum it kind of puts me into a depression.
Yeah, you wouldn't have liked my campus. The rumor was that the architect who designed the school also designed prisons. Once we found out, it all started making sense. The classrooms were organized like cell blocks. An overview of the campus would have been a rectangle divided into a bunch of little squares. Each block was assigned a letter, and each room in the block had a number (G-2, A-3, etc.). The windows were small and located high up on the walls, near the ceiling. They were all hinged on the bottom, and they only opened inward. Probably hard to picture that, but the design made it impossible for someone on the inside to climb out. The walls were made of brick and painted greyish white; the floors were black. Because there weren't many windows and the lights were always broken, I can't remember a day when the halls were brightly lit. One side of the perimeter had no exits from the hallways. So there were only exits on three sides of the main campus. There was also an enclosed courtyard which could be closed off by three small gates. We figured that the administrators just wanted an easy way to put the whole place on lockdown for any reason.

And they'd make a big deal when I didn't want to lead prayer, like it was some crazy thing. I was respectful, never said anything against them or their religious beliefs and rituals, I just didn't want to have to be too involved in it.
I don't think I would have lasted very long at a religious school. I went to a religious pre-school when I was five, but that's about it.
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