Space Station Silicon Valley for the N64 which is in a way a puzzle game, your character is the core of a robot and the idea is that you can take over the bodies of dead animals and robot animals and you need to take over certain animals to complete specific tasks like only the sheep can glide so you need to kill a sheep, take it over and use it to glide to a spot you couldn't get to otherwise, there are more complicated tasks than that of course that make you have to use more than just one or two animals.
To me one of the best dynamics of this game is that the other animals treat you differently depending on what animal you are, and this applies to the AI animals as well, if you're playing as a dog, another dog in the same level just runs around the area like normal but if you play as a sheep that same dog will start attacking youif you come close and this is cool because there are strategies you can make from it, for example in one of the snow levels there's a polar bear tank hybrid who has two penguin's that follow him around, you start the level off as a penguin yourself so the polar bear won't attack you, but he WILL attack a nearby husky on skis, that same husky is near impossible to beat as a penguin so the best course of action is to lead the husky back to the polar bear and let the polar bear kill him for you and the husky won't even fight back because it's afraid of the polar bear.
Overall fun game in my opinion though I am willing to admit that there are signs that the game was released unfinishedlike for example it's literally impossible to beat the game 100%, see each level has around 30 orbs to collect and most levels have trophies to collect but they're all optional, the problem though is that I guess the designers forgot to code some of the trophies and orbs properly because there are some that you can't collect, you can pass through them but you can't collect them.