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Hey New Player Wanting To Start Being Competitive Looking For Advice On Who To Main


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
Hey guys ive been getting into smash more and more as i just experience the new Super smash bros for wii U. I used to play as a kid lots of N64 and Melee and even some brawl. Ive been watching streams on twitch of competitive players playing each other and its really ignited a fire in my heart to want to give it a shot and play the game more seriously! But in SSB4/3DS there are so many characters O.o im honestly not sure which one to stick with, ive been playing for glory for like 2 weeks for about 6-8 hours a day just trying to give each character and equal shot but im not exactly sure who to choose and would like some help! Id like to list my personality traits and then some aspects of the game that really make me get super excited!

Personality Traits : So im a very crazy and wild person, all my friends think im funny and out of my mind xD im pretty aggressive confident extroverted and i always have a smile on my face. Id say my play-style is to be very aggressive fast and in your face with a lot of pressure.

Aspects of the game that i love: COMBO GAME Juggling and off stage spiking!!! I dont know what it is but whenever i see someone get bodied like my chest explodes and i just pop off just from watching it happen LOL id love a character that has the potential to just like run at you control you combo and spike you to your death xD.

Sidenote/P.S. I do not tend to like heavy characters :'c idk why but like for some reason when i play them i want to throw up :'c lol so yeah id prefer to stay away from that archetype
P.S.S. This was my first post ever on this forum and i hope i made the right move by asking the community because you all are 100000% better than me but also i hope i posted this type of question within the correct section of the forums and if i did not i sincerely apologize! But yeah ty all for reading and ill try to respond to all suggestions to let you know how i feel! Ty all and have a wonderful day of smash! xD


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Welcome to Smashboards! :)

In answer to your query, I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you the boring but true answer - only you can know which character suits you best.

However, the fact that you've been willing to try out various different characters is definitely good, and based on your suggestions on what gameplay traits you do and don't like so far, I reckon one of the following may be the right choice for you:

:4mario: He's got the combo game and aggressive play style. Fair spikes, while not common, are still there if you fancy going for them.

:4bayonetta:Grants you lots of control over pressure and comboing, and Dair near the ledge or high above it can be a very effective spike as well, if used sparsely.

:4luigi: Well... his awful air speed and low traction takes some major getting used to, but if you're willing to look past that, his combo game is also on point and he's got a spiking Dair.

Bear in mind these are only guesses at who might suit you best - my advice is to give a smaller selection of characters a more 'extended' try-out e.g. only playing as said character for 1 hour straight. You've mentioned not liking heavies much, so those can be cut out - I'd imagine there are one or two other traits or styles that haven't particularly taken your fancy either, so hopefully that should narrow it down even further.

Best of luck anyway, and keep on smashing. :)


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
Welcome to Smashboards! :)

In answer to your query, I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you the boring but true answer - only you can know which character suits you best.

However, the fact that you've been willing to try out various different characters is definitely good, and based on your suggestions on what gameplay traits you do and don't like so far, I reckon one of the following may be the right choice for you:

:4mario: He's got the combo game and aggressive play style. Fair spikes, while not common, are still there if you fancy going for them.

:4bayonetta:Grants you lots of control over pressure and comboing, and Dair near the ledge or high above it can be a very effective spike as well, if used sparsely.

:4luigi: Well... his awful air speed and low traction takes some major getting used to, but if you're willing to look past that, his combo game is also on point and he's got a spiking Dair.

Bear in mind these are only guesses at who might suit you best - my advice is to give a smaller selection of characters a more 'extended' try-out e.g. only playing as said character for 1 hour straight. You've mentioned not liking heavies much, so those can be cut out - I'd imagine there are one or two other traits or styles that haven't particularly taken your fancy either, so hopefully that should narrow it down even further.

Best of luck anyway, and keep on smashing. :)

I tried Mario i looked up a lot of Ally and Anti videos and hes has some pretty wickd sick combos xD the "Ally combo" is grab to upthrow to down air to side spike i think? and then theres the Downthrow uptilt like 2 times and then you need to make reads ive spiked a couple of people with forward air tilt? (lol thats deffinitly not what its referred to is it?) and mario down b and side b are really nice tools too bc it lets my gimp some characters with subpar recoveries which is pretty nice :D I also learned how to B reverse like 3 days ago (still do it in training mode though bc i cant do it at will on command yet work in progress lol) I still struggle at using backairs in general and short hopping (i use buttons to jump now instead of the joystick lol) but yeah its all just practice and repitition in training mode

As for the Luigi he feels a lot like mario in some ways his taunt and up B definitely really unique and awesome factors for the character im not the biggest fan of his side B his down a is pretty cool and is down b is marios down a so thats nice that hes similar to mario in a lot of ways but also hes just like his own identity and character maybe i should fool around with the weegee more and see if it all comes together and clicks

As for Bayonetta and all the DLC characters i dont have any of them yet because im just waiting on the nintendo switch to come out and the game to be released on that platform as well as of now currently im trying to learn as much of the games mechanics as i possible can on the 3DS (one of my best friends let me borrow it so i can learn the game hes a nice guy)

ALSO you have an amazing point on giving everyone a smaller selection of characters and to try and narrow it down as you said heavies yeah definitely a cut out so let me add to the specifics of what i believe/think id like

So characters that i DONT like period: Bowser BabyBowser Wario G&W DiddyKong Zelda Ganon Pit/Darkpit Ike KingDedede MetaNight LittleMac Jigglypuff Ness Villager Olimar (Wii fit Trainer makes me nauseous lol :x) uhm for some reason i dont like Dr. Mario O.o Shulk Pacman and Sonic

Characters ive been playing the most: Sheik Mario ZSS Robin (in that order)

Characters that ive played previously and have enjoyed!: Luigi Peach (Donkey Kong ik is a heavy but for some reason its the only heavy i like also i saw a player named Tweek play him and just like dominated everyone especially on the Battlefield stage lol was so sick!!) Link Toon Link Samus Kirby Fox Falco Pikachu ROB Captain Falcon Marth/Lucina

Characters that BODY ME in For Glory lol :x : FALCO Ness Greninja Ike Toonlink/Link Villager and probably more to come xD

What i like a lot about sheik is when i can get someone into like a juggle lock situation im just still really new so i dont know any kill setups for sheik which she apparently struggles with (sheik syndrome) as its referred to but also i enjoy her speed and complexity im also VERY BAD at making READS because im still new to the whole "thinking about why you make decisions thing" and trying to look for "player habbits and punishing them for it" I need to watch more Mr. R and Void videos lol

Watching Nairo and Mars play ZSS is absolutely insane i also like the way she juggles as well in the air with the downthrow up air up air upb rocketbooster kick (it gets me excited every time lol)

When i saw Dath play Robin it was like a couple weeks ago and just watching some of the uniqueness of that character in general really caught my attention the whole 4 tomes Shadow Thunder Fire Wind plus Levan Sword giving you up to 5 projectiles to rotate in and out of your arsenal makes the character even more crazy

But yeah i hope all that input can help you guys help me more lol


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2016
New Brunswick, Canada
Personality Traits : So im a very crazy and wild person, all my friends think im funny and out of my mind xD im pretty aggressive confident extroverted and i always have a smile on my face. Id say my play-style is to be very aggressive fast and in your face with a lot of pressure.
from your personality I would suggest playing Cloud when you get the DLC. Cloud players are stereotypically overconfident and think they can't lose xD. Cloud can play aggressively quite nicely.

but for now I would suggest trying Diddy as he is very balanced. Just try to figure out his combos, etc, and just play around with him a little bit.

Also as mountain_tiger said try Bayo.


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
from your personality I would suggest playing Cloud when you get the DLC. Cloud players are stereotypically overconfident and think they can't lose xD. Cloud can play aggressively quite nicely.

but for now I would suggest trying Diddy as he is very balanced. Just try to figure out his combos, etc, and just play around with him a little bit.

Also as mountain_tiger said try Bayo.
Ok ill remember to do that : ) tyvm


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
Do swordies have a big advantage over non swordies? i just vsd this guy and he was like 1 million times better than me luckily i got to play him like 35 times i won 1 time legit and 1 time was half legit and he SD 2nd stock lol :x But i lost the other 33 times mostly getting 2 stocked, but he opened up with marth and played like roy cloud and corrin too and the way he used his skills for spacing was immaculate i was playing captain falcon but i felt like every time i moved i got punished bc i cant short hop back air well or short hop up air well either i also tried mario and other characters but im not good at any of them i just felt like he always spaced himself perfectly and he took his combos so far no matter which way i DI'd i got destroyed lol I mean im also keeping in mind this player probably has been taking the game seriously for like 2 years over my 2 weeks lol but still the way he played was so perfect he was the best player ive vsd so far. When id shield hed also make sure that when i got hit i was always out of range with my longest attack no matter which character i used and his edge guarding was sick i got spiked like 60 times lol xD completely bodied but yeah is having a weapon advantageous in this game? and what are the weaknesses of swordie characters?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2016
New Brunswick, Canada
Yes, they have advantages against characters who do not have swords or projectiles, but usually struggle against characters with projectiles, such as Mega Man, Toon Link, etc.
A character with a sword AND a projectile is usually considered a very good character. Examples: Cloud Strife, Toon Link, Robin. These characters can all out space fairly good sword characters such as Marth, even though they both have swords.
As for not beating this dood, he sounds okay but not super super good. (e.g. He plays Roy.) I think that it is completely normal to not do too well against someone who has played the game for a fair amount of time and has mastered several characters. Just keep playing the game and keep getting better!


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
Hmm so its like a combat triangle ok that seems interesting xD and yeah i expect to get beat up alot : x lol gotta keep grinding though ahahah xD


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2016
New Brunswick, Canada
It's sort of complicated. Within the games in the smash community, tiers have probably mattered the least in Sm4sh and the most in 64 / Brawl. Personally I think that Zero's Tier List is not accurate, as I know for a fact Mia sowrdifghrer is better than puff. Rosalina is not the best character in the game, and neither is Sonic or Ryu, but Sonic is very good.
So enough rambling about the Tier List. There is a large difference between top tier to low tier. As for a character like Sheik, which you play, I would suggest playing her a lot because she is a lot better than, say, Robin, whom you also play. Sheik, Mario and ZSS are ranked very high in the Tier List. Robin not so much, but in my region, Canada, she is very effective and can make grand finals very easily if played well.
A common problem with new players is that they play too many characters. Im not saying this is you but I just don't want you to fall into this trap. Personally, for you I would suggest just putting a lot of time into Sheik, as she is very very good and I consider her (along with Bayo) the best character in the game. I would suggest a max of three mains, and maybe a couple of secondaries. Spending a lot of time on a character makes you understand her better, and her combos become muscle memory.
But basically, yes, there is a huge difference between low Tier and high Tier and you need to play high-tiered (S to A) characters if you want to have success.


Smash Champion
May 28, 2014
Middletown, Ohio
It's sort of complicated. Within the games in the smash community, tiers have probably mattered the least in Sm4sh and the most in 64 / Brawl. Personally I think that Zero's Tier List is not accurate, as I know for a fact Mia sowrdifghrer is better than puff. Rosalina is not the best character in the game, and neither is Sonic or Ryu, but Sonic is very good.
So enough rambling about the Tier List. There is a large difference between top tier to low tier. As for a character like Sheik, which you play, I would suggest playing her a lot because she is a lot better than, say, Robin, whom you also play. Sheik, Mario and ZSS are ranked very high in the Tier List. Robin not so much, but in my region, Canada, she is very effective and can make grand finals very easily if played well.
A common problem with new players is that they play too many characters. Im not saying this is you but I just don't want you to fall into this trap. Personally, for you I would suggest just putting a lot of time into Sheik, as she is very very good and I consider her (along with Bayo) the best character in the game. I would suggest a max of three mains, and maybe a couple of secondaries. Spending a lot of time on a character makes you understand her better, and her combos become muscle memory.
But basically, yes, there is a huge difference between low Tier and high Tier and you need to play high-tiered (S to A) characters if you want to have success.
If there was a big difference, we wouldn't see these characters pop up so much.

The difference is wayy smaller than what is being expressed here


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2016
New Brunswick, Canada
If there was a big difference, we wouldn't see these characters pop up so much.

The difference is wayy smaller than what is being expressed here
But what I'm saying is there is a huge difference between Sheik and Puff. And yes there is a huge difference, obviously king Dedede isn't near as viable as character like Bayonetta. At a high level of play there is a huge difference.


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2016
how much of a difference is a top tier character from a low tier character in ssb4?
The biggest difference tends to be MU spread. A top tier character will likely only lose a few matchups (or possibly no matchups), and they generally won't lose them harder than 45-55, with maybe one or two 40-60 at worst. A low tier might very well go 50-50 with many characters and will likely even win some matchups, but they also lose a lot of matchups. Still, barring the bottom of the barrel most characters are somewhat viable. Robin, for instance, loses a lot of MUs 45-55, but when you think about it, that isn't really terrible; it's a slight disadvantage. She loses four matchups 40-60, which is annoying, and two MUs 35-65, which is really bad, but she also wins a good amount of MUs (based on Dath's MU chart, found here: https://twitter.com/Dath_ly/status/772848532109746176).

Another factor: MU charts and tier lists are generally based on top level of play. Some characters, such as Sheik, is somewhat hard to play, so she might not be the best character in the game unless you're really good with her. I've faced more hard Marios that I've faced hard Sheiks, and the Mario MU is much better than the Sheik MU for Corrin. Bottom line is, unless you're a top level player most characters in Smash 4 are good enough to be somewhat viable. The difference between top tier and low tier is not as significant as in Melee, Brawl, or Smash 64.

My recommendation is to find a character you like and try various MUs. If you still like the character after having tried those MUs, consider maining them. The reason why I'm emphasising MUs is that some characters are fun in certain MUs (such as Kirby vs Captain Falcon or Fox) but not very fun in others (such as Kirby vs Marth or Cloud). In general, every top 35 character is pretty solid, especially if you're willing to pick up a secondary to cover some bad MUs.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I'd recommend the following.

:4diddy:: He's currently the best character in this game. If you don't care too much about the best character, I'd still give Diddy Kong a chance because he is a fun character to play as. He's got some pretty good combos. His recovery is poor, so you would have to rely on recovering above the stage.

:4mario:: Mario is another good character, and he's fun and easy to pick up. Personally, I found this aspect to be a problem for me as I wanted to play as a technical character. Mario feels quite basic. Nevertheless, Mario is fun, combos pretty well, and his attacks are nigh-non-punishable. He can attack from a distance and close-up. (Ally didn't make up the "combo" that's named after him. I prefer Rice, ANTi, and Zenyou. I give Rice credit for my decision of wanting to use Mario after he demolished a Rosalina.)

:4zss:: I'm going to be upfront and say Zamus—while a good character—requires patience and technicality in order to use her optimally. By "patience", I don't mean "non-aggressive". Zamus is meant to go in for the kill. I've been on and off with this character because she requires some actual thought and dedication.

Anyway, those are my recommendations. I didn't mention Bayonetta or Cloud because I hate them.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2016
New Brunswick, Canada
The thing about this is that it isn't an official matchup chart, like 64, Brawl and Melee, and that Smash 4 is still very young and new quirks and gimmicks may be discovered, altering matchups. Personally I wouldn't trust a matchup chart for Smash 4 until at least the year 2020.

ZoopY, I would suggest trying, as der Rabe stated, Mario and or ZSS. They are both strong characters. Anyways experiment around and see what works.


Smash Champion
May 28, 2014
Middletown, Ohio
But what I'm saying is there is a huge difference between Sheik and Puff. And yes there is a huge difference, obviously king Dedede isn't near as viable as character like Bayonetta. At a high level of play there is a huge difference.
That's a handful of characters. Balance ain't perfect, but if there was such a huge gap, then shulks, DHDs, Olimars, etc... wouldn't be doing what they do.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2016
New Brunswick, Canada
That's a handful of characters. Balance ain't perfect, but if there was such a huge gap, then shulks, DHDs, Olimars, etc... wouldn't be doing what they do.
I guess that's true, but I still consider any character in the 50s (Charizard, Dedede, Zelda, Ganon, Mii Characters, and Puff) not viable.


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
Choosing a main so hard D: lol Contenders so far Mario Luigi Peach Sheik ToonLink ZSS Fox Does Falco suck? and if so why? Pikachu and maybe Rosa?

Also whats this situation with Yoshi/ROB? i feel like no1 plays them but they could be good O.o

I keep playin captain falcon too but i still need to practice his neutral game but ive been enjoying him a lot (i just dont think hes strong enough to main though bc of his recovery? maybe i need someone a little stronger?) just my thoughts
and DK is deff only heavy i enjoy

I shouldve listed this tier list instead of zeros lol i thought they were the same https://www.eventhubs.com/tiers/ssb4/ my bad : x

Btw im very thankful for everyones input on this thread i woke up and saw like 7 posts thats awesome! I thank you all very much and hope for more because this is so difficult lol <3

Also i know people keep suggesting diddy kong so ill play him more to see if i can make myself get more into him but idk if i can go up to people and be like Hi my names ZoopY i play Diddy Kong lol :c I feel like diddy kong is a life choice like being a ness main xD lol


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2016
Choosing a main so hard D: lol Contenders so far Mario Luigi Peach Sheik ToonLink ZSS Fox Does Falco suck? and if so why? Pikachu and maybe Rosa?
ZeRo thinks Falco is mid tier, most people seem to consider Falco really low though. The rest on your list range from high-mid tier to top tier, so all should be viable.

Also whats this situation with Yoshi/ROB? i feel like no1 plays them but they could be good O.o
They're both fairly good. You could look at some 8BitMan games for R.O.B. and The Wall or Sky Williams (he doesn't go to many tournaments though) for Yoshi.

I keep playin captain falcon too but i still need to practice his neutral game but ive been enjoying him a lot (i just dont think hes strong enough to main though bc of his recovery?
Captain Falcon is probably somewhere in top 25. He's pretty strong, check out Fataility.

I shouldve listed this tier list instead of zeros lol i thought they were the same https://www.eventhubs.com/tiers/ssb4/ my bad : x
That tier list is flawed, ignore it.

I feel like diddy kong is a life choice like being a ness main xD lol
I take it you've watched a lot of Omni videos, eh? I don't get why he's so annoyed with Ness, just zone him out and don't get backthrowed, though I suppose I could be biased since I like playing him myself and my current main (Corrin) has a really good MU vs Ness.

What's your goal? Do you intend to go to tournaments? Large ones or just locals? Do you intend to try to climb Anther's Ladder, or just For Glory?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2016
New Brunswick, Canada
As Frihetsanka said, ignore any Tier List that isn't official, sometimes they put characters in wacky placements. The current Tier List is fairly accurate, I would trust that.
Personally right now I would recommend trying out Mario as he is a lot of fun to pla, has some great juggles, and is a really good character that you can do well with, if you want. Mario feels really good, too, and can be a joy to play when played properly.


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2016
There are a lot of factors to keep in mind. Is your #1 goal winning? Seeing how you're new, Cloud or Diddy Kong would probably give you results fairly quickly. If your #1 goal is to become a top player and you're willing to put in a lot of time to get to a high technical level and really learn the character, then Sheik or Bayonetta might be your best bet. If winning is not your #1 goal, then a lot more characters become viable. My suggestion is to try every non-clone character at least half an hour before making a decision on who to main (though you should preferably spend more time on your main options). Even characters in the F tier in the official tier list can do some work at top level, and even better at mid level. Even a few characters in G tier, such as Shulk and Samus, can be scary if played well. That being said, the bottom 10 on the official tier list all struggle (except maybe Roy, who has been getting some results from Ryo), so you could skip those.

Something to keep in mind: Some characters, such as Mario, Cloud, and Marth, are really common, so people generally know how to play the MU. Playing a less common character, such as Lucas or Olimar, can give you an advantage against many players, especially if the MU is even or better. Even top level players sometimes struggle against less common characters: see ZeRo vs Palutena or ZeRo vs Duck Hunt.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2016
New Brunswick, Canada
Diddy would be good for now because you don't have DLC. If you ever get competitive and get DLC, however, I would suggest maining Bayo or at least trying her. :)
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Mr. B

Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2006
I main Mewtwo because I like his flavour and style, and I can enjoy both winning and losing with him.

That's the key, IMO... as long as you enjoy playing the char (regardless of the outcome), then you will enjoy your practice, and the more practice you can stomach, the better you will become regardless of the char.


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2016
Personality Traits : So im a very crazy and wild person, all my friends think im funny and out of my mind xD im pretty aggressive confident extroverted and i always have a smile on my face. Id say my play-style is to be very aggressive fast and in your face with a lot of pressure.

Aspects of the game that i love: COMBO GAME Juggling and off stage spiking!!! I dont know what it is but whenever i see someone get bodied like my chest explodes and i just pop off just from watching it happen LOL id love a character that has the potential to just like run at you control you combo and spike you to your death xD.

Sidenote/P.S. I do not tend to like heavy characters :'c idk why but like for some reason when i play them i want to throw up :'c lol so yeah id prefer to stay away from that archetype
Have you considered Luigi? Maybe he would fit your playstyle since his combo game is pretty sick and he's not a heavy character. He's also kind of wild and crazy (have you seen those taunts?).


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2016
Have you desided yet?
If not, I'd recomment Fox... He sounds like he's perfect for you... Crazy and super strong combos and near Cloud- like juggling with his great up-air.

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Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
Hey guys sorry i haven't been responding my computers graphics card exploded and then i had to do a trillionzillion things :c ive been playing lucina and marth for the last 5 days straight ive just been struggling with my distance/spacing game. Mario and luigi are both pretty awesome as for goals i want a character that is capable of being competitive (even though im HORRIBLE at smash rn and am still learning fundamentals of the game)i cant play diddy kong : ( it hurts my insides also my friends told me if i played ness they wouldnt talk to me anymore lol :c. So after playing for a little longer from the characters i have available i enjoy Mario Luigi DK Sheik Marth Lucina Captain Falcon ZSS Samus i could give Fox a try again too for some reason i really like zelda but ik ill never be aloud to play her :c and i really enjoyed Link but idk if id be aloud to play him either : /


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2016
New Brunswick, Canada
That's great! Too bad your graphics card exploded lol but good to see you're enjoying the game. I'm sure you heard that Mkleo won Genesis with a mixture of Marth and Cloud, and Marth is almost universally considered a better character than Lucina. Marth has a much much better spacing game. If you enjoy Sheik I would suggest playing her as she is very very good and I consider her, along with Bayo, the best character in the game.
It's good to see you are playing multiple characters... when i started I played 1 and people would figure me out and then since i didnt play any other characters with different playstyles i would lose every time, this is very good to see. Keep playing Smash!!! and also definitely try out corrin when you get dlc!!!


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
I'm late to the party but whatever

this is not necessarily directed at the OP but more of a general statement to new players

What I think everyone should do is pick 2 characters. Look at the whole roster, ignore tier lists. Pick whoever tickles your fancy, or, if there's no one that immediately jumps out at you, play a bunch of characters for a bit, see if anyone does strike a cord with you.

Then go find out what the top tier characters are in the game. In Smash 4, the generally accepted top tier is, in no order:
:4cloud::4bayonetta2::4fox::4mewtwo::rosalina::4sheik::4sonic::4zss::4mario::4diddy:, with :4marth: often being considered a contender for top tier now, though he's a bit more iffy atm. But anyway, figure out which one of those best compliments the previous character or which one eve just suits you best.

This seems like the best course to me, as you both get to play a character you love while also being practical. Nobody imo should be 100% soloing maining these days.


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2016
it hurts my insides also my friends told me if i played ness they wouldnt talk to me anymore lol :c.
I'm not quite sure what people have against Ness, it's not that hard to not get killed by a backthrow.

So after playing for a little longer from the characters i have available i enjoy Mario Luigi DK Sheik Marth Lucina Captain Falcon ZSS Samus i could give Fox a try again too for some reason i really like zelda but ik ill never be aloud to play her :c and i really enjoyed Link but idk if id be aloud to play him either : /
Are you not allowed to play Link because your friends find him annoying or because they think he's too weak? In the right hands he's actually a pretty decent character.

Also on a side note once i get DLC im super interested in trying out Corrin
Corrin is a lot of fun! Her combo game is pretty good and she can juggle quite well, although she lacks a reliable spike (you could stage spike I suppose or try to get the "slow" dair spike). Unfortunately, she's not really an aggressive character against good players. Running up works pretty well against players that don't know how to deal with instapin, but if they do you have to play more carefully.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2016
New Brunswick, Canada
What I think everyone should do is pick 2 characters. Look at the whole roster, ignore tier lists. Pick whoever tickles your fancy, or, if there's no one that immediately jumps out at you, play a bunch of characters for a bit, see if anyone does strike a cord with you.
Nah is right... 2-3 characters is best for both new and veteran players alike.


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
Hmm well 2-3 characters would make it much easier from the weight of only choosing one :x lol still a toughy though


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
I'm not quite sure what people have against Ness, it's not that hard to not get killed by a backthrow.

Are you not allowed to play Link because your friends find him annoying or because they think he's too weak? In the right hands he's actually a pretty decent character.

Corrin is a lot of fun! Her combo game is pretty good and she can juggle quite well, although she lacks a reliable spike (you could stage spike I suppose or try to get the "slow" dair spike). Unfortunately, she's not really an aggressive character against good players. Running up works pretty well against players that don't know how to deal with instapin, but if they do you have to play more carefully.
I just found the reply button lol and every tier list i see has link/zelda low :'c and all my friends hate ness lol :x its crazy


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
I main Mewtwo because I like his flavour and style, and I can enjoy both winning and losing with him.

That's the key, IMO... as long as you enjoy playing the char (regardless of the outcome), then you will enjoy your practice, and the more practice you can stomach, the better you will become regardless of the char.
Mewtwo looks really cool too i dont have the DLC yet im just playing on 3ds until a Switch port gets released (hopefully with more characters as well ;D amirite?) but yeah the DLC roster is a big piece of the game that im waiting on i got like 300 shmeckles im just holding it all for the release whenever it may be


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
Oh also do you guys think that like the switch pro controller is going to be> Gamecube controller? or should i just buy the gamecube controller with the supersmash logo on it? xD


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2016
I just found the reply button lol and every tier list i see has link/zelda low :'c and all my friends hate ness lol :x its crazy
Oh also do you guys think that like the switch pro controller is going to be> Gamecube controller? or should i just buy the gamecube controller with the supersmash logo on it? xD
A lot of people are used to the GameCube controller. It's hard to say if the Switch Pro Controller will be better for Smash, it'll likely be better than the Wii U Pro Controller at least.

Also, don't double post, or triple post, or quadruple post; it's against the rules and frowned upon. Use the edit button.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
Don't let characters being low tier stop you from using them. And Link is much, much better than that tier list gives him credit for. In Smash 4, tiers mean a lot less, and the difference between top and bottom is much smaller.


Smash Rookie
Jan 29, 2017
Long Island New York
Alright guys i think ive made my choice on my main... I think im going to main Lucina!

Also i bought a gamecube controller 2 days ago the one with the supersmash bros logo on it and the japanese box xD
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