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Henshin A Go-Go, Baby! Viewtiful Joe for Smash thread


Smash Ace
Jan 23, 2010
Princeton, NJ
The Red-Hot Hero is ready to join the battle!

Who is he?
Enter Viewtiful Joe, the titular hero of the Viewtiful Joe series. Originally just a movie nerd, he entered the world of movies to save his girlfriend and became the successor to his hero, Captain Blue. Now he fights weird robot things with the power of VFX, which allow him to use slow motion (Slow), fast forwarding (Mach Speed), and close-ups (Zoom) to give him special powers and effect his environment. In addition to that, he has his two weapons, the Voomerang and Shocking Pink (bomb), not to mention his giant robot.

Why should he be in Smash?
Every single game in his series was released on a Nintendo console, so he has a strong connection to Nintendo. Not to mention that he's a Capcom character created by Hideki Kamiya, creator of Bayonetta, so he already has 2 feet in the door. Plus, his moves in his games translate perfectly to Smash Bros. There have to be like a hundred moveset idea lists for him out there, he fits this game like a glove.

What are his chances?
Honestly, almost none. He hasn't had a game in over 12 years, and their modest financial success plus the closing of his studio means that we're probably not getting that long-awaited revival any time soon. I mean, maybe Capcom and PG have been secretly developing Viewtiful Joe 3 as a Switch exclusive and they plan on advertising it with Smash Bros, but that's a long shot. Still, that doesn't mean we can't want him.


Runic_SSB Runic_SSB
smash puffle smash puffle
verysleepywolf verysleepywolf
A Distant Demon A Distant Demon
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2013
A thread for this didn't already exist? With how talked about Wonder Red is I assumed Viewtiful Joe would have already been addressed.

Viewtiful Joe takes me back and puts a childhood smile on my face. Such a fresh and creative game. Joe gets my love.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I ****ing love Viewtiful Joe.

One of my favorite characters out there, and the fact his series dead is a shame.

Would love to see this guy in smash somehow. I've always assumed his powers would be a bit wonky and kind of would prefer him as an AT because of it, but I would not complain at all about Joe stealing the spotlight.



Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
Damn, it’s about time. I would have made a thread for him if I didn’t assume it already existed.

scarlet solsitce

Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2018
ok listen i love scott pilgrim and i know full well that he has no chance in golden hell to get in so why not joe all right then for a basic move set a slow and fast punches an wild card in terms of air game and his netraul B would ethier voomerrang or his bounceable bomb his down B could be his slow attack as counter up B is red hot pink that can be angled downwards side B being his ride no idea what its called but its used in simlarity of wario's bike and for the final smash its slow and zoom or maybe the six machine i just hope this happens one day


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
I don’t see Viewtiful Joe being in Smash, since his VFX mechanics would be extremely intrusive and he wouldn't really be Viewtiful Joe without them. Don't misunderstand me, I would really love to play as him (and to see the franchise properly revived), but I can't imagine Joe in Smash happening without devolving into "Witch Time, all the time". However, I have designed a series of classes to emulate Joe, Silvia, Alastor, Captain Blue, Jet Black, and Queen Heinderella in Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e. They are, respectively, the Viewtiful Warrior (Joe, Silvia, and Alastor), the Viewtiful Captain (Captain Blue), the Viewtiful Shogun (Jet), and the Viewtiful Monarch (Heinderella). I love the Viewtiful Joe games, and I put a lot of work into properly recreating their mechanics (and the specific moves of each character) in D&D! If any of you are into D&D, I highly recommend checking them out!

Okay, shameless plug over. I just had to get that off my chest.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
Uh-oh. I just saw this in the General Speculation thread...

Suddenly, new franchises look a lot less likely.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2018
I'm in! I would like to support Viewtiful Joe! I've played the first two Viewtiful Joe games and I enjoy it. I would love to see him in SSBUltimate as a playable with PW to be with Mega Man and Ryuu as the Capcom reps. : D


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Joe was my boy during Brawl speculation. I'm all in. Loved the games. Don't know how he'd work though but it'd be nice to at least have an assist trophy.
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Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2018
Noneya Business
Switch FC
Count me in! (Put me on the supporters list, please) I’d love to see Viewtiful Joe in Smash, with music from the Viewtiful Joe series. Both originals and new remixes. I’d love to hear Smash remixes of Joe the Hero, Captain Blue’s Theme, Blade Master, and others. I wonder if they’d get Dee Bradley Baker to voice Viewtiful Joe for Smash? I doubt they would, but it’d be cool to hear him reprise his role as Joe again.
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Smash Rookie
Oct 7, 2019
Viewtiful Joe's Moveset
Gimmick: VFX Meter - Can Perform enhanced special moves using VFX Activate. Use it too much and you’ll go back to normal Joe, unable to double jump or use any special moves until at least one charge is restored. Kind of works like the Limit Gauge but you can activate it during other specials and the gauge has several sections. Each activation uses one section and recharges over time.
Jab - Jab, Body Blow, Spinning Back Kick : Based on strike 1 & 2 from punch combo and the last strike of kick combo
F-tilt - Scissor Kick, Spinning Side Kick : 2 strikes. Based on the first 2 attacks in kick combo.
U-tilt - Uppercut : Launches enemies. Based on crouching punch.
D-tilt - Sweep : Performs a backwards sweeping kick. Based on the crouching kick he uses before obtaining Sliding.
F-smash - Heavy Cross : Leans in to deliver a powerful blow. Based on the last strike in punch combo.
U-smash - Red Hot Roundhouse : Joe defies gravity, turns vertically and performs 3 spinning kicks straight upwards.
D-smash - Hurricane Sweep : A forward sweeping kick that hits both sides. Based on 3rd strike of kick combo.
Dasha - Turning Backhand : Spinning backhand that hits hard. Based on 3rd strike of punch combo.
Nair - Double Kick : Air scissor kick and spinning side kick: Based on strike 1 & 2 of air kick combo.
Fair - Air Joe : Mash for up to 4 strikes. Based on air punch combo.
Dair - Hammer Smash : Clasps hands together and brings them down hard. Based down normal attack from Red Hot Rumble.
Bair - Dropkick : Strike behind with both legs. Based on the last strike of air kick combo.
Uair - Backflip Kick : Flip to strike in a wide arc above. Based on the 3rd strike of air kick combo.
Grab - Both hands
Pummel - Headbutt
Fthrow - Heavy Heart Shoulder Slam : Based on Silvia’s move of the same name from VJ2 and Red Hot Rumble
Bthrow - Yamarashi : Throws foe over his shoulder, from the same move in VJ2.
Uthrow - Triple Upper : Repeatedly uppercuts opponent. Like when you do an uppercut while using Zoom.
Dthrow - Stomp : Jumps on opponent like a trampoline
Nspec - VFX Activate: Activate to perform a variety of Viewtiful feats.
Mach Speed : Activate during a jab or tilt to launch a flurry or mach speed attacks.
Jab - Red Hot One Hundred : A damaging flurry or punches.
Dair - Red Thunder : Crash down on foes and produce a shockwave on impact with the ground.
Guard - V-Dodge : Dodge with this to Slow down opponents and Rock-On to them. Rock-On works sort of like Witch Time but it gives you a damage and knockback boost and ends as soon as you hit the opponent.
Special - Deactivate
Fspec - Voomerang(VFX: Burning) : Throws the V-Emblem like a boomerang, curves upward. Charge it and it homes in.
Uspec - Groovy Uppercut(VFX: Replay) : A diagonal spinning uppercut surrounded by pink energy. Activate VFX to replay the move for double the fun.
Dspec - Sliding/Red Hot Kick(VFX: Burning) : A sliding kick on the ground, and a dive kick in the air. Activate VFX to use Red Dragon version that hits multiple time with a fire effect.
FS - Desperado: Fire the Six Machine in the form of a cannon
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Smash Rookie
Feb 12, 2020
It has been a dream to have Viewtiful Joe as a fighter since Melee (after VJ came out). He's one of my favorite characters. At this point though, I even think that having a Mii costume would be great. The Brawler fighting style would fit in so well with Joe's fighting, size, style, and all. Even more, they could add Silvia as a Gunner and Alastor as a Swordfighter. It makes perfect sense! Alas, this is a movie we probably won't see on the Smash Movie World screen :(
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