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help me with ike!!!>_<


Smash Rookie
Sep 10, 2008
i need some help out, my friends tell me im good but…im not sure they're not good enough, only ma homie zealot, i hope ur readin this dawg, so i want a pro ike to fight me and tell me whats wrong with my game xD(ye its some kind of training) and help me to get better plz??:)


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
arturito that was so ****ing uncalled for, you got no idea of his skills, looks like ur not helpful at anything man , ur too critical, raph ignore him lol , remmember Fair and Nair>AAA combo is ur friend on the platform , and off it , aether , Fair again and D air.dont forget to cancel them on stage(Fair Nair even Dair)


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
The way you have been posting the past 2 days I can tell you suck already.
Once again, I'm with Arturito on this one.... =x

Anyway "raph21"... You could've just read the Ike guide that's stickied at the top of the page... Pretty much everything that could help improve your Ike game is in there.... <_< There is a reason why it's stickied....


Smash Rookie
Sep 10, 2008
Once again, I'm with Arturito on this one.... =x

Anyway "raph21"... You could've just read the Ike guide that's stickied at the top of the page... Pretty much everything that could help improve your Ike game is in there.... <_< There is a reason why it's stickied....
i read it, but reading and doin it are different things...


Smash Rookie
Sep 10, 2008
u kno wat, **** this ****, dont help me if u dont want. ill kept playin with ma ***** zealot till i get better


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
*sigh* Fine I'll tell you how you can get better but there is a good chance that it will piss you off.

1. get a brain, This isn't a game that you can just play with your friend everyday and all of a sudden go win 10 grand at a tournament. You have to learn about the game, you have to learn how bad you and your character suck, when you can or can't win. there are many factors to this but if your just stupid and ignorant you will never get anywhere.

2. Start looking at basic things like teching, DI, and spacing. You need to learn these things if you want to be at least decent.

3. read guides more than posting useless stuff. See if what other players who are better known than you have the same idea as you. if they aren't then find out why they think this way. Now you should be asking more specific questions not like what you did here. Asking for help on a certain move or technique you have trouble with is a lot better than do I suck threads. A lot of times questions don't need there own threads either.

4. Start practicing against people and save replays so you can see your mistakes. If you can record them onto a computer and upload them even better other people can judge you that way. Wifi can help you out in this stage but always remember that wifi is not the representation of a real match.

5. go to tournaments to see how well you do and when you loose rinse and repeat steps 2-4 (assuming you stopped being stupid). Yes there are people who do all this and are still dumb.

If you want to know why I consider you dumb it would be because of your nice triple post when theres an edit button. Your also pretty ignorant so that makes it hard for people to help you, tiers do exist and you can't just go and make your own. Me being able to beat my sisters Mk with ganon doesn't make ganon god tier and metaknight bottom.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2006
Belleville, Ontario
*sigh* Fine I'll tell you how you can get better but there is a good chance that it will piss you off.

1. get a brain, This isn't a game that you can just play with your friend everyday and all of a sudden go win 10 grand at a tournament. You have to learn about the game, you have to learn how bad you and your character suck, when you can or can't win. there are many factors to this but if your just stupid and ignorant you will never get anywhere.

2. Start looking at basic things like teching, DI, and spacing. You need to learn these things if you want to be at least decent.

3. read guides more than posting useless stuff. See if what other players who are better known than you have the same idea as you. if they aren't then find out why they think this way. Now you should be asking more specific questions not like what you did here. Asking for help on a certain move or technique you have trouble with is a lot better than do I suck threads. A lot of times questions don't need there own threads either.

4. Start practicing against people and save replays so you can see your mistakes. If you can record them onto a computer and upload them even better other people can judge you that way. Wifi can help you out in this stage but always remember that wifi is not the representation of a real match.

5. go to tournaments to see how well you do and when you loose rinse and repeat steps 2-4 (assuming you stopped being stupid). Yes there are people who do all this and are still dumb.
6. Realize Tiers exist. >_>

7. Look at steps 1 and 2. Then 1 again.

8. Now look at 3, then the results of 5. And then 1 yet again.

9. Make sure you got the first part of number 1 memorized (The first sentence to be exact)

10. Look at the matchup list we have going.

11. Realize Ike's Fsmash is not an unbeatable force and is rather easy to dodge.

12. Judging by first impressions: Wait until your older until trying tournaments again. The first time was to shock you into realizing the truth.

13. Youtube is your friend. Look up "Kirk (Ike)". The stuff in quotes.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
i read it, but reading and doin it are different things...
Hmm.. if you find that advice from the guide is hard to bring into practice, please tell me what in particular you've got problems with. I might be able to give some advice and update/reword the guide accordingly.

Also it can be pretty hard to get better against people you already beat. However, it helps to think about what your opponents could do, not what they are doing. For example, if they never use side B, but it would be a good move to use, don't do stuff that the move could punish you for. Even if you know they won't use it, focus more on fighting a certain character than a certain player.

And remember basic stuff, don't roll towards an opponent. Sidesteps aren't invincible. Don't forget to mix up your grab game. Defend the edge even risking suicides, it's alright if you end up suiciding a bit in friendlies, it teaches you about what you can and cannot do.


Smash Rookie
Sep 10, 2008
Hmm.. if you find that advice from the guide is hard to bring into practice, please tell me what in particular you've got problems with. I might be able to give some advice and update/reword the guide accordingly.

Also it can be pretty hard to get better against people you already beat. However, it helps to think about what your opponents could do, not what they are doing. For example, if they never use side B, but it would be a good move to use, don't do stuff that the move could punish you for. Even if you know they won't use it, focus more on fighting a certain character than a certain player.

And remember basic stuff, don't roll towards an opponent. Sidesteps aren't invincible. Don't forget to mix up your grab game. Defend the edge even risking suicides, it's alright if you end up suiciding a bit in friendlies, it teaches you about what you can and cannot do.
thats the point there still some ones i dont beat... and tourneys here aren't any rom what i kno, once the first wave of brawl came, few weeks later was a tourney but after that nothing
btw thanks for the advice.


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2002
Don't know what that stuff above was all about so I'll ignore it.
Playing people is certainly needed to get better....no doubt. At the same time though, what you can do is take the time to know your opponents....in this case I mean other characters. Get a good feel for their range, speed and better moves so you can read them better, and understand what to watch for and how to gimp them. Ike is slow but strong, so choosing the right time to attack is crucial... knowledge really will be power.

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
i need some help out, my friends tell me im good but…im not sure they're not good enough, only ma homie zealot, i hope ur readin this dawg, so i want a pro ike to fight me and tell me whats wrong with my game xD(ye its some kind of training) and help me to get better plz??:)
People who day dawg readin homie are never good at brawl. Usually. Not always

And I'm actually gonna help you. Fist you wont be able to play a pro ike unless you play face to face because wifi=fail

So your gonna have to record vids for us to see.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
u kno wat, **** this ****, dont help me if u dont want. ill kept playin with ma ***** zealot till i get better
1. Don't double post.

2. Turn off the computer and pick up a book, I've seen 8 year olds speak more coherently than that.

3. If you still want to play this game, realize the best way to get better is to think before you do, play against people and not cpus, and if your opponents in person suck go online and look for someone with a blue or green connection. Wifi isn't as good as in person, but it's better than the computers or crappy players. Bad connections just suck though.

4. Read the guides if you need general advice. Post videos if you want specific advice.


Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
St. Catharines
lol, how about everyone just shut there mouths and stop chirping eachother, you don't have to tear him apart cuz he made this thread when he could checked the sticky, so what? and ye you should post vids, hopefully ppl just give you advice.
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