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Help Me: Solid Wolf approaches and/or combos.


Smash Cadet
Aug 23, 2008
Hey Wolf dudes, I've been playin Wolf for a while and I just recently made an account here, 20 days or so, I haven't had much of a chance to post and what not, which you can see by looking over there
So let this be my formal introduction to all of you, hey!
So now on to the real matter.....
I've been playing him for a bit and it's all fine and dandy, but one thing is is that I don't know any combos or approaches, I'm just going in and hoping I land something.
As of now the only viable approaches I know are SH + Shine + Dsmash or SH + Shine + 3 Jab. Oh and of course the Wolf wall.
That's a pretty weak repertoire so I'm turning to you Wolf players to tell me more and expand it.

Any help given is appreciated greatly, so please post!

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Wolf doesn't have outstanding approaches. Anything with nair is hard to land...

The key is, that you don't have to approach at all! Your reflector stops enemies projectiles and your blaster is hard to counter, due to its limited range. You should always try to force your opponent to approach


Smash Cadet
Aug 23, 2008
So none at all?
Alright, then can you tell me any aerial or ground to aerial combos that I could land? Cause the way I'm playing isn't very strategic at all...


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
Spaced B-airs can be good same with the reflector. Ive tried 0-lag fair followed by a quick reflector can work.

Wolf doesnt really need to approach tho with the pistol and all.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
wow....no wonder people think wolf has such a campy game. Wolf has some excellent approaches such as wolf walling (be sure to space the BAIR right) towards the person or doing snadmonkey's crossover fair into reverse grab to deal with shield grabbers.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
^ The latter is perhaps Wolfs best way to trick his opponents but Wolf walling is is rather about spacing/playing defensively than about approaching


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
For combos, might I suggest using Wolf's down aerial to hit a foe to the ground, fast-falling down, and then hitting them with something like Down Smash or Down Tilt? Performed fast enough, it's ineescapable. You can see a lot of good stuff if you view the Wolf boards more. :)

Oh, and Reflector, B-Air, and Blaster is pretty much all you need for approach, ha-ha.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
Wolf doesn't have outstanding approaches.
You're kidding me, right? Wolf can approach like no other, his aerial mobility is among the top 5 in the game, with Yoshi, Jiggz, Captain Falcon and Wario. He can weave his way all around the opponent, good God, haven't you guys noticed that Wolf can move around the air like no other? He has two nearly lagless aerials, Bair and Fair, and he has freakin' excellent aerial mobility, and guess what? The majority of people approach through the air. Do you see a common denominator in this?

In my opinion you guys are misusing the word "Approach" Approach is NOT a noun, it is a VERB. In order to approach, you don't simply have a list of "Move X to Move Y" No, that's totally wrong. You have moves that you use TO APPROACH. And frankly, it shouldn't be just a set list, it's whatever the hell is necessary at that time. Because simply put, THINGS CHANGE, your opponent is not standing still, or always shielding, or always attacking. So when people say "Wolf doesn't have any outstanding approaches" it should be "Wolf doesn't approach outstandingly" which is completely untrue. Captain Falcon "Has approaches" but he cannot Approach well due to his moves. Metaknight does not have complex approaches but he can approach very well. Do you guys see the difference between have "Approaches" and approaching well? You guys are using it as a noun, when it shouldn't be. To approach, you do not use the same set of followups and just switch between your list of approaches. You use whatever the heck is necessary at the time, and what is necessary can depend on the situation, and what you feel is necessary, that's how individual playstyles are formed. If everyone just used a set list of approaches, fighting games would be pretty freakin' boring.

An example, Bair to Fsmash are two moves that Wolf mains use a lot to approach, and it's surprisingly effective. But suppose they figure it out, and start shielding longer. Does your set approach of "Bair -> Fsmash" work now? No, it doesn't, because they're shielding, and so, what is "necessary" now, would be to grab, right?

Little basic example, but yeah, I hope everyone gets the point.

And as for combos, hitstun in Brawl does not exist, there are hardly any combos that you can pull off, it's pure prediction. The only one I can really think of is Shine -> AAA, shine to Dsmash or Fsmash or whatever else is shieldable.

Oh, and welcome to Smashboards ^^


Smash Lord
Nov 30, 2006
among the figments of your imagination
someone had a rant

but really, good points arcpoint
(by approach, most people mean approach tactics, its just easier to type one word)

Wolf is extremely well-equipped to not approach, but when it gets rough things happen and Wolf may have to approach. Here's my advise:

-if your opponent lets you, use the N-air but don't count on it. If they let you land it, it will lead-in to almost anything.
-Force your opponent to attack first. Stay just inside F-smash range and just outside of your opponents range, you will make them nervous, or at least suspicious. If they try anything, you will have a tactic to respond with, trust me on this.
-If you're feeling particularly reckless (who doesn't as Wolf?) you can simply jump right in and reflector their face the instant they counterattack, which they will. Follow-up with your favorite moves.

Dark Nemesis

Smash Apprentice
Oct 18, 2007
Here's a "combo": Shield->Reflector->Ftilit.
Using the reflector will space the ftilt perfectly. A good way to end the RAR.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Comments in red

You're kidding me, right? Wolf can approach like no other, his aerial mobility is among the top 5 in the game, with Yoshi, Jiggz, Captain Falcon and Wario. He can weave his way all around the opponent, good God, haven't you guys noticed that Wolf can move around the air like no other? He has two nearly lagless aerials, Bair and Fair, and he has freakin' excellent aerial mobility, and guess what? The majority of people approach through the air. Do you see a common denominator in this?

That's only the first half of the story. Wolf also happens to fall extremely fast so he can never travel distances in the air like Wario can. In a time Wolf hits the groud again, Wario waves through the air 3 times fourth and back. And bair and fair aren't the best approaches. A good approach has multiple hits and puts shields under pressure to prevent Shield Grabs (like GaWs turtle). The only move like that Wolf has is nair, which has unreliable knockback and is hard to execute correctly 100% of the time. If Wolf uses bair ot fair to approach he gets shield grabbed. If he uses his air mobility to get out of the grab range he distances himself from the enemy, which is the opposite of approaching.

In my opinion you guys are misusing the word "Approach" Approach is NOT a noun, it is a VERB. In order to approach, you don't simply have a list of "Move X to Move Y" No, that's totally wrong. You have moves that you use TO APPROACH. And frankly, it shouldn't be just a set list, it's whatever the hell is necessary at that time. Because simply put, THINGS CHANGE, your opponent is not standing still, or always shielding, or always attacking.

So what? If your opponents were able to outcamp you, you'd have to approach and as a result the opponent either attacks or shields. But that's the good thing about Wolf - he can't be outcamped.

So when people say "Wolf doesn't have any outstanding approaches" it should be "Wolf doesn't approach outstandingly" which is completely untrue. Captain Falcon "Has approaches" but he cannot Approach well due to his moves. Metaknight does not have complex approaches but he can approach very well. Do you guys see the difference between have "Approaches" and approaching well? You guys are using it as a noun, when it shouldn't be. To approach, you do not use the same set of followups and just switch between your list of approaches. You use whatever the heck is necessary at the time, and what is necessary can depend on the situation, and what you feel is necessary, that's how individual playstyles are formed. If everyone just used a set list of approaches, fighting games would be pretty freakin' boring.

OK, i get your point here. However, this is merely a question of your definition and has no impact on the game itself. Whether Wolf has no approaches or he doesn't approach well...it shouldn't make a difference in battle...or did I miss something else?

An example, Bair to Fsmash are two moves that Wolf mains use a lot to approach, and it's surprisingly effective. But suppose they figure it out, and start shielding longer. Does your set approach of "Bair -> Fsmash" work now? No, it doesn't, because they're shielding, and so, what is "necessary" now, would be to grab, right?

Little basic example, but yeah, I hope everyone gets the point.

I get the point and it's wrong. This would only be true if Wolf could approach well in multiple ways. Besides fsmash = invitation to punsh Wolf. It's not useful as an approach.

And as for combos, hitstun in Brawl does not exist, there are hardly any combos that you can pull off, it's pure prediction. The only one I can really think of is Shine -> AAA, shine to Dsmash or Fsmash or whatever else is shieldable.

*Sigh*...if hitstun existed Wolf would be the king of combo...

Oh, and welcome to Smashboards ^^


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
That's only the first half of the story. Wolf also happens to fall extremely fast so he can never travel distances in the air like Wario can. In a time Wolf hits the groud again, Wario waves through the air 3 times fourth and back. And bair and fair aren't the best approaches. A good approach has multiple hits and puts shields under pressure to prevent Shield Grabs (like GaWs turtle). The only move like that Wolf has is nair, which has unreliable knockback and is hard to execute correctly 100% of the time. If Wolf uses bair ot fair to approach he gets shield grabbed. If he uses his air mobility to get out of the grab range he distances himself from the enemy, which is the opposite of approaching.
Hehe, thanks for explaining that whole fast falling thing, I didn't want to. But yeah, Wario can wave through the air extremely well due to his falling speed, which is why Wario is top tier and Wolf isn't, but I don't think it's quite as good as you say. Bair and Fair aren't good approaches? O_O Wtf, a perfectly spaced Bair can't be shield grabbed by the majority of the cast (DDD and the tether grabs D= ). And as for Fair... I'm sure you're aware that you can cross-over, preventing a shield grab.

And as for the only good approaches being multi-hit attacks, while multi-hitters are more convenient, they aren't the only good way to approach. Just because GaW's turtle is one of the best approaches in the game, doesn't mean non-multi hit attacks aren't viable. Just means you have to be more creative and work harder for your hits.

And if he uses his aerial mobility to distance himself...isn't this phenomenon called spacing? Which Wolf does very well due to his Fsmash, if the opponent grabs the air because you've spaced yourself away from the opponent, you get a free Fsmash.

So what? If your opponents were able to outcamp you, you'd have to approach and as a result the opponent either attacks or shields. But that's the good thing about Wolf - he can't be outcamped.
Okay... I'm saying Wolf can approach, not saying Wolf HAS to approach o.O If camping floats your boat and gets you wins, then by all means do it. I'm just saying that Wolf can approach =)

OK, i get your point here. However, this is merely a question of your definition and has no impact on the game itself. Whether Wolf has no approaches or he doesn't approach well...it shouldn't make a difference in battle...or did I miss something else?
If Wolf has no approaches or Wolf can't approach very well... it DOES make a difference. Verbs and nouns are different. "Approaches" as a noun is something the player creates, the player creates these approaches that can be used to approach. "Approaching" as a verb is something that the developers create, how well a character can approach is all dependent upon their moveset, which the developers create. Do you see the difference between the two? And the point I'm trying to make is that Wolf CAN approach well.

I get the point and it's wrong. This would only be true if Wolf could approach well in multiple ways. Besides fsmash = invitation to punsh Wolf. It's not useful as an approach.
Uhm, Wolf can approach well in multiple ways O_O I mentioned that it was a basic example. And no, Fsmash is not an approaching move, it is a punishing move. So you're right there. Wolf's air mobility allows for tons of fakes and excellent spacing, you can bait people very well with Wolf, and then you can punish them with Fsmash.

DOn't think I explained the above paragraph very well... but my point is Wolf can approach well in multiple ways.


Yes, I did go on a rant chaos =P

And yeah, thanks for the approaching tactics thing, I never thought of it that way xD

ANd 19chars? That's only 19 chars? O_O

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Arc, I assume you know, what you're talking about so I'll leave it like that. I suppose we made different experiences in that point...

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
1.) Use fair to attack the opponent
2.) DI away, right after hitting
3.) turn around when landing
4.) Use reverse grab asap


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Something I wanna try and haven't really attempted. ON many chars at low precents u can combo fair to utilt if u DI it correctly, I wanna see if wolf can cross over fair and the fair lands then do a turn around utilt(like snakes do) to combo them at lower precents. Wolf can also get some interesting combos out of utilt at low precents, but one of the hardest moves to land with wolf imo so gl with that.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Dash attack -> utilt -> Shine works but it's very hard to hit correctly...Utilt @ low % is perhaps Wolfs best bet for combos...unless something fundamentally new will be discovered *still hopes for somethig new*


Smash Cadet
Aug 17, 2008
Wolfs blaster blade followed by the blast itself and then a fsmash is good for a quick attack and adds decent %age but its harder to land in higher %ages.
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