Now, I want to take some time to make a long victory speech, so bear with me.
Since this game was revealed, I've always had a hunch that Xenoblade was going to get some representation. I don't know why and I was greatly uninformed, I just had this feeling that we would get the main protagonist from the franchise (who we all know is Shulk). As a result, I started to support Shulk since the beginning; I didn't mention it in the thread when I joined since I didn't know him that much, but I still supported his inclusion. He seemed like he would be a cool character with his awesome blade and he would bring a lot of new content in Smash (and I am always up for that!).
I didn't know what Xenoblade was. I just know that it was an RPG with a lot of demand to be released in the states. When I heard that Shulk was highly demanded for Smash 4, I gained more interest in him and the series. I scoured my local GameStop time and time again just to see if Xenoblade Chronicles was on the shelves. I wasn't losing hope; I knew that I was going to get a copy, I just didn't know when.
Then... my eyes before me... the words "Xenoblade Chronicles" were shown right before me. I was giddy and I immediately bought the game for $70. Did I care about how expensive it was? Hell no! I'm just glad that I got the game. I even opened the casing in my car when I got it. I dunno why... but it felt like a magical experience.
When I finally played it, it was an experience like none other. I loved it since the beginning and I immediately jumped on the Shulk train when I played enough of the game or I got to Gaur Plain. I loved it all. I loved the story, the characters, the music, the graphics, the exploration, the battles, the sidequests, the world and lore of Xenoblade... it was honestly a game that I didn't want to put down. I remember checking the Wii's Daily Activities to see how long I played Xenoblade... I once played Xenoblade for 8 straight hours in one day. When I got near the end, it was a sad moment for me. I knew that it had to end at some point, but I didn't want it to!
Shulk himself is my third favorite video game character of all-time. I related to him at some points in the story.
[collapse=Xenoblade spoilers]That scene where Metal Face killed Fiora really made me sad. Even to this day, it still does. I understand Shulk's pain and frustration when that happened... but explaining that would be a bit too personal for me. I just understand his sadness and rage over losing a friend close to him.
What solidified Shulk for me as one of my favorite characters was the scene where he defended Mumkhar from getting killed by Dunban. It was powerful scene for me and it led to amazing character development for Shulk. Yes, he is angry at Mumkhar for killing Fiora, but he didn't want to take his life away because he was a person just like all of us.
I cheered for Shulk when he finally kissed Fiora and I felt incredibly sorry for him when he was betrayed by D**kson and I was glad to see him ultimately triumph against the god Zanza.[/collapse]
What also made Shulk an amazing character to me was his personality. He wasn't some generic rough and tough hero. He is a character who knows his limits and he knows that he wouldn't have made it far without his friends. He is a smart individual who doesn't like to go in guns blazing; he thinks his battles through and he strikes when necessary, despite having a lack of experience.
I was always confident in him, but I knew the pieces were really coming together when we saw the retweets, Robin's Nosferatu being similar to Back Slash in terms of one of its mechanics, the Monado pic, Xenoblade becoming an official Nintendo franchise, seeing obscure games like Captain Rainbow get representation and not Xenoblade... it all made sense that Shulk was likely going to happen.
While I was confident, you guys helped me give me hope where I thought a character that was extremely likely to get in is possibly near shoo-in status. We've had our shares of ups and downs as supporters, but we stayed together near the very end. We didn't let the #MonadoMonday hype just simply die, we pressed on and on and on until Shulk finally got his grand reveal.
All I can say is thank you guys for sticking with Shulk and thank you Sakurai for including such a fantastic character from a wonderful game. This truly was a victory... our Vision has come true. Shulk is in Smash 4! I still can't believe it!
That's all I wanted to say.

Here's some music for reading it all: