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Has anyone thought about after SSB4?


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
If the Wii u dies, the 3ds/handheld market becomes nintendo's thing. Smash on 3ds will be epic, and as far as visuals and quality go, the 3ds is amazing. I would say smash 3d will surpass brawl visually.If you think otherwise please go see a psychologist or view one of these 5 games-

Kid Icarus uprising
Mario kart 7
Luigis mansion dark moon
Monster hunter
Fire emblem awakening

What's the appeal of monster hunter? Best I could tell, it's just glorified poaching.

The Wii U was never going to sell as much as the Wii.
BUT, it has literally no big titles out yet so you wouldn't expect it to be selling well yet.
Wait till we get the next Zelda, Mario and even Smash and the sales will increase. It's just a wonder why they rushed it out so early... Kind of takes the excitement and pzaz out of the console.

I see what you're saying about younger audiences getting into more mature games. I thought the same thing about ten years ago but time taught me that it's probably not going to be a big issue.
Nintendo almost have a monopoly on console gaming for younger audiences, the best grip on the casual market and wild popularity in Japan through all age groups. They will survive despite some western preteens deciding that the Xbox and Playstation are cooler.
Games like CoD and words like "mature" don't belong in the same sentence, except in the context of ESRB ratings.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2008
I thought Brawl was going to be the last Smash game, and one of the reasons was because of the line they used, "The Brawl to end it all!" Realistically speaking, children shouldn't be buying games like Call of Duty, because of their ratings being M for mature. Unlike Sony or Microsoft, Nintendo's aim has been family friendly, hence the name Famicom. Only recently has Sony and Microsoft tried to go for a more friendly approach rather than having just games for teens and adults. I still think Nintendo has them beat in that area. I have no reason to believe that Nintendo is going to lose it's younger audience. My brother-in-law has a 360 and his son plays it, but he's not allowed to play M rated games. When he comes over to my house, we play the Wii. Heck, he like Melee! I don't have a Wii U yet, but I plan on getting one when Sm4sh is released.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
I really don't believe this thread nor OP are stupid nor bad. I for once don't want to see Nintendo fall, and hope that with Smash 4, the Wii U will lift up. But things may not look nice for Nintendo if the Nextboxestation4-720 are a success. This in the face of 4K TV. Sure it is still new and expensive, but some Chinese company did a 4K TV at budget price (still expensive though; and who knows if other brand name companies will quickly follow.


So where I see it is that once again Nintendo will succeed by not sticking to the latest definition quality, and high prices from rival consoles (despite Nintendo says they are not in competition against them). But could go down if the Third Party conspiracy is true, SSB4 is a failure, and Sony and MS give their consoles at afforable prices, maybe a bit more expensive than the Wii U, but still there.

Really, am worried for Nintendo for this generation. Also something to consider. Sony finally has a franchise to rival Smash, but it was not quite successful. I have played the game, and I would have to recognize it is actually a fun game! But Sony is something weird for me. They are a Japanese company, but most of their best known franchises are from the west, and popular in the west. PSASBR was developed in the west and tried to pander it despite having Japanese characters in it. I was amazed they handled characters like Toro, Heihachi and Kat well. Some say that PSASBR is dead as the developer is dead, but what if the sequel is developed by someone else or even in Japan (where the game was a bigger failure due to the heavy wetsern influence)?

Where I am getting with this? Well that if Sony decides for the PSASBR franchise to live on, then Smash really has to place more effort to compete and show differences between the franchises. Nintendo doesn't have much of the issues Sony does have. Most of its characters and franchises are Japanese, with few western ones (Eternal Darkness, Geist); though they had more but lost them all when they sold Rare (Banjo, Conker, Killer Instinct), so their characters have better reception, proof is when Roy and Marth appeared at Melee. (Japanese players have a hard time accepting Kratos, Sweet Tooth and even Nariko who is Japanese but made in the west. Not sure if they would accept Alexandra Rovias, Pious Augustus and/or John Raimi). Nintendo with the Smash franchise now has to work extra hard, which is good in this competitive market but if the PSASBR franchise is dead and they work hard to compete against it... would it be worth it? For us players of course, but for the development team? They may feel they worked too hard for nothing.

Wow I wrote a lot.
Please tell me what you're on. It seems pretty A-Grade.

Your arguments however, not so much. I will be as concise as possible:
PSASBR isn't even comparable to Smash. The game mechanics are literally only tweaked enough to make it less arguably a rip-off, which made it suffer because, unlike any good fighter EVER, you need a super-move to get a kill, and your normal attacks don't do anything but knock them around. Virtually, no, literally every change in mechanics made mechanics worse than Melee (Brawl is up for debate). PSASBR was planning to (idr if they did) nickel and dime people for characters, which is cheap considering how narrow the roster is, and that's with Cole getting 2 ENTRIES. I would point to sales, but we all know what they are.
The biggest issue though, is the contradictory logic at the end:
Smash without rival=Success
Smash with rival=More effort, probable success
Smash after rival tanks=Failure. No reason for N to put effort into it. Bye 5mash.
Notice the difference between the first and third circumstance? Virtually nothing, making your argument pretty much invalid other than: Competition=Competing.

~ Valkyrie ~

Holy Maiden Warrior
Jun 18, 2011
Marvel Land ~ Eternally Slumbering
Switch FC
This might be the last smash game...They have had their run and unless Nintendo can get the children back on their side the xbox and play station might take away the audiences. I know the Wii U can make a comeback and they are intended for children due to their games but they might be losing their touch. I mean I was at my friends apartment complex and his little brother and his friends said "Yo (name) Lets go play Cod" Now I saw him, a 10 year old, grab an xbox controller and go to his house and its not just my friend. I'm seeing a big increase of kids under the age of 13 go towards xbox and play station. Does anyone have the fear of no more smash after this one?

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
I LOL'd all over this ****. :laugh:

Sorry, where are my manners.
Welcome to Smashboards :b:

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
The only thing more fun that laughing at a moron?

Pointing and laughing at the moron.
Well, let's not call him/her moron. His/her thinking is just a bit...... off. Nothing a little educating can't fix.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
I'm sorry anyone who thinks Nintendo is just going to disappear off the face of the planet is kind of bordering on that moron area.

It's like has been said. Even if they stopped making home consoles they'd always be the king of the handheld market.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
I'm sorry anyone who thinks Nintendo is just going to disappear off the face of the planet is kind of bordering on that moron area.

It's like has been said. Even if they stopped making home consoles they'd always be the king of the handheld market.
LOL! I think they have enough money to constantly loose money and still be active until 2035.
While what we say true, and funny, I think we shouldn't ridicule the person.
[hypocrite]That being said the OP did get a good laugh out of me![/hypocrite]


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011
I thought that the 3DS could match the gamecube graphically. But when you compare Luigi's Mansion on the gamecube to the new one on the 3DS, the character models on the gamecube look way better...or at least smoother. Makes ya really appreciate the console's way of anti aliasing. It's like they ported over the character models from the gamecube and they came out with jaggedy edges on the 3DS. Actually, every 3DS game with 3D character models in it is crazy jagged. Do they look better on the actual 3DS screen?

As far as the quality of the games goes,no doubt the 3DS can make and handle some awesome titles.
Graphics on 3ds look sharper and smoother in 3d. Graphics degrade when you turn off 3d.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
This thread was bumped? Wow.

The argument in the OP is no less disgusting than it was almost three months ago.


Can pick up a boulder with relative ease
Aug 25, 2012
This might be the last smash game...They have had their run and unless Nintendo can get the children back on their side the xbox and play station might take away the audiences. I know the Wii U can make a comeback and they are intended for children due to their games but they might be losing their touch. I mean I was at my friends apartment complex and his little brother and his friends said "Yo (name) Lets go play Cod" Now I saw him, a 10 year old, grab an xbox controller and go to his house and its not just my friend. I'm seeing a big increase of kids under the age of 13 go towards xbox and play station. Does anyone have the fear of no more smash after this one?



Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
Anyone who thinks that the Wii U's lacking sales right now means that Nintendo are gonna dissappear from the market needs to look at the Virtual Boy and ask themselves if Nintendo dissappeared after that. Or heck, something as recent as the 3DS, which started out just as bad as the Wii U but has caught up immensily fast. Then take a look at the reaction to the Xbox One and the PS Vita, and tell me if their competitors are flawless.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Anyone who thinks that the Wii U's lacking sales right now means that Nintendo are gonna dissappear from the market needs to look at the Virtual Boy and ask themselves if Nintendo dissappeared after that. Or heck, something as recent as the 3DS, which started out just as bad as the Wii U but has caught up immensily fast. Then take a look at the reaction to the Xbox One and the PS Vita, and tell me if their competitors are flawless.
Anyone intelligent enough knows that every company isn't perfect. It's just that fanboys or haters draw absurd conclusions without looking at the big picture.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
This might be the last smash game...They have had their run and unless Nintendo can get the children back on their side the xbox and play station might take away the audiences. I know the Wii U can make a comeback and they are intended for children due to their games but they might be losing their touch.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
there are still tons of kids that play nintendo home consoles just because there are a lot of kids playing Halo doesn't mean they can't own a Wii U also (most kids use their parents money to buy 2 consoles)

there are also a large amount of adults that still play nintendo games not to mention Nintendo pretty much has a monopoly on handhelds (sony sucks at them only reason people got PSPs was because they could hack it)


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2013
Galbadia Hotel
Does nobody else want to know what's happening after Super Smash Bros. 5?
Maybe it's just me, but I'm really curious.


Smash Rookie
Aug 1, 2013
Wherever I want...georgia.
Hard to even imagine really, im sure so many games will come out between now and then, its really overwhelming in a way. So many stages and possible characters, theres really no end to the life of the series in my opinion.

As for nintendo, I think they'll be just fine.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2008
Wow I wrote a lot.
...yeah. First off, the Xbox One and PS4's success has little to do with 4K as both consoles are way too weak to run anything that looks remotely decent at that resolution. I'm not even sure what you're getting at with the rest of your post.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2012
Las Vegas
2things. Nintendo doesn't dominate the handheld market anymore. Smart phones do. Thats where most casual gamers go to get their fix. 3ds sales at launch were TERRIBLE. Nintendo going bankrupt is unlikely, but still possible. Secondly, you guys ought to be ashamed of yourselves for crucifying OP when all he did was raise a couple of topics for discussion. Nintendo being on the verge of death is definitely a stretch, I think we can all agree on that. But I think most of us will also agree that Nintendo products don't have the same level of quality they did back in the day. It's my belief that modern Nintendo fans are the cause of that. They make excuses for all of the **** ups and buy up every Mario rehash. It puts Nintendo in a position where they can sit there and rely solely on the brand name to make $$$.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2011
Nobody buys a smartphone to play games, haven't people realised that by now?


Smokin' Hot~
Dec 9, 2012
Someone in this thread said PSASBR was good and was competition to Smash.

All I needed to know this thread is going nowhere. Seriously, debate me that PSAS is good and real competition. It'll be horrific.

Anyways, someone lock this please, about time for it to happen.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2012
*ahem* I'm fourteen years old, going on fifteen. I know kids who are addicted to COD, yet if I offer to play Brawl, Melee, or even Mario Kart Wii with them, they'll play. My best friends have good taste in games, and my friend, who will be known only as Bill, used to come over to my house just to play COD Zombies, which is the most unique thing in COD. The last time he was here, he wanted to play Injustice and Arkham City instead. This shows people change and people will change. Trust me, COD will become old news within the next five years.

Prince Longstrok

Taker of lives, defiler of daughters.
Jun 16, 2013
Toledo, OH
Thing is.. does anyone really WANT the CoD and Battlefield fanbase on Nintendo consoles?

I sure dont :s. Yes, I wish I could play Smash on my Sony consoles, but the fact that the fanbase for Smash and Nintendo is soo much friendlier makes it much easier to go back and forth.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2012
Nowhere Island
Thing is.. does anyone really WANT the CoD and Battlefield fanbase on Nintendo consoles?

I sure dont :s. Yes, I wish I could play Smash on my Sony consoles, but the fact that the fanbase for Smash and Nintendo is soo much friendlier makes it much easier to go back and forth.

The smash fanbase can be annoying at times (Except everyone in SmashBoards, you're lovely)

Sarki Soliloquy

Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2013
Andover, MA, USA
Animation Age Ghetto bull****, OP!

Tell me, if Nintendo really was a childish company, would I still be passionate about there games today? Do you see Mario bopping ABC Blocks? That's why. Nintendo games offer an experience each member of the family can find merit out of.

Also, when it comes to cultural preferences, Japan usually leans towards RPGs while America leans towards FPSes.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
OP was kind of........well.....silly. So I'll add something to this thread. I actually have been thinking about Smash's future.

Each Smash game has been a celebration of the last generation. This started with Melee to a degree and was expanded with Brawl and looks like we'll see the same thing with SSB5. So the stages and characters will be reflections of those. So the strength of the next game depends on the strength of the Wii U and 3DS generation. One thing that helps is that there was a different Nintendo with the Wii and DS. We saw a few new series with Wii Fit, Xenoblade, Rhythm Heaven and the eShop games. So there are a ton of characters to chose from. We also have some new characters like Chrom and Ghirahim. We also had a revival of Kid Icarus and Punch Out which brings Palutena, Little Mac and potential other characters from those series. It will be easier to judge when we finally get the whole roster, but you get the point.

So the next game will depend on this generation. We know Miyamoto is working on another game. Monolith is making a new one too. Brownie Brown became 1up games so they may make something new. Nintendo could buy another developer and there is even talk that they may buy Atlus with Index Corp's bankruptcy. There is a lot that can happen. There is also a wealth of characters not in Smash from classic series. The only X factor is most of the main series are getting maxed out so there isn't much left there. After Brawl came out, you really couldn't judge who would be in the next Smash. Now, you can. it will be a long while till 5. So sit back for now.

Sarki Soliloquy

Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2013
Andover, MA, USA
Yeah, I was late for the discussion. My initial reaction was brash too, so I apologize. But I just state how I feel like that.

Anyways, I think it's safe to say that SSB's future is secured as long as Nintendo is performing financially stable. Although the Wii U is in a sort of limbo in terms of global sales right now, the 3DS is going strong. Remember the days of the 3DS launch? I feel your pain having to put up with a bland launch, Ambassadors. But as time went on, more demanding titles came to the handheld and now its selling like the second noun in my username! I believe this is how the Wii U will pick up eventually, especially with Mario Kart 8 and SSB4 announced. I'm sure the Xbox One and PS4 won't initially sell off the shelves at launch either unless they have must have games at launch unlike what Nintendo's been serving.

That being said, the only real way to benefit Smash's health in the long run is to make sure there is a great wealth of IPs and characters from 1st and 3rd parties. If Nintendo wants to be taken more seriously, they need to give love to dormant franchises. Mario has become a sad shade of what was so enjoyable about the platforming and even sports games. We've had the 'New' series rehashed over and over just to swindle people to buy it 'because it's Mario hurk hurk!' Retro Studios has been declining since Other M and did anyone really want a sequel to DKCR? Zelda and Pokemon are doing fine, given they aren't milked to the point of development Mario has been getting. But what I admire most about Nintendo is that they have an innovative mindset and try different things (Pikmin 3, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Fire Emblem: Awakening, etc.)

IMO, the two biggest threats to Smash are 1) Many of the highly requested characters from Brawl to now have a high chance of being picked up for SSB4 and the number of older characters is growing scarce & 2) Masahiro Sakurai is suffering from an injury that is a determent to developing the game himself and seeks to pursue other things in the game industry, free from Nintendo and their 'sequelization'. Look at SmashChu's post for examples of how Nintendo is still active in creating fresh IPs, whether they;ll be used for this game or not. *crosses fingers for Jack Frost from Atlus*

Lastly, everyone should be focusing on this installment and wait until the next generation hits for new consoles and handhelds along with what new technology we'll see. The direction of which the game industry is going and how long it will persist in its current state is a debate for another time.
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