Smash Lord
If the Wii u dies, the 3ds/handheld market becomes nintendo's thing. Smash on 3ds will be epic, and as far as visuals and quality go, the 3ds is amazing. I would say smash 3d will surpass brawl visually.If you think otherwise please go see a psychologist or view one of these 5 games-
Kid Icarus uprising
Mario kart 7
Luigis mansion dark moon
Monster hunter
Fire emblem awakening
What's the appeal of monster hunter? Best I could tell, it's just glorified poaching.
Games like CoD and words like "mature" don't belong in the same sentence, except in the context of ESRB ratings.The Wii U was never going to sell as much as the Wii.
BUT, it has literally no big titles out yet so you wouldn't expect it to be selling well yet.
Wait till we get the next Zelda, Mario and even Smash and the sales will increase. It's just a wonder why they rushed it out so early... Kind of takes the excitement and pzaz out of the console.
I see what you're saying about younger audiences getting into more mature games. I thought the same thing about ten years ago but time taught me that it's probably not going to be a big issue.
Nintendo almost have a monopoly on console gaming for younger audiences, the best grip on the casual market and wild popularity in Japan through all age groups. They will survive despite some western preteens deciding that the Xbox and Playstation are cooler.