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Happy Birthday, GAWes

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Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Okay, apparently Gerbil's threads are failing, so I'm making a thread dedicated to GAWes' 20th birthday, which is Tuesday, January 15th. He's 20 in the UK, but obviously we'll be going by the American time. So happy birthday, Wes. Thanks for 5 years of support to the Smash Scene, and for 5 years of kicking our ***** all over the place. We miss you.

Also, I am still working on your DVD, and I'll be shipping you a box of American stuff. It will include the DVD, an American flag, and food. Good old American bacon, waffles, cereal, whatever else you don't have in the UK.

Mods, please do not close this thread, as it is a dedication and a congratulations.

A meal I once had: A Texas Double Whopper, fries, Coca-Cola, and Pie. I couldn't think of anything more American.

Let's hope for more than 5 years of Brawl with the most American man alive or dead.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Yeah apprently when I created the thread, an outside Mod was in here. He shut my junk down in a matter of minutes :(


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
thanks so much guys, not being forgotten after 6 months of absence means a lot to me, can't wait to be active in the GA brawl community, and honestly, i'm pretty happy the game got pushed back another month, cause thats 1 month more that we'll be on equal grounds back in the GA. I'll be back in july but many of you may not see me until august as i'll kinda be doing the whole family thing for a bit and getting **** ready for school next year / getting a job again. . . hopefully once more at dominos pizza haha. . . also planning on taking a trip up to chicago in july. either way thanks so much for making this thread sleepy, can i just point out that in the last picture, i have by far the most food on my plate, the only mustache, and i'm the only one with a developing scar on my face from brass knuckles haha, and sleepy thanks so much for everything you've done and are doing, you're one of the most kind people i know, but in a really good and badass way, not like those people that are overly nice and weird the **** out of you, you guys know who you are, and i dont want to see you when i get back to america. . . LOL just kiddin doods, you know i like your $$$'s

thanks to everyone that posted here as well, especially caotic haha, come visit your brother sometime once i get back, world of coke's open now bro haha

happy birthday to fenrir as well and to those who dont know, its also BlueJim's b-day as well, as well as martin luther kings!!!! DRMLKJR4BRWLPRZ

josh thanks for posting a thread, too bad it got absolutely destroyed

once again thanks sooooooo much for all the birthday wishes guys, it means loads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2004
Happy birthday wesley my man :D viva uk, catch you in jus over a week x xx
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