May as well necro this thread a bit and provide new information.
Trailer 1- Evil Rises
Trailer 2- The Races of Guild Wars 2 (Released last week)
Summary of game info:
Release planned sometime in 2011, with possible closed beta testing in late 2010.
No subscription, just like the original.
Play as human, charr, norn, asura, or sylvari.
Only allows exploration of Tyria upon release. Cantha and Elona may be added in expansions.
The world is much larger and non-instanced for the most part, with only a few, necessary, instanced zones like missions.
Underwater exploration will be possible- the consumable item for breathing underwater is cheap and readily available.
Any race can be any class. While certain differences will make each combination "feel" different, the philosophy is to make a Norn warrior no more effective than an Asura one, for example.
Players of the 5 races can readily team up with one another. A human can walk freely through the Charr's Black Citadel (and a Charr can explore Divinity's Reach), albeit with minor cultural biases.
The game tells your character's story... not just it's own story. This is accomplished through choosable story paths that have no bearing on your characters strengths. Asura, for example, can pick one of three colleges to graduate from.
The armor system has changed significantly. Due to the number of races and classes, having a suit of armor for each gender of each class is no longer possible. Rather, the game will use a Light, Medium, and Heavy armor system. Any class can wear any armor.
Primitive guns will be in the game, primarily used by the Charr, who have mostly forsaken magic in favor of technology that they make.
2 types of PvP will be in the game: World PvP and Organized PvP. World PvP allows large numbers of players of any level to fight in titanic battles... call it PvE on steroids. Organized PvP is much like that of GW1, and sets all character's stats and armor values to a "maximum" level.
The level cap will go beyond the 20 of GW1, though the level cap that will be used is currently unknown. Some have hinted that it will be infinite, with diminishing gains as a character's level raises. A sidekick system similar to that of City of Heroes will be used to help lower level characters.
PvP characters no longer exist. PvE characters will be used for all functions, but if they enter organized PvP, there equipment and stats are set to the maximum values for organized PvP automatically.