If you are getting an error code 20100 or are randomly not able to join someone's game, this is an issue with the server hardware. The issue seems to be occurring off-and-on. Wiimm is very sick and is planning on upgrading the server when he recovers.
Please remember to read the error codes section before asking what an error code means, it will save you time!
Welcome to the original Brawl-centric guide on using the Wiimmfi custom WFC servers! This thread is regularly updated. Post any questions in this thread, and if we can't answer them, try the original wii-homebrew forums.
Quick note: "(Mirror)" means a download link that has the file you're looking for if the original link is not working.
Step 1) Creating a new Brawl save
Step 2) Connecting to Custom Servers
(Preserved for archival purposes: this collapsed content is the old instructions for saving your FC, which no longer works)
You need to erase your Brawl save and make a new one.
Here is an explanation why: Friend codes are stored server-side, since the server is the one doing the assigning. If a new server sees you trying to connect, but doesn't know what your friend code is because it never assigned you one itself, it will try to assign you a new friend code, while your Wii is still trying to use your old one (which may have already been assigned to someone else by this new server). If you did not register your friend code before May 18, you will most likely get an error code 60000 when you try to connect. The only way to rectify this is to erase your Brawl save and create a new one, wiping your wii's memory of your old friend code.
If you don't care about your old Brawl save, you can erase it - don't worry about unlocking characters and stages, I have a Brawl save file for download that's got you covered.
I can NOT tell you how much better or worse the lag will be, because like with any other game, it depends on the connections of you and all your opponents. There is no way to change how Brawl handles its netcode, so if your ping is worse than 25 ms, don't expect any improvements over the old servers.
You have tons of options to play Brawl or PM on Wiimm's new server! Here they are:
Brawl (Hackless method):
You can use Stack Smash to launch either Riivolution or Gecko. If you don't plan on adding any other modifications, it doesn't matter which one you use. Riivolution is generally better and offers greater flexibility.
(yes that is me talking. sorry for the quietness)
Brawl (Homebrew + Wiimmfi Patcher app):
You must run this app every time you want to use Wifi.
(Thanks Ben Benson!)
Brawl (Homebrew + Riivolution):
For now, use this code: (credit to Diddy Kong and Doqtor Kirby)
If you do not know how to use codes, please see step 2B of this guide: http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=12169.0
Then, use this program to merge your code file with mine: GCT Fusionizer | (Mirror)
Place the .EXE file in the folder where your .GCT file is located. Download my GCT file, rename it "code.gct", and put it in the folder with your .GCT file. Run the application.
If you don't already have a GCT code file, just use mine. RSBE RSBJ RSBP
A main.dol patch would be ideal, but is currently not supported, by virtue of riivolution's compatibility issues with Brawl.
Brawl (Homebrew + Gecko OS):
Add this code to your GCT file (credit to Diddy kong and Doqtor Kirby)
If you do not know how to use codes, please see step 2B of this guide: http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=12169.0
If you already have a GCT code file, add this to it:
Then, use this program to merge your code file with mine: GCT Fusionizer | (Mirror)
Place the .EXE file in the folder where your .GCT file is located. Download my GCT file, rename it "code.gct", and put it in the folder with your .GCT file. Run the application.
If you don't already have a GCT code file, just use mine. RSBE RSBJ RSBP
Brawl (Homebrew + USBLoader):
Before following the below instructions, you may want to set the primary DNS on your Wii to, and the secondary DNS to the IP address of your router (you can find this in Windows by running CMD and typing "ipconfig /all", it is the value for "Default gateway") - This step may not be necessary, but if you end up not being able to connect, try it.
The following steps were adapted from Wiimm's article:
(Thanks Ben Benson!)
Dolphin EMU:
Thanks Andy1997!
For more info on connecting to "WFC" (NOT Netplay) through Dolphin, see this guide: https://dolphin-emu.org/docs/guides/wii-network-guide/
Project M:
Project M 3.5 includes built-in Wiimmfi functionality, and this section of the guide is no longer needed.
For 3.02 instructions, expand the spoiler.
Error code 20110 The patch failed, you may have not installed it correctly or it may be bugged. Try the steps again.
Error code 20100 Internal server error. If you get this error code, it's not because of anything you did. Either try to connect again, or just wait for it to be fixed.
Error code 31020 Server is undergoing maintenance
Error code 23915 "Banned: Abuse using of a console identifier" - This happens when you have used a Wii LAN adapter, and either switched to wireless, or changed LAN adapters. This is NOT intentional and the server devs need to fix it. DiddyKong is escalating the issue. As of June 18 2014 there is no way to fix this error.
Error code 61070 - Not sure what causes this, but reboot your wii and it should go away.
Some less popular error codes: http://nas.wiimmfi.de/error
Hackless method will not work on Wii U if you use a motion plus wiimote or a wiimote manufactured after around 2012.
I do not have all the answers - if I have exhausted my usefulness, please join the discussion on the original forums for this project http://forum.wii-homebrew.com/board42-kreativitaet/mkw-server-project-english/
Host a custom server, sign up at wii-homebrew forums and talk to wiimm about linking. Here is the server emulator code and requirements:
Hopefully in the future, everyone working on servers will co-ordinate so that we can have multiple networked servers, meaning less lag for you!
Special thanks to DiddyKong (aka tbtechwiz) for walking me through all this information. He is a real gem in the Smash community who works so far behind the scenes that we have no idea how lucky we are to have him. I am not an authority on this topic, and am just here to present it to the Smash community in a collected and digestible way.
Please remember to read the error codes section before asking what an error code means, it will save you time!
Welcome to the original Brawl-centric guide on using the Wiimmfi custom WFC servers! This thread is regularly updated. Post any questions in this thread, and if we can't answer them, try the original wii-homebrew forums.
Quick note: "(Mirror)" means a download link that has the file you're looking for if the original link is not working.
Step 1) Creating a new Brawl save
Step 2) Connecting to Custom Servers
(Preserved for archival purposes: this collapsed content is the old instructions for saving your FC, which no longer works)
You need to erase your Brawl save and make a new one.
Here is an explanation why: Friend codes are stored server-side, since the server is the one doing the assigning. If a new server sees you trying to connect, but doesn't know what your friend code is because it never assigned you one itself, it will try to assign you a new friend code, while your Wii is still trying to use your old one (which may have already been assigned to someone else by this new server). If you did not register your friend code before May 18, you will most likely get an error code 60000 when you try to connect. The only way to rectify this is to erase your Brawl save and create a new one, wiping your wii's memory of your old friend code.
If you don't care about your old Brawl save, you can erase it - don't worry about unlocking characters and stages, I have a Brawl save file for download that's got you covered.
- Erase your Brawl save from your wii. You can do this in the wii system menu. You do NOT need to format your wii.
- Download the save file here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/zuq8cnbx18n7lnq/brawlsave.zip
- Put the "private" folder to the root of your SD card
- put the SD card in the Wii
- go to Wii settings from the home menu > Data management > Save data > Wii > SD card, and copy or move the file onto your Wii.
- You now have a brand new, never-before-wified save file! (Thanks swordgard!)
I can NOT tell you how much better or worse the lag will be, because like with any other game, it depends on the connections of you and all your opponents. There is no way to change how Brawl handles its netcode, so if your ping is worse than 25 ms, don't expect any improvements over the old servers.
You have tons of options to play Brawl or PM on Wiimm's new server! Here they are:
Brawl (Hackless method):
You can use Stack Smash to launch either Riivolution or Gecko. If you don't plan on adding any other modifications, it doesn't matter which one you use. Riivolution is generally better and offers greater flexibility.
- Download Gecko (http://www.mediafire.com/file/9ggt1r8719ykssf/HacklessWifiGecko.zip) or Riivolution (http://www.mediafire.com/file/o4dvkgow5kc3y09/HacklessWifiRiivolution.zip) hackless wifi packs. These are hosted on my personal dropbox and will not be taken down.
- Copy the contents of the .zip file you chose onto the root of your SD card.
- Load your copy of Brawl and go to Stage Builder.
- Your screen should start doing weird stuff. If it is just endlessly loading a custom stage in the vault, reset your wii and try again. It will work after a few tries.
- Click "Launch".
- The game will reload. You can now connect to Wifi.
Brawl (Homebrew + Wiimmfi Patcher app):
- Install the Homebrew channel - read step 1 of this guide: http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=12169.0
- Download this file: http://chadsoft.co.uk/downloads/autowiimmfipatcher0.3.zip | (Mirror)
- Extract its contents (apps and bslug folders) to the root of your SD card.
- On your Wii, set your primary DNS to, and the secondary DNS to the IP address of your router (you can find this in Windows by running CMD and typing "ipconfig /all", it is the value for "Default gateway") - This step may not be necessary, but if you end up not being able to connect, try it.
- Put the SD card in your Wii, launch Homebrew Channel, insert your Brawl disc. Run the Auto Wiimmfi Patcher.
- Done!
You must run this app every time you want to use Wifi.
Brawl (Homebrew + Riivolution):
For now, use this code: (credit to Diddy Kong and Doqtor Kirby)
If you do not know how to use codes, please see step 2B of this guide: http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=12169.0
You will probably get an error that your code file is longer than 256 lines if you're using a lot of other codes. If you get this error, do the following:wiimmfi patch v2.1 [diddy kong, doqtor kirby]
0648EE00 00000010
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
0648F808 00000010
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
06489F64 00000014
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E646500 00000000
00000000 00000000
06489F84 00000014
732E7769 696D6D66
692E6465 00000000
00000000 00000000
06489FA8 0000000A
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
06489FC8 00000014
732E7769 696D6D66
642E6465 00000000
00000000 00000000
06489FE8 00000014
732E7769 696D6D66
692E6465 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648A008 00000014
732E7769 696D6D66
692E6465 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648A028 00000014
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E646500 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648A04C 0000000A
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
0648A070 00000030
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E646500 00000000
00000000 25732E6D
7325642E 67732E77
69696D6D 66692E64
65000000 00000000
0648D41C 00000070
3A2F2F6E 61732E74
6573742E 7769696D
6D66692E 64652F61
63000000 00000000
00000000 68747470
3A2F2F6E 61732E77
69696D6D 66692E64
652F6163 00000000
00000000 00000000
68747470 3A2F2F6E
61732E64 65762E77
69696D6D 66692E64
652F6163 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648D49C 00000070
3A2F2F6E 61732E74
6573742E 7769696D
6D66692E 64652F70
72000000 00000000
00000000 68747470
3A2F2F6E 61732E77
69696D6D 66692E64
652F7072 00000000
00000000 00000000
68747470 3A2F2F6E
61732E64 65762E77
69696D6D 66692E64
652F7072 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648DD30 00000014
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E64652F 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648E880 00000010
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
0648EE00 00000010
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
0648F808 00000010
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
0648FF80 00000014
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E646500 00000000
00000000 00000000
064909DC 00000014
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E646500 00000000
00000000 00000000
06490C00 00000014
67732E77 69696D6D
66692E64 65000000
00000000 00000000
06490C1C 00000014
67732E77 69696D6D
66692E64 65000000
00000000 00000000
06490C38 00000014
67732E77 69696D6D
66692E64 65000000
00000000 00000000
06490D88 00000014
67732E77 69696D6D
66692E64 65000000
00000000 00000000
06490FB8 00000014
732E7769 696D6D66
692E6465 00000000
00000053 00000000
0648DE08 00000010
3A2F2F2F 646F776E
6C6F6164 00000000
0648DE58 00000010
3A2F2F25 732F646F
776E6C6F 61640000
044905EC 3A2F2F00
044905FC 3A2F2F00
044908D4 3A2F2F00
0449164C 3A2F2F00
04492414 3A2F2F00
If you don't have a TXT of your currently existing code file, you can download a raw wifi code file: RSBE RSBJ RSBPAdd the following lines to the "gameconfig.txt" which is placed at the root of the SD card.
(Create a new file if you haven't made the config file yet).
Code:RSB?01: codeliststart = 80570000 codelistend = 80580000 poke(800042B8, 60000000) pokeifequal(803E9930, 4BFECA1D, 803E9930, 60000000) pokeifequal(803E99A8, 4BFECA1D, 803E99A8, 60000000) pokeifequal(803E9D5C, 4BFECA1D, 803E9D5C, 60000000)
Then, use this program to merge your code file with mine: GCT Fusionizer | (Mirror)
Place the .EXE file in the folder where your .GCT file is located. Download my GCT file, rename it "code.gct", and put it in the folder with your .GCT file. Run the application.
If you don't already have a GCT code file, just use mine. RSBE RSBJ RSBP
A main.dol patch would be ideal, but is currently not supported, by virtue of riivolution's compatibility issues with Brawl.
We can voice our concerns to the Riivolution devs here: http://rvlution.net/thread/25-riivolution/[22:40:31] <@DiddyKong> problem
[22:40:35] <@DiddyKong> its riivolution itself
[22:40:40] <@DiddyKong> we need to raid the riivo devs first
[22:40:42] <@DiddyKong> guess what
[22:40:49] <@DiddyKong> riivo patches the dol fine
[22:40:52] <@DiddyKong> for every single game
[22:40:58] <@DiddyKong> EXCEPT brawl
[22:41:09] <@DiddyKong> just like how the firsst wiiU release worked with every single game except brawl
[22:41:11] <@pidge> O_O
[22:41:15] <@pidge> ****!!!!!!
[22:41:18] <@DiddyKong> so at this point
[22:41:22] <@DiddyKong> our work went to vien
Brawl (Homebrew + Gecko OS):
Add this code to your GCT file (credit to Diddy kong and Doqtor Kirby)
If you do not know how to use codes, please see step 2B of this guide: http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=12169.0
If you already have a GCT code file, add this to it:
You will probably get an error that your code file is longer than 256 lines if you're also using the File Patch code. If you get this error, do the following:wiimmfi patch v2.1 [diddy kong, doqtor kirby]
0648EE00 00000010
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
0648F808 00000010
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
06489F64 00000014
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E646500 00000000
00000000 00000000
06489F84 00000014
732E7769 696D6D66
692E6465 00000000
00000000 00000000
06489FA8 0000000A
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
06489FC8 00000014
732E7769 696D6D66
642E6465 00000000
00000000 00000000
06489FE8 00000014
732E7769 696D6D66
692E6465 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648A008 00000014
732E7769 696D6D66
692E6465 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648A028 00000014
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E646500 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648A04C 0000000A
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
0648A070 00000030
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E646500 00000000
00000000 25732E6D
7325642E 67732E77
69696D6D 66692E64
65000000 00000000
0648D41C 00000070
3A2F2F6E 61732E74
6573742E 7769696D
6D66692E 64652F61
63000000 00000000
00000000 68747470
3A2F2F6E 61732E77
69696D6D 66692E64
652F6163 00000000
00000000 00000000
68747470 3A2F2F6E
61732E64 65762E77
69696D6D 66692E64
652F6163 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648D49C 00000070
3A2F2F6E 61732E74
6573742E 7769696D
6D66692E 64652F70
72000000 00000000
00000000 68747470
3A2F2F6E 61732E77
69696D6D 66692E64
652F7072 00000000
00000000 00000000
68747470 3A2F2F6E
61732E64 65762E77
69696D6D 66692E64
652F7072 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648DD30 00000014
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E64652F 00000000
00000000 00000000
0648E880 00000010
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
0648EE00 00000010
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
0648F808 00000010
7769696D 6D66692E
64650000 00000000
0648FF80 00000014
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E646500 00000000
00000000 00000000
064909DC 00000014
2E776969 6D6D6669
2E646500 00000000
00000000 00000000
06490C00 00000014
67732E77 69696D6D
66692E64 65000000
00000000 00000000
06490C1C 00000014
67732E77 69696D6D
66692E64 65000000
00000000 00000000
06490C38 00000014
67732E77 69696D6D
66692E64 65000000
00000000 00000000
06490D88 00000014
67732E77 69696D6D
66692E64 65000000
00000000 00000000
06490FB8 00000014
732E7769 696D6D66
692E6465 00000000
00000053 00000000
0648DE08 00000010
3A2F2F2F 646F776E
6C6F6164 00000000
0648DE58 00000010
3A2F2F25 732F646F
776E6C6F 61640000
044905EC 3A2F2F00
044905FC 3A2F2F00
044908D4 3A2F2F00
0449164C 3A2F2F00
04492414 3A2F2F00
If you don't have a TXT of your currently existing code file, you can download a raw wifi code file: RSBE RSBJ RSBPAdd the following lines to the "gameconfig.txt" which is placed at the root of the SD card.
(Create a new file if you haven't made the config file yet).
Code:RSB?01: codeliststart = 80570000 codelistend = 80580000 poke(800042B8, 60000000) pokeifequal(803E9930, 4BFECA1D, 803E9930, 60000000) pokeifequal(803E99A8, 4BFECA1D, 803E99A8, 60000000) pokeifequal(803E9D5C, 4BFECA1D, 803E9D5C, 60000000)
Then, use this program to merge your code file with mine: GCT Fusionizer | (Mirror)
Place the .EXE file in the folder where your .GCT file is located. Download my GCT file, rename it "code.gct", and put it in the folder with your .GCT file. Run the application.
If you don't already have a GCT code file, just use mine. RSBE RSBJ RSBP
Brawl (Homebrew + USBLoader):
Before following the below instructions, you may want to set the primary DNS on your Wii to, and the secondary DNS to the IP address of your router (you can find this in Windows by running CMD and typing "ipconfig /all", it is the value for "Default gateway") - This step may not be necessary, but if you end up not being able to connect, try it.
The following steps were adapted from Wiimm's article:
- Install the Homebrew Channel - read step 1 of this guide: http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=12169.0
- Install a USBLoader application. USBLoader GX, CFG, or Wiiflow are the big three. I personally prefer USBLoader GX.
- Download the non-MK Wii Patcher - Download here (2 MB) | (Mirror)
- Extract the content of the archive to any folder.
- Copy all images you want to patch into this folder.
- Windows-User now start the create-image.bat, Linux- and Mac-User start the create-image.sh.
- Now all games in the folder get patched. After patching, you find the new images in the folder wiimmfi-images. You can now copy those to your HDD or USB-Stick.
- If you haven't done so already, create a folder in the root of your SD called "wbfs" and inside it create another folder that has "[RSBE]" in it somewhere (or [RSBP], [RSBK], [RSBJ], depending on your disc). (you can call it [RSBE] Brawl, whatever you want, just have that ID in there). Put your patched ISO in that folder
- Run your USBLoader from the Homebrew channel (note make sure your sd card and usb stick are not in the wii at the same time), and launch Brawl. You're good to go!
Dolphin EMU:
I got dolphin 4.0.2
I got my SSBB iso and used the USB Loader method in your post. I just used wiimmfi patcher to patch the iso then I just ran it by dolphin it works perfectly.
Thanks Andy1997!
For more info on connecting to "WFC" (NOT Netplay) through Dolphin, see this guide: https://dolphin-emu.org/docs/guides/wii-network-guide/
Project M:
Project M 3.5 includes built-in Wiimmfi functionality, and this section of the guide is no longer needed.
For 3.02 instructions, expand the spoiler.
More Videos
Known Issues
Error code 60000 You need a new friend code, proceed to Step 1.5 of this guide. (I can't tell you what exactly caused this error for you. You may have regged your friend code too late or incorrectly, the backup process may not have been able to locate anyone on your friends list, you may have had an empty friends list, are usually the reasons.) Another possibility is that your friend code just has not been retrieved yet. Wait until the form in Step 1 goes down permanently before creating a new save, if you care about your save.
Error code 20110 The patch failed, you may have not installed it correctly or it may be bugged. Try the steps again.
Error code 20100 Internal server error. If you get this error code, it's not because of anything you did. Either try to connect again, or just wait for it to be fixed.
Error code 31020 Server is undergoing maintenance
Error code 23915 "Banned: Abuse using of a console identifier" - This happens when you have used a Wii LAN adapter, and either switched to wireless, or changed LAN adapters. This is NOT intentional and the server devs need to fix it. DiddyKong is escalating the issue. As of June 18 2014 there is no way to fix this error.
Error code 61070 - Not sure what causes this, but reboot your wii and it should go away.
Some less popular error codes: http://nas.wiimmfi.de/error
Having other server issues? You can check the status of the server here any time: http://nas.wiimmfi.de/stat23901 : Profile is temporary banned
23902 : Profile is banned
23903 : Console is temporary banned
23904 : Console is banned
23911 : Game is not supported
23912 : Unknown console
23921 : Login failed
23922 : Illegal HTTP header
23923 : Missing login parameter
23924 : Invalid login parameter
23925 : Unknown login action
23931 : Server closed because of maintenance
23932 : Too many users, try later
23933 : Database error
Hackless method will not work on Wii U if you use a motion plus wiimote or a wiimote manufactured after around 2012.
I do not have all the answers - if I have exhausted my usefulness, please join the discussion on the original forums for this project http://forum.wii-homebrew.com/board42-kreativitaet/mkw-server-project-english/
Want to Help?
Host a custom server, sign up at wii-homebrew forums and talk to wiimm about linking. Here is the server emulator code and requirements:
Hopefully in the future, everyone working on servers will co-ordinate so that we can have multiple networked servers, meaning less lag for you!
Special thanks to DiddyKong (aka tbtechwiz) for walking me through all this information. He is a real gem in the Smash community who works so far behind the scenes that we have no idea how lucky we are to have him. I am not an authority on this topic, and am just here to present it to the Smash community in a collected and digestible way.
Last edited: