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Guaranteed Knee Sweetspot Combo (needs testing)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
Notice: This "combo" has not been tested against real opponents with DI/Air-Dodging..
No flame wars please. ;)

Today, I was experimenting with our god CF in training mode, trying to find good ways to setup an effective way for Fair sweet-spotting(sweet-timing?). What I found was quite a surprise.

Without DI, If you Dash Attack > Dash-Jump > Knee (the Knee has to come out ASAP), then you will ALWAYS hit the sweetspot from around 30%-120%; percents will realistically be lower on average as these numbers come from testing on Snake (the most popular competitive character). The Dash-Jump'd Knee has to come out right after your Dash Attack lag or it won't work. Also, at lower percents, 30%-50% maybe, your Dash-Jump'd Knee will miss, but a Dash-SH'd Knee works perfectly instead; it's almost as if the trajectory of CF's Dash Attack was made to hit with the knee!

Now, I need testing and confirmation! I'm sure as soon as everyone gets the timing down, you'll see that this works 100% on stationary foes, but it would be great if we could have further testing to see if this can still work (perhaps with modifications) when the opponent can DI or Air-Dodge. I assure you, though, that even if this does not work with enemy DI, you'll still probably hit with it a lot -- it's fast enough so that you'd see it in plenty of "combo videos" and such.

Comments? Questions?

P.S. Although most probably escapable, three other nifty combos that seem to have a pretty good success rate: U-Throw > UpB (0%-100%), D-Throw > Hyphen Smash (0-%120%), D-Throw > SideB (0%-155%). All percents tested on Snake, again.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
Lawrence, KS
Yeah human opponents can air dodge while DIing out of this, but the dash attack is a good set-up nonetheless. This works well enough to try often, imo.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
what I think people are not realizing is that even if Falcon doesn't have any combo's, as long as we get some nice strings up and circulating and tested in tournies they'll work because lets face it nobody expects Falcon to be a threat, so they don't study up on these strings however when the match-up does come they have no knowledge that these strings are escapable, thus give giving us Falcon players the upper hand, heck I landed a Dtilt to Dair (nipple launched) on a diddy at a tourny we both had no idea that it could work.

good find, glad to hear some new info


Smash Journeyman
Feb 19, 2008
U of T
Hmm. I am usually hesitant to try a knee after a successful dash attack, mainly because I expect my opponent to DI away or airdodge. Also, since you say the knee has to come out instantly after the dash attack, is there any time to read your opponents reaction? I usually follow up a dash with either an uair or utilt, and sometimes a nair when I feel funky.

I'll try this out though for sure, maybe itl work enough times to make it a viable follow up.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
Tested this against a few of my friends now, and have pulled off quite a few knees, though definitely DI'able, Falcon is so fast in the air that when I whiff an attack I can often hit with another right after, lol. Also, if the opponent tries to use a quick aerial after being hit, i.e. still being in the "knee-zone trajectory" due to no DI, the knee seems to always hit (sweetspot) even if you get hit in the process. Just thought I'd share a few tidbits of info. Dash Attack > Knee doesn't seem like an intuitive string but I'm certainly getting it to work. :)

In other news, what can I get to film my videos? I wanna put some of my CF on youtube, but I don't own a video camera.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
Tested this against a few of my friends now, and have pulled off quite a few knees, though definitely DI'able, Falcon is so fast in the air that when I whiff an attack I can often hit with another right after, lol. Also, if the opponent tries to use a quick aerial after being hit, i.e. still being in the "knee-zone trajectory" due to no DI, the knee seems to always hit (sweetspot) even if you get hit in the process. Just thought I'd share a few tidbits of info. Dash Attack > Knee doesn't seem like an intuitive string but I'm certainly getting it to work. :)

In other news, what can I get to film my videos? I wanna put some of my CF on youtube, but I don't own a video camera.
game bridge :)

cool I was trying it out also, it's as useful as a Falcon Punch, which isn't a bad thing but it should be limited, a lot


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
Hmm. I am usually hesitant to try a knee after a successful dash attack, mainly because I expect my opponent to DI away or airdodge. Also, since you say the knee has to come out instantly after the dash attack, is there any time to read your opponents reaction? I usually follow up a dash with either an uair or utilt, and sometimes a nair when I feel funky.

I'll try this out though for sure, maybe itl work enough times to make it a viable follow up.
For some reason I've been using NAir a lot more than UAir. Maybe because if they airdodge the first hit they usually get hit by the second....

I havn't tried this right after a dash attack knee (I've kneed after a dash attack but havn't found the timing to do it right after). I hope it works, because I can get a lot of successful dash attacks (baiting).

And does this 'combo' have to do with hitting with a certain part of the dash attack?


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
If you do a full hop and fastfall knee at the very top of your jump, you'll hit anyone with the sweetspot when you're right off the ground. I've hit a ducking Kirby a few times with this method. The only thing you have to worry about his horizontal positioning.

Also, if you start a Knee right after Falcon says "Huu!" in a short hop without fastfalling, your sweetspot will be at around Kirby-height.

But this method seems like it might be even more useful. I gotta try this. :D


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2007
mute city
it works everyone once and a while, my brother likes to airdodge as much as he can though, so no very much for me, maybe im just doing it wrong.
i like to land knees when they dont know there coming
on a side note: is hyphen smash where you fsmash pointing the control stick the other way?


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Perfect, no. Good enough, yes.

I think there might be true C.Falcon combos...

FF First kick of nair-jab(or other things in place of jab)?

HulkingRage, Hyphensmash is a running upsmash.
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