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Gonzo's video thread New TL vid updated **June 2**


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I don't win a few of these, and the reason i still posted them is b/c i want to know what people think i should have done to have won the match

Questions and comments are most welcome : )

Toon Link
Gonzo vs Baka New


Gonzo vs Boss


Gonzo Vs ChozenOne

MK Matches

Crew Battle Gonzo (Kirby) vs Yoster (MK)

Gonzo vs Howdy

Snake Matches

Match 1


Match 3

Match 4

Wario Matches

I put BG music cuz our conversation was a little on the private side (No Homo)

Diddy Kong Matches

Match 2


DDD matches

Match 1

Match 2

Link Matches
Match 1 Complete and utter rap by Neutral B

Falco Matches


Wolf Matches
Match 1

Match 2

Match 3

Match 4

Match 5

Match 6

Match 7

Match 8

Match 9

Match 10

Match 11

Match 12

Match 13


Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
JW, what matches would uall like to c more of???

also if u wanna c certain techniques let me know and i'll try and incorporate them into my matches

~Gonzo~ on my friends account


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
lol saying hes the best kirby in the US is pritty ridiculous. Anyone who was 1/2 decent at melee can play Kirby at that level.

Oh and that was bashing brawl not Gonzo. Good vids though.


Smash Cadet
May 5, 2008
the videos aren't that good
i've played better people at tourneys
maybe it's candy that just really sucks


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
the videos aren't that good
i've played better people at tourneys
maybe it's candy that just really sucks
Lol, Candy is by far one the best Wolf's / Snake's out there right now, he's placed 7th or higher at every tourney he's been to and he's beaten Forte in Tourney.

Believe me when i say any win against him is hard fought.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
lol saying hes the best kirby in the US is pritty ridiculous. Anyone who was 1/2 decent at melee can play Kirby at that level.

Oh and that was bashing brawl not Gonzo. Good vids though.
I dont consider myself the best at all BUT If u have criticism and think my level of play is low, give suggestions

u telling me anyone who was 1/2 decent at melee can play a good kirby is not beneficial.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2008
Sorry to ask here, but I didn't really want to make an entire thread to ask a simple question.
When people say the Gonzo combo, what is it?


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
I dont consider myself the best at all BUT If u have criticism and think my level of play is low, give suggestions
Never said you were a low level kirby. I simply said there are a ton of Kirbies out there that are on your level. Like i said in my 1st post I wasn't bashing you I'm bashing brawl by saying that. Brawl is a simple game and there are tiny gaps between skill level compared to melee.

Anyway as for constructive criticism I notice that you always did fair/upair grab combo twice and then forward smashed. Cute combo but I'm pritty sure you can be far more affective with your combos against a wolf than that. What I do is:

fthrow upair, fthrow upair, turnaround and uptilt, then backair wall of pain off the level

While anything in brawl is escapable, I've still gotten countless 0-deaths this way. If they suck at escaping the 2nd grab after the fair/grab they prolly won't be able to escape the reverse uptilt either.

I've found that reverse uptilt is easily the best option after the fthrow/upair combo. It just depends on the character on when you stop doing the grab combo and uptilt. On heavy chars like Wolf I do it twice then uptilt but on lighter chars like lucas you do it once then reverse uptilt.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2008
Cheerleading Practice...
Not everything in Brawl is escapable.

To say that is ignorant.

Escape DDD's CG.

Kirby's "Gonzo Combo".

A Jab Lock.

A Lazer Lock.

IC Grab.

Falco Dair-->Jab-->Usmash.

There are more.

No Jones.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Never said you were a low level kirby. I simply said there are a ton of Kirbies out there that are on your level. Like i said in my 1st post I wasn't bashing you I'm bashing brawl by saying that. Brawl is a simple game and there are tiny gaps between skill level compared to melee.

Anyway as for constructive criticism I notice that you always did fair/upair grab combo twice and then forward smashed. Cute combo but I'm pritty sure you can be far more affective with your combos against a wolf than that. What I do is:

fthrow upair, fthrow upair, turnaround and uptilt, then backair wall of pain off the level

While anything in brawl is escapable, I've still gotten countless 0-deaths this way. If they suck at escaping the 2nd grab after the fair/grab they prolly won't be able to escape the reverse uptilt either.

I've found that reverse uptilt is easily the best option after the fthrow/upair combo. It just depends on the character on when you stop doing the grab combo and uptilt. On heavy chars like Wolf I do it twice then uptilt but on lighter chars like lucas you do it once then reverse uptilt.
I dont agree with the uptilt part of the combo, although it does work and the difference in damage is insignificant i prefer to mix the combo up at the end, i'll post some videos today with snake, MK, DDD, and diddy where i do this, and about wall of pain for death ur opponent has to jump if the fall or jump+air dodge WOP is out the window


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Sorry to ask here, but I didn't really want to make an entire thread to ask a simple question.
When people say the Gonzo combo, what is it?
Its the forward throw upair combo, people at tourneys started calling it the Gonzo combo so it kinda stuck, so thats how my friends and other people who know me refer to it as


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2005
Canada, BC
Not everything in Brawl is escapable.

To say that is ignorant.

Escape DDD's CG.

Kirby's "Gonzo Combo".

A Jab Lock.

A Lazer Lock.

IC Grab.

Falco Dair-->Jab-->Usmash.

There are more.

No Jones.
Yeah, over half of the things you listed are just dumb infinites that are easy to pull off, so I really wouldn't count them as being valid inescapable combos. I don't know what this "Gonzo Combo" is, but if I'm going to include it, you only have two real combos in that list, which aren't even that impressive anyways.

o and good match vids lol. Nice dair spiking :)


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2007
Walnut Creek, CA
I don't understand why one of the most obvious and commonly used throw combos is called the "Gonzo combo" considering Gonzo didn't even 'discover' it.

Nice videos, but I'm not necessarily convinced of Candy's skill, regardless of tournament record. Considering most of your YouTube videos are against Candy, that's really all I have to go on. Plus, that MK really sucks.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I don't understand why one of the most obvious and commonly used throw combos is called the "Gonzo combo" considering Gonzo didn't even 'discover' it.

Nice videos, but I'm not necessarily convinced of Candy's skill, regardless of tournament record. Considering most of your YouTube videos are against Candy, that's really all I have to go on. Plus, that MK really sucks.
lol u beat Forte then u can say ur not convinced of his skill, until then dont hate on Candy

and honestly this thread was not made for people to tell me what they think of the people i play against. It was made for everyone to help further Kirby as a character. Leave suggestions as to what would have been a better idea with a match # and time that way we can all look and c ur suggestion

Thnx Guys


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2006
I know this back from Melee videos(same thing would happen)
There are some things that go on in the videos that some people just don't see. Here's a quick one- Wolf's reflector only does 3% damage, but before it activates it has invincibility frames and candy was reliably using it to stop just about every single short hop fair approach you attempted. So you stopped doing them. That sort of stuff gives you less options, so it looks less flashy and people say that anyone who was 1/2 decent at melee could play at that level.

Also if you cut the sound and replaced it with some exciting music people would again take a different impression.

I could also point out just how well candy uses autocancelling on Wolf's aerials. Or how Gonzo knows good shielding to almost trivialize wolf's fsmashes and blaster shots that would normally trip up other players. And I'm not saying Gonzo or Candy is perfect, but neither is Gonzo!


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Yo Eten!

Thnx dude this is the sort if ish i'm talkin about i'll start putting up my vids with music then oh and btw
i'm gonna b putting together an INstructional Video for Kirby but i want it to be a community effort, i'll definetly put it together but suggestions on songs, tactics, and vids will b needed Im gonna start a thread about this soon.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
You won't get any friends this way and I'm sure it seems noobish, but have you considered going for Kirbycides at those high percents? Candy apparently knows how to KO, and there's not many other choices when you're trying to get back.

Great vids, makes me wish I had a digital camera or something. Keep it up.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Ok so yeah I'll just start with a random piece of advice I thought of...
I see you try to spam the neutral A jab, but when you do it hit A again so that it turns into vulcan jab right away... it has so much more range and priority. I like to use it too sometimes :)

Edit: Ok more in depth advice..

So after watching a lot of videos, I can say you tend to start off each stock trying to grab the opponent. It can be predictable. Basically mix in your grabs a bit more cause at least to me they seem a bit predictable. But hey I play Kirby too and I notice that I do this too and I haven't really been punished too much for it either =P. Just be careful if people start noticing this pattern. Also don't forget about grabs later on in the match either when they are convenient, as I see you grab way less once their percent is higher. Just saying remember its there really you use it just fine.

Now when your opponent is behind you, I see you either turn around and try to grab, SH Nair, or roll and try to hit them. I can't recall if you SH Bair too, but you probably do ;) But I think you should go for Utilts more then anything. Like if they roll to right behind you, just Utilt to punish. Or if they are shielding behind you you can poke their shield with Utilts. Really Utilt comes out so fast behind you and knocks them directly above your head if they are at higher percents or if they are at low percents you can hit them quite a few times with it.

Also, try moving away from your opponent after your Bair comes out. It makes it completely unpunishable. Like I tend to c-stick my Bair while pushing away from the opponent so that I am out of range of pretty much anything they can do if they block it.

You probably do all of these things for all I know as I only know what I've seen in these videos, and we all make mistakes from time to time. But just thought I would throw some advice out there.
But honestly your Kirby is sick :)


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Ok so yeah I'll just start with a random piece of advice I thought of...
I see you try to spam the neutral A jab, but when you do it hit A again so that it turns into vulcan jab right away... it has so much more range and priority. I like to use it too sometimes :)

Edit: Ok more in depth advice..

So after watching a lot of videos, I can say you tend to start off each stock trying to grab the opponent. It can be predictable. Basically mix in your grabs a bit more cause at least to me they seem a bit predictable. But hey I play Kirby too and I notice that I do this too and I haven't really been punished too much for it either =P. Just be careful if people start noticing this pattern. Also don't forget about grabs later on in the match either when they are convenient, as I see you grab way less once their percent is higher. Just saying remember its there really you use it just fine.

Now when your opponent is behind you, I see you either turn around and try to grab, SH Nair, or roll and try to hit them. I can't recall if you SH Bair too, but you probably do ;) But I think you should go for Utilts more then anything. Like if they roll to right behind you, just Utilt to punish. Or if they are shielding behind you you can poke their shield with Utilts. Really Utilt comes out so fast behind you and knocks them directly above your head if they are at higher percents or if they are at low percents you can hit them quite a few times with it.

Also, try moving away from your opponent after your Bair comes out. It makes it completely unpunishable. Like I tend to c-stick my Bair while pushing away from the opponent so that I am out of range of pretty much anything they can do if they block it.

You probably do all of these things for all I know as I only know what I've seen in these videos, and we all make mistakes from time to time. But just thought I would throw some advice out there.
But honestly your Kirby is sick :)
Thank You dude, the uptilts are a great idea, and i've just recently notice how many openings i have grabs later on in the match, these two things combined i think can help me much more against opponents like snake, MK, and DDD.

The retreating Bair is something i should try some more, i am an aggressive player sometimes and using aerials sometimes gets me punished, excellent advice :) Thank You


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
Actually I thought of some other things to throw out there lol. But these are more random tricks that I like to do than specific advice for your Kirby I think.

So when your playing an opponent that shields a lot, you just chip away at their shield with retreating Bairs until it doesn't completely cover their body, then just aim for their exposed parts to knock them away.

Also if their shield is a bit weak you can Dair them usually to hit them at least once so they have hitstun and can lead into an Ftilt or Fsmash, or maybe even a grab.

Oh, and if they shield you a lot you can pretend like your going to do a dair by going right over their head and inhale them and spit for easy 10-6% damage. I think you might do tricks like this If I remember right =P

And last thing I like to do sometimes is to charge my Fsmash. lol its funny cause it seems like when you charge it opponents tend to forget how far it reaches. For example they will be just in my Fsmash range I charge it and they let go of shield thinking they are out of range because I am so far away and I let go and hit them. Also if they are sitting there with their shield out if you have an angled fsmash charging you can easily hit them through it. Basically, charged Fsmash is sick mindgames :)

lol I dunno how useful those tricks are or how commonly used they are but again just throwing it out there.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Actually I thought of some other things to throw out there lol. But these are more random tricks that I like to do than specific advice for your Kirby I think.

So when your playing an opponent that shields a lot, you just chip away at their shield with retreating Bairs until it doesn't completely cover their body, then just aim for their exposed parts to knock them away.

Also if their shield is a bit weak you can Dair them usually to hit them at least once so they have hitstun and can lead into an Ftilt or Fsmash, or maybe even a grab.

Oh, and if they shield you a lot you can pretend like your going to do a dair by going right over their head and inhale them and spit for easy 10-6% damage. I think you might do tricks like this If I remember right =P

And last thing I like to do sometimes is to charge my Fsmash. lol its funny cause it seems like when you charge it opponents tend to forget how far it reaches. For example they will be just in my Fsmash range I charge it and they let go of shield thinking they are out of range because I am so far away and I let go and hit them. Also if they are sitting there with their shield out if you have an angled fsmash charging you can easily hit them through it. Basically, charged Fsmash is sick mindgames :)

lol I dunno how useful those tricks are or how commonly used they are but again just throwing it out there.

I keep hearing to charge my forward smash, but i always feel vulnerable, i guess i'll just have to go out on a limb and try it to c when its effective


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Any chance you could post videos of you playing more people besides candy? Not saying candy is bad or anything, but if you play the same person repeatedly you can maybe start to predict what they do. I just think it would be more effective critiquing if you had a larger variety of people you are playing against.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Any chance you could post videos of you playing more people besides candy? Not saying candy is bad or anything, but if you play the same person repeatedly you can maybe start to predict what they do. I just think it would be more effective critiquing if you had a larger variety of people you are playing against.
I'm going to record every match of mine at C3 this weekend, so hopefully i'll have a variaty of videos against many different people to post up


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Getting his preC3 asswoopin, JP I'm gonna need some Kirby vs ROB vids to add to my thread Nacker, Be prepared to b added to my wall of shame :p


Smash Ace
May 2, 2008
well i agree with most of twilight kirbys thoughts, and the main thing i would say is to make good use of those spaced bairs against a shielder. if they keep shielding it, you can just keep doing it and it will be unpunishable every time. usually, though, they go for a shield grab, either not realizing that you are spacing it at all or thinking that you will be close enough eventually. and when this happens obviously the next bair will hit them.

but even with that one point of criticism i would still say you are the best kirby ive seen gonzo.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
well i agree with most of twilight kirbys thoughts, and the main thing i would say is to make good use of those spaced bairs against a shielder. if they keep shielding it, you can just keep doing it and it will be unpunishable every time. usually, though, they go for a shield grab, either not realizing that you are spacing it at all or thinking that you will be close enough eventually. and when this happens obviously the next bair will hit them.

but even with that one point of criticism i would still say you are the best kirby ive seen gonzo.

I appreciate the constructive criticism, lets hope i can put this all into practice at C3 this sunday

Tomato Kirby

Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
I think your update is the reason I could not get a post in earlier. Congratulations for 25th at C3. That place is stiff competition.

I like your Kirby; I really cannot find much to criticize. I actually learned from it, as well.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I think your update is the reason I could not get a post in earlier. Congratulations for 25th at C3. That place is stiff competition.

I like your Kirby; I really cannot find much to criticize. I actually learned from it, as well.

Thanks : ) i think i could have done better. My last match was against a DDD and i was about to stage kill but i hesitated and i couldnt make it back onto the stage. It was stress. Those many matches just wear u out its crzy. I beat Light's G&W though.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2007
Virginia Beach, VA
Hey good **** at c3 teams yesterday guys. thats def the best kirby I've played. I wish i got to play you two in singles. Hope to see you again soon.

and to stay on topic...nice vids =)

Delta Z

Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2008
For some reason you have a Snake vid as #3 in the Wolf ones.

Good stuff overall. Picked up a few things.

Personally, I kind of liked the "commentary". That dude on the MK one walked right into it. :laugh:
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