Hahaha this thread is classic.
If there is anything I've learned from my dating experiences it's that girls like bold guys. Confidence isn't overrated at all. Be content with yourself. Not just so girls like you, but be content in general. Walk with your head up. Don't slouch. Smile a lot. Be witty. You can do this by adding funny remarks to what people say, it's much better then trying to tell jokes. Find out who her friends are, and be sociable with them. It helps a ton if they like you. Questions are good ways to start conversations if you need a convo starter. If you run out of things to say, make it seem like you have to go do something, and that you want to finish your conversation with her later. Don't always aknowledge her presence, but at other times make it obvious that you were looking for her for some reason.
And again, be confident and content in yourself. If she doesn't like who you are, then oh well. Someone will.