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Get hype for Watchmen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
I have a ticket for thursday night 12:30 IMAX and I'm painting my body blue. It's going to be beyond sick.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA
I heard that all of the fans of the graphic novel were disgusted with what the movie has turned out to be lol.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
Watchmen is going to be horrible.

it seems like it's true to the comic but it is not.

it's cut short and doesn't even max out to entire books.
You guys who've never read it might like it.

Like Wanted.
It was great when I saw it before reading it.
After reading it, I thought it was ****.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
Watchmen is going to be horrible.

it seems like it's true to the comic but it is not.

it's cut short and doesn't even max out to entire books.
You guys who've never read it might like it.

Like Wanted.
It was great when I saw it before reading it.
After reading it, I thought it was ****.
lol wow. wtf do you expect? Obviously they can't put everything in the movie. Watchmen is a brilliant story and the point of the movie is to tell the same brilliant story. If they don't put in every small detail and you cry about it then I guess it's your loss for not understanding art.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
lol wow. wtf do you expect? Obviously they can't put everything in the movie. Watchmen is a brilliant story and the point of the movie is to tell the same brilliant story. If they don't put in every small detail and you cry about it then I guess it's your loss for not understanding art.
you mean like missing out on a very important part in the watchmen books?

like the giant octopus? or squid? i can't remember.

ending's been entirely changed?

Come on.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
I don't know if you're aware of this but in literature there are elements in a plot that serve a certain function in the story. One of these elements is called a symbol. The squid is an excelent example of this. The squid as a symbol completes the story, but it doesn't have to be a squid to function as the same symbol. Use your brain and don't judge something before you've seen it. The Watchmen movie could very well be bad, but everything I've seen about it so far leads me away from this conclusion, and I trust that the artists involved in it are trying their best to tell the same story as the comic book. Yes, they took out the squid, but don't you think they are most likely aware that this is an important part of the story? I'm sure they had a good reason and put in something else that serves the same literary purpose.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
I don't know if you're aware of this but in literature there are elements in a plot that serve a certain function in the story. One of these elements is called a symbol. The squid is an excelent example of this. The squid as a symbol completes the story, but it doesn't have to be a squid to function as the same symbol. Use your brain and don't judge something before you've seen it. The Watchmen movie could very well be bad, but everything I've seen about it so far leads me away from this conclusion, and I trust that the artists involved in it are trying their best to tell the same story as the comic book. Yes, they took out the squid, but don't you think they are most likely aware that this is an important part of the story? I'm sure they had a good reason and put in something else that serves the same literary purpose.
I guess.

regardless I'm going to watch it.
Just y'know everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

like... I don't know about you. But Spiderman 3?

The only villain who was originally set to die was the Green Goblin.
I mean, it may not seem like Venom's dead, of course...
And Neither Sandman and whatnot, but
at least we can say they got RID of Sandman, Doc ock, venom and the new green goblin.

also, come 4/5. (yes, they've signed on for a 4th and 5th installment.)
If I see peter still with mary jane I'll be pissed.

Although Spiderman Brand New Day was crap, it's in continuity in his universe and Mary Jane and Peter are no longer together at the end of it all.
4 and 5 better fix things up.

maybe I'm just too iffy about this comic to movie stuff. :/


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
rofl @ spidermen 3

Don't look at Watchmen as in the same genre as the spiderman and x-men movies. It's a lot more mature and literary than that ****. Spiderman 3 is a complete joke. Now the series is just about making money. Watchmen is about making art. At least that's the impression I'm getting from what I've seen.


Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Are you sure the movie is more mature, because from what I've seen in the trailers it looks like a bunch "OH MAH GAWD LOOK AT ALL DA SLO MOTION ACTION SHOTS". It looks like they threw all the depth out the window and turned into a run of the mill action movie.

Plus they have the guy that directed 300 directing this, definitely not a good sign.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
rofl @ spidermen 3

Don't look at Watchmen as in the same genre as the spiderman and x-men movies. It's a lot more mature and literary than that ****. Spiderman 3 is a complete joke. Now the series is just about making money. Watchmen is about making art. At least that's the impression I'm getting from what I've seen.
'course not,

just idk, I keep up with spiderman a lot.

Watchmen will be good to an extent methinks.
It'll rake in some money, oh yeah.
Spiderman about money making?
I'd think so as soon as 3 kicked in.

I'm leaning towards that it'll be horrible, but eh.
We'll all wait and see.

Post a review as soon as you're done watching it.



Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
Are you sure the movie is more mature, because from what I've seen in the trailers it looks like a bunch "OH MAH GAWD LOOK AT ALL DA SLO MOTION ACTION SHOTS". It looks like they threw all the depth out the window and turned into a run of the mill action movie.

Plus they have the guy that directed 300 directing this, definitely not a good sign.
I could write a thesis on what a brilliant line "Justice is coming to all of us, no matter what we do" is, a line that is not written in the graphic novel yet perfectly sums up the story of Watchmen, or I could tell you to watch the movie and see for yourself. Obviously everyone is going to go in with their own expectations, but try to have an open mind about it. 300 is a brainless movie that accomplished exactly what it set out to accomplish; A finer job could not have been done with the material. I am hoping for the same thing with Watchmen.

haha I'll definitely let you know what I think after I see it.


Mar 16, 2007
Well, having read the book, I can say for sure that I'll either love or hate this movie, depending on how true it is to the book. This is more in terms of the way it handles the message, and the way it presents the plot.

Thus far, it looks really good. I'm withholding full judgment until I see it, but the plot (aside from the absence of the monster) looks intact, and the message looks to be roughly the same. I don't have many expectations, given stinkers like Wanted and X-Men 3, but this one looks to be done right.


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
Funny how they based seth from SfIV off of Dr. Manhattan
that is kinda similar... lol

anyways, i'll edit this post on my thoughts of the movie after watching the advance screening...

my thoughts:

-Movie is not your typical super hero movie, This ain't no x-men or spider man with flashy killing effects, it's kinda like batman only people know who they are.

-All the backstories presented in the movie were pretty fleshed out, making it easier to understand who they are for those.

-Ozymandias' backstory should have been more explained, i couldn't understand anything about him

-Silk Spectre is too ****ing good in latex! Makes you want to reference the juggernaut *****

-I stared above the screen every time Dr. Manhattan was on screen (Certain scenes), trust me, I almost burned my eyes away


Apr 21, 2004
Fort Myers, FL (Orlando/UCF for college)
I just started reading it today (finished chapter 2) and it's ****ing sooo amazing!!!

I'm gonna go read Chapter 3 right now!!!

EDIT: I've read up through chapter 4 currently...deciding if I should read one more before going to bed...

EDIT 2: I read Chapter 5, and now I'm going to bed!!!

Soooo good!!!


Hawks go Caw

Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
New Orleans, LA
Dude(s), I must be the only person in the universe that did not like Wathmen's ending. Seriously. Effing lame. I also think there should be a bit of a spoiler warning in the title of the thread for those who care :/

If they changed the giant squid thing (which is what I think you guys are talking about), then maybe the ending won't suck.


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2008
Anchorage, AK
i'm going at midnight... bringing a sign that says "THE END IS NIGH"

It looks to be a lot like 300, but i love that movie so its not a problem

EDIT: man, they took out the squid... oh well. maybe its some moral global warming crap instead


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
Wow really? My exclamation points were edited down? Isn't this the social room, where bull**** rules don't matter that much?

Anyway Watchmen is ****ing great and that's all I'm gonna say about it right now other than Zach Snyder has some serious balls.

BD iBear

I get that he is essentially god in a way....and my friend made a very good point. If you were god, and you can do whatever you want.....would you wear pants....?

I really couldn't answer that, but what I do know is that.....I really did not want to see a blue glowing naked man.
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