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Get casuals to your tourneys !


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
Hi there, 'merican ppl.

I am one of those rare guys that managed to bring their friends to tourneys. But unlike most other mentors, I didn't have a painful time teaching brawl (the first time I tried to teach brawl, the guy was just complaining on how broken everything and its contrary was...), because I invented a game where both casuals and tourney goers can equally win, and have fun. It reaaaally helped in convincing them that competitive play is actually fun.
Community growth is important to me, so I decided to share my little but interesting experiment.
I do not bash on other methods (showing gasm videos really helps haha), but this is the funniest I have found.

I named that game the BowserBall.
The principle is simple : a 5 minutes, 5 stock match where both human players team up against a lvl 1 bowser cpu, with friendly fire on and only on cave of life stages (custom stages are the best for this). Items off because the point is to show them competitive stuff.
The winner is decided by the number of faces on the second page of the result screen (= friendly fire kills count), and if there are as many kills for each players at the end of the game (bowser's loss causes the end of the game but the time limit is short enough to get stressy time outs), then it's a tie (it's not a tourney ruleset, ties are allowed)

Basically, you must show them really obvious strategies like spiking the CPU when it dies so the kill is yours, focusing on your opponent rather than on the bowser when you're led, focusing on the bowser when you're leading, protecting the bowser, using the terrain (yup, it takes a cave of life for them to understand that brawl is not just a vs fighter, trust me)...

What they will not see : gay boring stuff that makes people flee smash. They are going to learn about that when they grow stronger. In this game mode, you have no time for camping/planking, because the led player can kill the bowser to get back a lead. And tiers. Except mk and wario, all top tiers kinda suck at this game (even though snake is ultrafun to play), and the rest of the cast is pretty much balanced. Ike is basically overgod tier, so advice your friends to pick him a couple time.

What they will see : epic 2 on 1 combos with explosions everywhere, and strategies that they can understand with little explanation (you can troll them like 'don't touch dat ball' when you want them to understand that you are focusing them in exemple). That is what casuals are looking for. Your job is to use ATs to make these explosions happen (ex : my bowserball main is Ganon, so I get to ledgecancel a lot of vBs. My second is snake, so they pretty much all went 'WTF' when I dacused in front of them for the first time)

This game has grown into an art in my circle of friends, and I've introduced it in a couple smashfests, so someday you might get to see... a combo video of it XD

Well, just try it and tell me what you think about it. And while you're at it, tell me what means did you use to try to get people into tourneys =D


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2011
I'm going to have to try this with my friends.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Make a video of this. I still don't really get it...



Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2011
Yea it does sound confusing, but it sounds like it could be helpful with this sort of thing.

Supreme Dirt

King of the Railway
Sep 28, 2009
I was gonna come in to troll... But that actually seems like a sort of neat idea.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2008
Chicago, IL
Isn't this kind of sad though? You're basically just admitting that brawl is broken and boring then you trick people into playing it via some goofy minigame. If people are turned off by stalling, gross imbalance, and slow gameplay then maybe competitive brawl just isn't for them.

This quote in particular was kind of strange, "I invented a game where both casuals and tourney goers can equally win". That's Nintendo's vision of brawl as a whole. It's like claiming you invented a form of baseball that uses bats.


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
Nupe, I was able to 1v3 them in FFAs with items until we tested this game.

People don't even imagine that playing a game in a competition is possible until you tell them. Do you really think that just telling them 'yup, it exists, just like poker tourneys but we have less TV time' allows them to understand that it's way more complicated than 'yo dawg I got them reflexes for I play the game too much' ?
No, the point is to make them understand that competitive gaming is as much about not losing than it is about winning.
You can't wonder what strategies to use if you don't know that you can use strategies, see what I mean ?
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