Well, the patch just came out the other day and though I'm pleased with the new gametype Annex, but I hate the adjustments to the game. Here's a list of comments and complaints:
-They attempted to take out all the advanced techniques, seperating good players from the noobies.
- LOL @ them finally taking out the weapon slide then an hour later everyone found a different way to do it.
-Lancer is more powerful (that's good imo)
-Shotgun a little weaker (I don't like that, but I guess it's fair), but... they took away aim leading, which I was really used to and was good at. So now my shotgun is ****. I don't plan on entering anymore MLG tournies anytime soon.
-Long jump/crab walk glitches are gone.
- The most major complaint by almost everyone and completly RUINING the game (competitvely) is the lag time while walljumping (also termed as "glue"). You now stick the ****ing wall when trying to do a walljump. For those nubbies that don't know what it is, it's when you jump on a wall and quickly come off it in the guys face with a shotgun... walljumping is also good for getting away quickly without getting killed. Well anyway, you get caught on a wall now and it's really gay.