I find it funny that people arguing against gay marriage so often end up comparing it to pedophilia or bestiality. I guess they're so set in their views that they can't even stop to see that there's a difference between a consenting adult and a cow. There's also a difference between a consenting adult and a fifteen year old girl.
I'd be interested in hearing the rest of the list.
I don't believe there are any other reasons to make it illegal for people to have sex with children. However, I also believe that the reason Xsyven gave was enough.
Pedophilia is a little bit of an extreme, but I think it illustrates the example pretty well... the argument that is for gay marriage but against pedophilia is just an arbitrary line
No, it's really not.
Young people need time to experiment with relationships. I'm not saying they need sexual experimentation either. I'm saying they need time to figure out what makes relationships work, and understand to be careful who they date, lest they be taken advantage of.
I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm going to assume you're older than fifteen. Think about the person or people you were dating or interested in dating at fifteen. Think about whether you'd like to be married to any of those people right now.
For me, the answer is no, definitely not. But I'm not sure if I'd have felt that way at fifteen.
Who cares if people are over 18? If a 15 year old and 30 year old are in "love", can you truly, with your mindset, deny them their "love"? If so, based on what premise?
Based on the premise that most fifteen year olds are not generally able to make sound decisions about relationships (as well as a lot of other things) at that age. I know I did some pretty stupid things when I was 15, and I know my friends were no different.
And no, I wouldn't deny them their love. However, I don't feel that the government needs to endorse it, either. They can just wait three years, and then get married.
Gays don't have that luxury. Under the current laws in forty eight states, it doesn't matter how long they wait. They'll never be able to get married.
Whoever said marriage shouldn't be a secular institution at all, I would agree with that
Why? It's not as if marriage is the property of the Christian church, or any church. It was first a private contract between two people, and both the state and church got themselves involved later on.
The Christian church has no right to claim sole ownership of marriage.
and the 'men's rights' vs 'women's rights' (as opposed to gay marriage vs straight marriage) was a perspective I had never thought of before too
You're wording here is a bit confusing, and I'm not sure exactly who you're replying to, but I think this is just a rephrasing of the notion you brought up earlier in this thread:
Gay people have the same rights as straight people - they are allowed to marry people of the opposite sex - just because they don't want to exercise those rights doesn't mean they should necessarily have replacement rights. Is marriage really about 'love' nowadays anyway?
The only difference is that you are now phrasing it in terms of male/female, rather than gay/straight.
If I'm correct about what you're saying, this is another example of the "separate but equal" mentality that people against gay marriage are now embracing.
But this whole "who are we to tell blah blah blah what they can blah blah blah" just doesn't cut it
Who are we to tell blah blah blah what they can blah blah blah?
Unless they're hurting other people, I don't feel we have any right to stop them.
ok I did a poor job of explaining... I'm not referring to "actual" pedophiles, who are more concerned with the quest for domination (an the targets of the age laws) - I'm referring to the "innocent" victims that said laws just happen to sideswipe (i.e. a 20 year old and 17 year old legitimately in love)
Then they wait a year. Problem solved.
No matter how long gays wait, the current laws will not allow them to marry in most states. Until recently, gays in forty nine out of the fifty states couldn't get married at all.
I'm really not sure how you can equate a law designed to protect naive children or teens from being taken advantage of with a law that is designed only to deny a minority a right which harms no one.