The only reason I stated that was for these reasons. I'm being honest here.
I was upset because of work (yay) and I vented my frustrations, I apologize.
What I didn't like was this, I read a lot of posts dissing, and bringing Ganondorf down as a character. These are opinions that anyone can have, however. Do you like it when somebody next to you disses something you love ? Takes an idea you respect and just throws it into the dirt? And if its your friend, or a friend of a friend? It hurts, doesn't it.
Well, I was a little ticked, and the fact is, this is how I saw it.
If you bash something, and keep bashing it, what do you gain? What are you doing by tearing down something like Ganondorf, a character that people like to play. You don't gain anything, you spread a paranoia that may not be true. And you also flaunt in the face of people who love the character, like me.
I'm a person who doesn't give up.
Ganondorf was high tier in brawl, but in tournaments he was low or bottom tier and thats because everyone played TOP tier, and ONLY top tier. I knew I would lose every big tournament, but I kept trying. I wrote a 27 page guide on Ganondorf, early on, won a few tournaments, and continued on to be one of the best Ganondorfs around. I didn't give up and people respected me as a Ganondorf player.
heres what Kyle said at a tournament
Somebody walked up to me and remarked to Kyle. Heh.. he plays Ganon. he said it in a way as if saying "i'll never get anywhere" and kyle said "Hey, he's got heart. More hear than you will ever have."
Do I give up? Hell no.
So when you see somebody like me, playing Ganondorf, and GAnondorf is a bad character in melee or Brawl, are you going to come up to me and tell me my character sucks? No, because you should know its like pointing yourself out as an honorless f**k. Do people like that exist in the world? There are a dime a dozen. What do I think about them?
They have their own opinions, they can do what they want.
On the fifth day of work, where your understaffed for three hours and your manager scolds you because he's angry and can't take it? ... yea, my tongue gets a little lose.
If you don't like Ganon, fine. I respect your right to share your opinion. But I don't have to listen to your garbage, I don't have to listen to your downtalking. Why don't you bring something up instead of tearing something down. Do you follow?
About three years ago I talked with my friend and I had this exact problem. I freaked out...
because you know what. This was my friend, who said I hurt his feelings by sharing my opinion... I was like, .. holy crap, I just offended my best friend by just saying how I felt... How can I .. still share my opinion, but, not hurt people?
Its a hard lesson in life. I'm not all the way there, but i'm trying.