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"Games" in With Anyone Mode


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
Do you either participate or attempt to start/end any of the various time passers in With Anyone mode? There are several, I'll list a few here, and ... yes I do partake in a few myself, though I try not to start any of them, but unfortunately that's actually difficult sometimes.


1.) AFK Basic Brawl

This one's not bad. Basically 1 player out of 4 remains AFK. The other 3 then duke it out to see who can win. There are 2 versions of this:
a.) The AFK is fair game ... this one -can- be tough, not because the AFK is an easy KO, but b/c a good player will use the AFK character to their advantage, such as pushing them off an edge to create a guaranteed edge hog, etc. though obviously against experienced players this isn't easy to pull off or even a worthwhile strategy.
b.) The AFK is NOT fair game. You'll know right away if you've entered into this room cause the moment you bag the AFK the other two gang up on you like nobody's business. Then you have to try in vain to win a FFA in which 2 vs you and the 3rd is a sitting duck, taunting you to hit it knowing full well while you waste your frame attacking it you've been blindsided and totally thrown off position. This one is kinda boring to me cause it might as well be just a 3 man FFA, but technically the presence of the AFK does make for some interesting outcomes.

2.) Item Challenge

There are too many variations on this (infinitely, I think) but the most popular ones I've seen are things like Only Pokeballs High, Only HotHead etc. That one usually attracts falcos and pits to the arena and the damage can be ridiculous, obviously... and tough to stay in if you're not good at item handling.

3.) AFK Team Battle

This one is so annoying! lol but I like to think I'm one of the few that invented a way to entertain one's self if this happens. Normally it's temporary, I'll admit I had to start dinner one night and SO paranoid about dropping the connection and not getting it back (and loving the group I was in) just went AFK for like 3 rounds. They understood.


This game requires some initial understanding and participation on the other 2 people, because one is AFK, and one is you theoretically. If you are teammates, then prepared to get wasted, lol cause more than likely the other two will definitely enjoy ganging up on you and the AFK, and unless you're really good, or they suck, you'll lose.

If you're NOT teammates, now's your chance to hint at the others what to do. You Don't fight! It becomes a 1 VS 1. Now, they might try to attack you but being a 2vs1 means it's a lot less likely. Meanwhile, while your teammate and the other is brawling, you spend your time rounding up the AFK, grab him and toss him out of harm's way, etc... so long as the end result at TIME is you have a 0 score and the AFK is 0, or at the very least, your scores are nullified... you've succeeded, and the outcome is really who was better, your team mate, or the other player.

But, unfortunetly, they don't usually get the hint, lol so you may have to do it a few times. After awhile it clicks, and you get some interesting battles. You can switch off who is baby sitting the AFK etc and voila, you actually get a great 1vs1 experience in With Anyone! It's even better if you get 4 players with their items off and the stages not dumb.

4.) Button Mash

Basically 1 or more players will button mash a particular move repeatedly and in the same stage position, if possible, for the duration of the match. This essentially adds that character and their movement combos TO the stage, thus... a kirbyciding camper on the far ledge, if you go near him, duh, he'll suck you up and spit you into KO... or try anyway ^^ uh, tornado whoring meta knight, lol UP B IKE. That one's annoying. Meh, you get the idea.

5.) Taunt Party

Yes, this is a game! It's a way to pass time in With Anyone, it's exclusive to With Anyone and it's got rules, etc. First rule, have fun? Yeah. Other than that, don't attack purposefully, otherwise you're not Taunt Partying you're Brawling. play with items, make your character do crazy acrobatics fly around the stage show off your skillz after a while you may get bored and decide you really wanna show the other 3 you're the best Brawler in there. Heh, don't even waste your time, just drop out and log back in. 9 times out of 10 your next group is going to give you a good fight. Ok maybe 3 times out of 10 but who's counting.

Uh, that's all the examples I have but I'm sure there are other "Games" people play in With Anyone.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Regarding AFKs in team battle: I was in a team battle once where one person went AFK and all of a sudden the entire match stopped. Usually I'm the only one who bothers to make it fair if someone's gone AFK, but in this case everyone did it. Everyone either taunted or wandered around idly for half a minute or so until the AFK person came back, at which point we all started fighting again.
It was remarkable. I, of course, didn't save the replay.

Edit: Another game in With Anyone is Mr. Game & Watch with energy-projectile-using partner VS everyone else.


Last King of Hollywood
Apr 21, 2009
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Very interesting post. I never really thought of someone being AFK (although it should be AFC, away from controller) as a game before. I just find it annoying in team battles because the person is always on my team and the other team never seems to clue in to the 1 vs 1 thing you mentioned. I honestly think some people just leave their game on and go off to do something else, not really caring what the other players elect to do. I suppose the other players could turn the situation into a game, but with the level of intelligence commonly encountered in With Anyone... the odds are slim in my opinion.

Another game I've come accross:

6.) Character Cloning

This is of course where one person wins or loses in stark contrast to the rest of the players, and so one or more of those players decides to play as the same character as that person. I once joined a room as Ike in a FFA and the other players were all varied characters, I believe a Pikachu and a Samus were among them, maybe a Captain Falcon was the other one. Anyways, I won that first match and remained as Ike, and sure enough, the very next match, they were all Ike as well, and for the most part they all gunned for me. It's usually just one person who thinks they're a better player of your character than you are, or just thinks they'll have a better chance of winning with a character that obviously just won.

Anyways, that's my addition.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2008
♥ My post count is my age. Deal with it.
A) Snake Mine-Games

Pretty simple stick the c4 to someone. Run around and see who gets blown up first.

B) Glitch/ AT feast

Show me your moves feast. Hyrule: Yoshi ledge down B infinite, fox/ falco laser standstill glitch, sheik's chain of sound loop.

or anywhere: Snake -dashing, ledge-dashing, dash-cancel attacks, MK's IDC, DDD and snake continuous explosion glitch, Jigg's grow permantly large in Bridge of Eldin, ROB's infinite smash attack in Bridge of Eldin, Falco's/Wolf's/Fox's close up glitch in Bridge of Eldin, the list goes off endlessly


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2009
Kamloops, BC
The only reason I go online at all is looking for a serious match, because my buddies aren't around, so I tend not to participate in these games...

...which is pretty stupid of me isn't it :D

Flawless Fan

Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2009
I ended up with one group that had an afc person. I wasn't planning on fighting so I ran way. What ended up happening was interesting. Everyone tried their best to beat the crap out of the afc person, without killing them. These are actually pretty fun.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2007
Lomita, Ca (it's in L.A.)
7) Act like you're a Level 1 cpu. Basically walk around the stage kinda slow but not to slow and hardly ever shield or dodge anyone. Also every now and then throw in a b moves, throws, or a few a moves. it's hilarious as hell when you actually kill someone like that lol.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
Stuff I've seen online:
1) Everyone decides to go Falcon or Kirby and punch in sync to their hearts content.
2) There's 1 player who only wants to brawl so everyone picks Hyrule. One of the three will challenge the brawler while the other two sit around and watch/goof off. After every match the same/different player challenges the brawler and usually ends up winning by a large margin.
3) Role playing. Everyone goes to Bridge of Eldin. Someone picks a princess and one player decides to protect her. Another player challenges the protector. It's hillarious, but extremely rare.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
5.) Taunt Party

Yes, this is a game! It's a way to pass time in With Anyone, it's exclusive to With Anyone and it's got rules, etc. First rule, have fun? Yeah. Other than that, don't attack purposefully, otherwise you're not Taunt Partying you're Brawling. play with items, make your character do crazy acrobatics fly around the stage show off your skillz after a while you may get bored and decide you really wanna show the other 3 you're the best Brawler in there. Heh, don't even waste your time, just drop out and log back in. 9 times out of 10 your next group is going to give you a good fight. Ok maybe 3 times out of 10 but who's counting.
believe it! I always try to start taunt parties, when it doesn't work I leave, most of the time tho I can't get a match because of lag in FFA
3) Role playing. Everyone goes to Bridge of Eldin. Someone picks a princess and one player decides to protect her. Another player challenges the protector. It's hillarious, but extremely rare.
EDIT: I did this once it was fun, except with mario, peach and bowser


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
Let me see...Here are some of the ones I participated in:

*Duel Battles
This is where you're on a big stage, like Temple, and choose one of the three disjointed platforms. You wait for someone, the closest one usually, to join you for a 1v1 and the other two form another. Everyone just fights until they land a KO, which leads to the person with the +1 score to self-destruct so everyone is again at zero. Keep fighting that way until sudden death, and then it becomes a match who can SD the fastest. Failure to follow these rules usually turns the match into a 3v1.

*Back & Forth
Has many ways to be played. Can be done by hitting an AFC person from one side of the stage to another until a KO is made. Another would be to reflect things over and over until you can no longer do so. Etc...

Protect someone who is AFC, so as to avoid/prevent easy KOs.

*Sync Up
Where two or more people have the same character and sync the taunts (preferably an annoying one with speech). If there is more than one, you can switch between them or sequence them.


Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
I've encountered a new one recently... what I've dubbed B BUTTON BRAWL lol basically use NOTHING but Special attacks, don't press your regular attack button at all, unless you're performing a grab..


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2009
Whenever you to spectate there is 2 Ikes.
Every game I see there is always 2 Ikes...

Usually Basic Brawl means everyone but you picks Temple,(And it ALWAYS picks Temple)
they turns on Pokeballs, one is a taunting Sonic who runs away.
I am trying to fight.
A Pikachu thinks he is koolio becasue he can use his lightning through
the ground,
And one is someone else, usually Pit,
who just attacks the person with the highest percent and runs away.

Oh ya and if you try to start a fight, if you attack Pikachu,
everyone gangs up on you...

Not very fun if you ask me.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 29, 2009
I don't do any of that, but the others have a nice game they play called "Team up on JigglyPunch". 3 against me. I almost feel sorry for them.


Stitchface King
May 13, 2009
Poulsbo, Washington
If I see someone uses Snake at least two time in a row, I'll use Zero Suit Samus and choose the Shadow Moses Island stage...see if the guy gets the hint. XD

Same goes with other pairings of course.

Mario/Bowser/DK = Peach
Luigi = Peach with Daisy color
Kirby/Meta Knight/Pikachu/Pok'e Mon Trainer/Lucario = Jigglypuff (the hat depends on the character)
Snake/Captain Falcon/Fox/Falco/Wolf = Zero Suit Samus (it's amazing how much the Wolf players howl)
Popo-leading Ice Climbers/Olimar/Wario/Toon Link/Ness/Lucas = Nana-leading Ice Climbers
Link/Ganondorf/Marth/Pit/Shiek = Zelda (lol, yes, Shiek. XD)

and just for the heck of it...

Ike = Marth (XD)

If people get to bothered with it though, I replace Marth with Zelda.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I don't like when someone's AFC and some noob kills them for easy points

Darkrai Lv.1000

Smash Cadet
Feb 17, 2009
Somewhere in Kalos
I play With Anyone just to goof off now, and here are a few "games" and goofs me and my "goof off group I luckily come across" play:

Sudden Death Suicide (I made the names up):

Pretty much goof off until the two minutes run out, then wait until Sudden Death. We then jump off the stage to try to kill ourselves before anyone else. The person who "won" the Sudden Death loses.

Dodge the Bombings:

Wait for Sudden Death again by goofing off. Wait for the bombs to drop, and dodge the best you can. The last man alive obtains "victory status".

Crouch Communication:

A form of goofing off. We just crouch multiple times like the characters are talking to each other, sometimes taunting to make it funnier.

Kill the Disruptor:

Sometimes a fellow goofer disconnects, then another person joins, who only wants to fight. Everyone then gangs up on said "disruptor" until he/she "gets the hint" or joins the goof party.

If I meet a fighting group, I either drop out or try to start a goof off party using Bowser and sometimes side B people off the stage, even with Giga Bowser.

To people who play With Anyone just to Brawl: Try goofing off! It's actually pretty fun once you try it. Why fight on With Anyone? You can do the same thing offline with CPUs. I used to be just like you, until I was converted. XD


Bothered? By what? Isn't Marth a girl?
Like I said in another thread somewhere around this site:

Marth is a dude. He just looks female. ...Yeah. That's it.
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