Aight guys im a little late on my shout outs but i dont have a ****ing comp XD...
Suspect:A. your pefect the way you are(no Homo dou) B. nasty *** Kirby bro we should played again for dibs on 7th but i repcet you and your a worthy rival.
GREY FOX!:dude your the beast from the east with that zelda man just spam alittle more lawl tourney match and fun friendlies..
Jowii & Whasp:you guys are much meeting you guys and keep up brawling
Hylian & Phantom X: you guys taught me so much(well hylian anyway)..thanks for housing me, being awsome, and driving me to the **** place. XD
K Prime: jesus dude great were throwing me off with that pikaslide..good tourney matches man your a smart player
AND EVERYONE ELS: thanks for showing and thanks for hostin.. see you guys next month